👩💻Job board for Flutter™, Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful apps for mobile, web & desktop
Full Stack Developer Mobile Gaming (m/w/d)
Please note: Fluency in German (C1 level) is mandatory for this position.
Bei Lotum konzipieren, entwickeln und betreiben wir Mobile Games für Android, iOS und Facebook. Unser Ziel ist es, in kleinen Teams Produkte von großer Bedeutung zu erschaffen, die jeden Tag Millionen Freund:innen und Familien gemeinsam spielen. Unsere Spiele wie 4 Bilder 1 Wort und Quiz Planet wurden schon in 27 Sprachen von über 800 Millionen Nutzer:innen weltweit installiert. Möchtest du Teil unseres Erfolgs werden und mit deiner Arbeit Menschen auf der ganzen Welt begeistern?
Mit welchen Technologien wir arbeiten? Das entscheiden und hinterfragen die Game Teams selbst. Neugier, Wissensdurst und Pragmatismus helfen uns dabei. Aktuell heißt das konkret:
- Zwei Projekte setzen stark auf Webtechnologien: TypeScript mit Vue.js im Frontend. Im Backend setzen wir hier bei einem Game auf TypeScript in einer Node.js-Umgebung und auf Kotlin für das andere Game.
- Ein Projekt wird mit Flutter und Dart entwickelt. Dart kommt dort auch im Backend zum Einsatz.
- Das Ganze wird von der Google Cloud unterstützt und neben den Google-Technologien Firestore, BigTable, BigQuery, Cloud Run und Cloud Build sind dort Redis, Docker und Kubernetes im Einsatz.
- Automatisiert wird durch Codemagic, GitHub Actions und Fasttrack.
Was dich bei uns erwartet:
- Der wichtigste Teil des Unternehmens ist unser menschlich und fachlich herausragendes Team.
- Wir genießen enorme Freiheit und arbeiten ausschließlich an unseren eigenen Games. Jedes Team setzt dabei die Technologien und Arbeitsmethoden ein, die es für sinnvoll hält.
- Wir sind komplett eigenfinanziert und darauf fokussiert als Firma und für unsere Mitarbeiter ständig besser zu werden, ohne dass uns dabei jemand reinreden kann. Wir sind nur unseren Usern und uns selbst verpflichtet.
- Wir lernen - jeden Tag und auf allen Ebenen. Eine leane und testgetriebene Herangehensweise ist tief in unserer DNA verwurzelt.
- Wir ermutigen jeden sich kontinuierlich weiterzubilden.
Deine Aufgaben:
- Du entwickelst Mobile Games mit Webtechnologien, die täglich Millionen Menschen weltweit auf Facebook, iOS und Android begeistern.
- Du planst, gestaltest und setzt eigenständig neue Features um.
- Du arbeitest in einem agilen Umfeld mit anderen Top-Entwicklern und Produkt-Designern.
- Du evaluierst und bringst neue technologischen Möglichkeiten, um zukunftsweisende Produkte zu entwickeln.
- Du stillst deinen Wissensdurst auf zielgerichtete Art und Weise, hebst deine eigenen Skills auf ein neues Level und lässt andere daran teilhaben.
Dein Profil:
- Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung.
- Du konntest bereits Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung komplexer webbasierter Projekte sammeln.
- Du bringst sehr gute Kenntnisse in TypeScript oder JavaScript mit.
- Mit HTML5 und CSS3 bist du vertraut.
- Du zeichnest dich durch hervorragendes Transferdenken und Gespür für eleganten, einfach wartbaren Code aus.
- Du liebst die Zusammenarbeit in einem Team aus großartigen Kollegen.
- Erfahrung mit Vue.js
- Erfahrung in der nativen Entwicklung von iOS-Apps (Swift) oder Android-Apps (Kotlin)
Unsere Vorteile:
- Dynamische Projekte und kurze Entwicklungszyklen mit den neuesten Technologien
- Freie Wahl deiner Arbeitsgeräte und Tools
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Home Office möglich
- Modernes, 1.800 qm großes Büro in direkter Bahnhofsnähe, mit kostenfreien Parkplätzen; 30 Minuten nördlich von Frankfurt
- Boarding Wohnung
- Tägliches kostenloses Mittagessen aus der Region sowie Obst und Getränke
- Viele Weiterbildungsangebote wie Konferenzen, Seminare, Fachliteratur und individuelle Forschungstage
Klingt spannend, aber du hast noch offene Fragen? Klären wir gerne direkt per Mail: [email protected] oder telefonisch (06032 925507 15)!
Du möchtest gemeinsam mit netten, kreativen Menschen Hits für ein weltweites Publikum erschaffen? Dann werde Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte und präge großartige Produkte, die täglich Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt Freude bereiten!
Wir freuen uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive deiner Abitur-, Hochschul- und Arbeitszeugnisse, deiner Gehaltsvorstellung und deines frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins.
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PHP Entwickler (m/w/d) mit Google Flutter Skills
BEFRISTUNG unbefristet
GESELLSCHAFT Fashion Digital GmbH & Co. KG
EINSATZORT Zentrale Düsseldorf
Wir sind Zahlenjongleure und Trendsetter, Zukunftsgestalter und Wertebewahrer, Konzeptentwickler und Ärmelhochkrempler, Leistungsträger und Teamplayer & so viel mehr. Werden Sie Teil unserer Unternehmensgruppe und starten Sie Ihre Karriere bei der Fashion Digital GmbH & Co. KG, einer Schwestergesellschaft der Peek & Cloppenburg KG mit Sitz in Düsseldorf. Die Fashion Digital plant, projektiert, entwickelt, konfiguriert und betreibt als unser zentraler IT-Dienstleister effiziente Systeme und Anwendungen entlang unserer Wertschöpfungskette.
- Konzeptionierung, (Weiter-)Entwicklung und Betrieb bestehender und neuer Anwendungen
- App-Entwicklung mit Google Flutter und der Programmiersprache Dart
- Beratung des Anforderers bzw. Fachbereichs bei der Lösungsgestaltung
- Verantwortung für Software-Design, Programmierung, Code-Reviews, Testing, Deployment und Wartung
- Integration und Migration von Anwendungen auf eine moderne Plattform mit Docker und Kubernetes
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der App-Entwicklung mit Google Flutter/Dart
- Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung mit PHP auf OOP Basis
- Skills im Umgang mit einem PHP-Framework (idealerweise Symfony) sowie in relationalen Datenbanken (MySQL/MariaDB)
- Erfahrungen mit Versionskontrollsystemen (GIT), Deploymentprozessen sowie mit automatisierten Tests (PHPUnit)
- Gute Kenntnisse von Linux/Unix Systemen und sicherer Umgang mit Konsole sowie mit Atlassian Tools wie Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket
- Erfahrung mit Web-Services (REST und SOAP), Apache Kafka, Docker
- Vielfältige Projekte in einem der erfolgreichsten Modeunternehmen Europas
- Dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld geprägt von Teamorientierung und Eigenverantwortung
- Persönliche und professionelle Weiterbildung
- Individuelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- Attraktiver Arbeitsplatz in sehr guter Lage
- Kultur-, Sport- und Gesundheitsangebote sowie Firmenticket und Corporate Benefits
- Flexibles Arbeiten: Home Office & Büro
MEHR INFOS karriere.peek-cloppenburg.de
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Senior Web/Mobile Developer (m/w/d)
Please note: Fluency in German (C1 level) is mandatory for this position.
Du möchtest gerne mit Leuten zusammenarbeiten, die wissen wovon sie sprechen? Du hast keine Lust mehr auf Office-Politik und möchtest lieber produktive Gespräche über die Weiterentwicklung deiner Produkte und deines Teams führen? Du möchtest Teil eines Teams von Menschen werden, die großartige Produkte bauen statt große Töne zu spucken?
Bei Lotum konzipieren, entwickeln und betreiben wir Mobile Games für iOS, Android und die Facebook-Plattform. Unsere Mission ist es Spiele zu kreieren, die man in Sekunden erlernt und nie mehr vergisst. Mit unserem 35-köpfigen Team haben wir Spiele erschaffen, die bereits über 800 Millionen Menschen begeistert haben. Unser Motto: Small team - big impact.
Was dich bei uns erwartet:
- Der wichtigste Teil des Unternehmens ist unser menschlich und fachlich herausragendes Team.
- Wir genießen enorme Freiheit und arbeiten ausschließlich an unseren eigenen Games. Jedes Team setzt dabei die Technologien und Arbeitsmethoden ein, die es für sinnvoll hält.
- Wir sind komplett eigenfinanziert und darauf fokussiert als Firma und für unsere Mitarbeiter ständig besser zu werden, ohne dass uns dabei jemand reinreden kann. Wir sind nur unseren Usern und uns selbst verpflichtet.
- Wir lernen - jeden Tag und auf allen Ebenen. Eine leane und testgetriebene Herangehensweise ist tief in unserer DNA verwurzelt.
- Wir ermutigen jeden sich kontinuierlich weiterzubilden.
Deine Aufgaben:
- Du entwickelst Mobile Games mit Webtechnologien, die täglich Millionen Menschen weltweit auf Facebook, iOS und Android begeistern.
- Du bist Know-How-Träger und Vorreiter bei wichtigen Entscheidungen rund um Technologie, Architektur und Implementierung.
- Du planst, gestaltest und setzt eigenständig neue Features um.
- Du arbeitest in einem agilen Umfeld mit anderen Top-Entwicklern und Produkt-Designern.
- Du evaluierst und bringst neue technologischen Möglichkeiten, um zukunftsweisende Produkte zu entwickeln
- Du stillst deinen Wissensdurst auf zielgerichtete Art und Weise, hebst deine eigenen Skills auf ein neues Level und lässt andere daran teilhaben.
Dein Profil:
- Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung.
- Du konntest bereits mehrere Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung komplexer webbasierter Projekte sammeln.
- Du bringst sehr gute Kenntnisse in TypeScript oder JavaScript mit.
- Mit HTML5 und CSS3 bist du vertraut.
- Hervorragendes Transferdenken und Gespür für eleganten, einfach wartbaren Code zeichnen dich aus.
- Du hast eine fundierte Meinung bei Architekturfragen.
- Du lebst eine offene und wertschätzende Kommunikation.
- Du liebst die Zusammenarbeit in einem Team aus großartigen Kollegen.
- Erfahrung mit vue.js, node.js, Flutter oder Dart
- Erfahrung in der nativen Entwicklung von iOS-Apps (Swift) oder Android-Apps (Kotlin)
Unsere Benefits:
- Dynamische Projekte und kurze Entwicklungszyklen mit den neuesten Technologien
- Freie Wahl deiner Arbeitsgeräte und Tools
- Home Office und Remote Work möglich
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Modernes, 1.800 qm großes Büro in direkter Bahnhofsnähe, mit kostenfreien Parkplätzen; 30 Minuten nördlich von Frankfurt
- Boarding Wohnung
- Täglich kostenloses Mittagessen aus der Region sowie Obst und Getränke
- Viele Weiterbildungsangebote wie Konferenzen, Seminare, Fachliteratur und individuelle Forschungstage
Klingt spannend, aber du hast noch offene Fragen? Klären wir gerne direkt per Mail: [email protected] oder telefonisch (06032 925507 15)!
Du möchtest gemeinsam mit netten, kreativen Menschen Hits für ein weltweites Publikum erschaffen? Dann werde Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte und präge großartige Produkte, die täglich Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt Freude bereiten!
Wir freuen uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive deiner Abitur-, Hochschul- und Arbeitszeugnisse, deiner Gehaltsvorstellung und deines frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins.
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Flutter Developer
Do you want to work with Flutter and help us make pension fun, easy and hassel-free? We are looking for a developer who wants to improve and take our app to the next level!
What you’ll be doing:
Your main responsibility will be to take ownership of our app. The app is written in Flutter, so you’ll need to be comfortable and have knowledge of that language. Today the application’s foundation is set and it works well, but there are a lot of things that can still be improved. Right now the work contains making improvements, come up with new ideas and work with our UX to make it more user-friendly.
Is this you?
We believe you have worked with Flutter before and have an interest in learning more. It is also meriting if you have worked with or have an interest in Go. At Pensionera we value the mindset more than anything and we think that you might recognize these traits in yourself:
- You like creative problem solving to find the best possible balance between technical possibilities/constraints, business value and customer need
- You take pride in your work and value freedom under responsibility
- You’re a fast learner and you like trying out new things
- You cherish your work-life balance and you care about both your colleagues and yourself
- You enjoy being challenged and finding new solutions.
This is us!
Pensionera is a Fintech company, rolling at high speed to help our customers get a better insight into their future pension. We provide an effective market space, where our customers will be able to affect and increase their pension. Currently, we’re about 10 developers working in two streams, one focused on customer-facing products and one on internal tooling and infrastructure. Both streams are expanding and we need driven and caring new team members to join us. We can offer you an entrepreneurial environment with plenty of room to grow as a professional and work with caring and skilled team members to learn from. We have flexible working hours, free breakfast, access to gym, pension and insurance plan according to ITP1, private healthcare plan and a lot more.
About Pensioneras system:
As you already know, the app is built in Flutter, but it might be interesting to know more about the whole system. The system is built in Go, with persistence handled by MariaDB (on AWS Aurora) and MongoDB. Other prominent technologies include protobuf, CoreOS, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, Loki and Grafana. The system consists of 16 microservices, plus two graphical interfaces and a mobile application. The front-end systems (internal CRM and a public website) are built in React and VueJS respectively. CI is handled in GitLab, hosted on AWS on Kubernetes, including a Docker repository.
Good to know
The position as Flutter Developer is full-time and our office is located at Vasagatan 16, Stockholm. Unfortunately, we are unable to sponsor a visa or offer a full-remote position. To apply, link you Linkedin or send us your CV in either English or Swedish.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
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Senior Flutter Engineer (Insights Team)
Building apps for one platform is pretty awesome. But building them cross-platform using a single codebase is even better, right? At funda, we’re shaking things up a bit. We are moving from native Android and iOS to cross-platform development with Flutter. This allows us to develop new features for both web and app even more smoothly. We’re looking for a Senior Flutter Engineer who knows how to work with Flutter and enjoys working with it as much as we do.
As a Software Engineer at funda you can proudly say you work on a top-10 ranked app in the Netherlands, used by millions of people. But we’re more than ‘just’ a well-known marketplace: you get the chance to help others with all the important things that come with buying or selling a home, whilst working with the latest technology. According to your new colleague Daniar, that’s the challenging but fun part. “Flutter allows us to build native apps, but the whole team is pretty new to the technology. We’re learning together and you can set an example for us.”
Your job
Whether it’s Waardecheck (a tool to estimate the value of your home) or neighbourhood information (learning more about a neighbourhood): you’ll be building new features for our consumers in Flutter in conjunction with our front-end and mobile developers. The mission of your team is to give users insights into the listing, market situation and the location.
Your team
Within our Insights Team, there will be plenty of room for new ideas, experimentation, trial and error, and on-the-spot learning. Your colleagues are: Zishan and Daniar (Front-end Developers), Melvin and John, Rick (UX designer) and Jorian (Product Owner).
Your profile
You have a ton of exciting ideas and are not afraid to break through barriers to make them see the light of day. Collaboration is a keyword in your career – you get inspired by working together with other teams, and you know communication is more than just answering the questions other people ask you.
Apart from having an awesome personality, here are some requirements we are looking for:
- You work and think like someone with a bachelor's/master’s degree
- You have a minimum of 5 years' experience in a similar job position including some years of Android development (as you will sometimes have to touch native code as we make the transition)
- You have at least 1 year of experience with Flutter
- You have experience building and monitoring (high-volume) web platforms
- You have great communication skills
- You are decisive, structured and act from a helicopter view
- Working in an agile working environment holds no secrets for you
- You like working with and within a team.
This is what we offer
Funda offers you one of the most challenging jobs in your field. Whether you work in the office or from home, we’ll make sure that funda feels like home to you. On location, you and your colleagues work in the heart of Amsterdam, with our own ‘funda square’ and an unobstructed view of the IJ river. If you work from home, you’ll stay connected to your colleagues through Microsoft Teams, and we’ll make sure you’ve got everything you need for your home office.
You’ll be working with more than 140 great (international) minds, who will make you feel welcome from the start. To us, it’s only logical to take good care of our talents, and therefore of you. If you come to work with us, we offer you:
- An excellent salary with an annual bonus scheme and 25 days off (you can buy more days if you need them).
- Flexible working hours.
- Reimbursements for your telephone, home internet, travel expenses, gym and part of your pension.
- Heavenly chair massages 6 times a year (at the office, during working hours).
- Chef-prepared fresh lunch every day (when you’re in the office), ranging from soups to salads, fresh bread rolls from the baker and a snack every Friday.
- Dinners, team outings, drinks and a birthday present. And during lockdown periods, funda offers great virtual alternatives.
- The opportunity to attend conferences and take courses and classes, because at funda, we believe that learning never stops. You can also get your creative juices flowing during our hackathons.
We like to act swiftly at funda. So here’s what you can expect from us:
Get started
You can apply by sending your CV and cover letter (or video) via the application button.
Into the next round? Then one of our recruiters will invite you for a telephone screening.
And then...
If you have passed the telephone screening (and technical exercise), we will schedule that first job interview with you as soon as possible. You can expect a maximum of 2 rounds of interviews.
To case or not to case
For this vacancy, after a successful telephone screening, we will invite you to do a technical exercise.
We take COVID-19 very seriously. Most funda employees are working from home. However, this does not stop us from striving for a swift and enjoyable recruitment process. Our procedures haven’t changed, they just happen virtually. Our recruiters will stay in touch with you, every step of the way.
We prefer applications from EU/EEA citizens, who do not need a work permit for the Netherlands.
We do not wish to be contacted by recruitment agencies about this vacancy. No rights can be derived from CVs that are supplied unsolicited.
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Software Engineer - Flutter/ Angular (m/w/d)
Software Engineer - Flutter/ Angular (m/w/d) bei MWAY:
- Du entwickelst gemeinsam im agilen Team moderne Frontends wie Flutter, Angular und Ionic Apps, Web Applikationen und Portale (schwerpunktmäßig im B2B und B2E Umfeld)
- Du treibst mit dem Team abwechslungsreiche Projekte oder neue Features voran und beteiligst dich bei der Konzeption oder Technologie-Auswahl. Außerdem erarbeitest du mit Kolleg:innen aus dem Backend-Team die optimale Schnittstelle bspw. mit REST oder GraphQL
- Du bringst deine persönliche Erfahrung und dein Knowhow ein, um bestehende App und Portal-Lösungen zu optimieren oder auf die dafür beste Technologie umzustellen
- Du führst Code-Reviews von Pull-/Merge-Requests durch, um die Knowhow-Verteilung und die Code-Qualität im Team kontinuierlich zu verbessern
- Zudem setzt du Impulse zur Optimierung der Entwicklungs-, Continuous Integration (CI) und Continuous Delivery (CD) Prozesse, um dadurch die Gesamtlösung und den Betrieb langfristig auf ein neues Niveau zu heben
- Du erweiterst den Code mit (automatisierten) Tests, damit dir (deine) „Bugfixes“ die Arbeit des Tages nicht durch neue Bugs zerschießen ;)
Was bringst du idealerweise mit?
- Große Leidenschaft fürs Programmieren und die Themenwelten rund um moderne Softwareentwicklung
- Teamplayer mit ausgeprägtem Verantwortungsbewusstsein
- Idealerweise bereits 1-2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Framework-gestützten Frontend-Entwicklung mit modernen Webtechnologien (bspw. Flutter, Angular, Ionic, etc.)
- Erfahrung bei der Konzeption und Anbindung von RESTful- und/oder GraphQL-APIs
- Interesse an mobilen Applikationen sowie ansprechenden und intuitiven Bedienkonzepten
- Ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung, gerne auch als Quereinsteiger und self-taught Developer
- Qualitätsbewusstsein mit praktischer Erfahrung in Testing-Konzepten (bspw. Unit, Integration, etc.)
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Front-end Flutter Engineer (Accounts Team)
So, you want to work with the latest technology on solutions that have an impact on millions of users every day? As a Front-end Developer at funda, you’ll work together with your fellow team members to create a personalized experience for our users across different platforms (apps and web). By doing this, you will cater to their specific needs and help them find their dream home.
Just as some of our users might be busy with moving to their next home, we’re moving systems. We’re improving our users' app experience by moving from native (Swift / Kotlin / Java) to Flutter. Flutter allows us to have one single codebase so we can roll out new features at the same pace. Therefore, we’re looking for a Front-end Engineer who works with Flutter and enjoys working with it as much as we do. It's about building interfaces, and writing less code. Your new colleague Arturo knows all about it. “The Accounts Team is the newest development team at funda. It's exciting to start with a greenfield project. Together with a group of really awesome colleagues, you’ll be offering our millions of visitors a unique and personal experience.”
Your job
Because everyone who’s looking for a house has specific needs, your team helps to meet these needs and personalize user experiences. You will work on:
- Making the funda account central in the apps for funda users
- Tailor-made features for individual searches
- Personalized features for millions of users
- Personalized recommendations and email campaigns
Your team
You’ll be part of our new Accounts team, which will pioneer Flutter in the organization. This team consists of Arturo (full stack), Ivana (front-end), and your brand-new Product Owner. You will work in a multidisciplinary way, mostly with UX, QA and Marketing, but also with the Data team.
Your profile
You’re not a programmer who sits in the corner and writes code. You like getting things done, together. You also recognize yourself in the following:
- You work and think like someone with a bachelor's/master’s degre
- You have at least 3 years of relevant front-end development experience
- You have experience with Flutter (must)
- You have experience with building (high-volume) website
- You know how to work with Microservices: we use Dotnet core 5 (latest version), Kubernetes and Microsoft Azure
- You have experience with HTML, CSS and Javascript (Vue.js)
- You have great communication skills
- Your work is testable
- You have experience building responsive email campaigns
- Working in an agile working environment holds no secrets for you
- You like working with and within a team.
This is what we offer
Funda offers you one of the most challenging jobs in your field. Whether you work in the office or from home, we’ll make sure that funda feels like home to you. On location, you and your colleagues work in the heart of Amsterdam in our own ‘funda square’ with an unobstructed view of the IJ river. If you work from home, you’ll stay connected to your colleagues through Microsoft Teams, and we’ll make sure you’ve got everything you need for your home office.
You’ll be working with more than 140 great (international) minds, who will make you feel welcome from the start. To us, it’s only logical to take good care of our talents, and therefore of you. If you come to work with us, we offer you:
- An excellent salary with an annual bonus scheme and 25 days off (you can buy more days if you need them).
- Flexible working hours.
- Reimbursements for your telephone, home internet, travel expenses, gym and part of your pension.
- Heavenly chair massages 6 times a year (at the office, during working hours).
- Chef-prepared fresh lunch every day (when you’re in the office), ranging from soups to salads, fresh bread rolls from the baker and a snack every Friday.
- Dinners, team outings, drinks and a birthday present. And during lockdown periods, funda offers great virtual alternatives.
- The opportunity to attend conferences and take courses and classes, because at funda, we believe that learning never stops. You can also get your creative juices flowing during our hackathons.
We like to act swiftly at funda. So here’s what you can expect from us:
Get started
You can apply by sending your CV and cover letter (or video) via the application button.
Into the next round? Then one of our recruiters will invite you for a telephone screening.
And then...
If you have passed the telephone screening (and technical exercise), we will schedule that first job interview with you as soon as possible. You can expect a maximum of 2 rounds of interviews.
To case or not to case
For this vacancy, after a successful telephone screening, we will invite you to do a technical exercise.
We take COVID-19 very seriously. Most funda employees are working from home. However, this does not stop us from striving for a swift and enjoyable recruitment process. Our procedures haven’t changed; they just happen virtually. Our recruiters will stay in touch with you, every step of the way.
We prefer applications from EU/EEA citizens, who do not need a work permit for the Netherlands.
We do not wish to be contacted by recruitment agencies about this vacancy. No rights can be derived from CVs that are supplied unsolicited.
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Senior Flutter Engineer (Platform Apps Team)
So, you want to work with the newest technology and make an impact on the lives of millions of people? You’re in the right place. Funda is improving its user app experience by working cross-platform, using a single codebase (Flutter). This allows us to fill in the gaps between web and apps, and enjoy even smoother collaboration. We’re looking for a Senior Software Engineer who’s up for a challenge and will define the baseline for how we integrate Flutter modules with native apps.
You’ll be responsible for the integration of Flutter modules to native apps, and you'll enable teams to build Flutter modules and address platform-specific topics such as mobile architecture, CI/CD and Analytics. Sounds good? It is. According to your new colleague Rajat, this is the place where you make impact. “By joining the Platform Apps Team, you make a shift from an engineer that builds awesome features on mobile apps, to an engineer that enables other engineers to build awesome features on mobile apps. You help engineers with the necessary tooling, coach them and build modules to accelerate development. You don’t make impact; you are the impact.”
Your job
As we said above, your main tasks will be developing features in Flutter as well in native Swift. You’ll be responsible for migrating key components of the base apps to Flutter, while fixing bugs in the blink of an eye.
Your team
We’ve been working with dedicated iOS and Android apps team for as long as we can remember, but we’re shaking things up a bit by combining mobile and web development in our various teams. To support our teams to build Flutter modules and integrate those modules in our apps, we have started a new platform team. You’ll be part of this Platform Apps team, which has doubled in size since the iOS and Android teams joined forces. There will be plenty of room for new ideas, experimentation, trial and error, and on-the-spot learning. Your colleagues will be: Rajat (App Developer), Maarten (Service Owner) and Kateryna (QA Engineer).
Your profile
You have a ton of exciting ideas and are not afraid to break through barriers to make them see the light of day. Collaboration is a keyword in your career – you get inspired by working together with other teams, and you know communication is more than just answering the questions other people ask you. You actively look for feedback and you are not afraid of a steep learning curve – the world of real estate agents has many secrets for those who start.
Apart from having an awesome personality, here are some requirements we are looking for:
- You work and think like someone with a bachelor's/master’s degree
- You have a minimum of 5 years' experience in a similar job position, including some years of iOS development (as you will sometimes have to touch native code as we make the transition)
- You have at least 1 year of experience with Flutter
- You have experience building and monitoring mobile apps
- You know how to set up the architecture for a mobile app
- You have experience with developing new features in Flutter
- You have knowledge of back-end systems, preferably .NET Core
- You have great communication skills
- Working in an agile working environment holds no secrets for you
- You like working with and within a team.
This is what we offer
Funda offers you one of the most challenging jobs in your field. Whether you work in the office or from home, we’ll make sure that funda feels like home to you. On location, you and your colleagues work in the heart of Amsterdam, with our own ‘funda square’ and an unobstructed view of the IJ river. If you work from home, you’ll stay connected to your colleagues through Microsoft Teams, and we’ll make sure you’ve got everything you need for your home office.
You’ll be working with more than 140 great (international) minds, who will make you feel welcome from the start. To us, it’s only logical to take good care of our talents, and therefore of you. If you come to work with us, we offer you:
- An excellent salary with an annual bonus scheme and 25 days off (you can buy more days if you need them).
- Flexible working hours.
- Reimbursements for your telephone, home internet, travel expenses, gym and part of your pension.
- Heavenly chair massages 6 times a year (at the office, during working hours).
- Chef-prepared fresh lunch every day (when you’re in the office), ranging from soups to salads, fresh bread rolls from the baker and a snack every Friday.
- Dinners, team outings, drinks and a birthday present. And during lockdown periods, funda offers great virtual alternatives.
- The opportunity to attend conferences and take courses and classes, because at funda, we believe that learning never stops. You can also get your creative juices flowing during our hackathons.
We like to act swiftly at funda. So here’s what you can expect from us:
Get started
You can apply by sending your CV and cover letter (or video) via the application button.
Into the next round? Then one of our recruiters will invite you for a telephone screening.
And then...
If you have passed the telephone screening (and technical exercise), we will schedule that first job interview with you as soon as possible. You can expect a maximum of 2 rounds of interviews.
To case or not to case
For this vacancy, after a successful telephone screening, we will invite you to do a technical exercise.
We take COVID-19 very seriously. Most funda employees are working from home. However, this does not stop us from striving for a swift and enjoyable recruitment process. Our procedures haven’t changed, they just happen virtually. Our recruiters will stay in touch with you, every step of the way.
We prefer applications from EU/EEA citizens, who do not need a work permit for the Netherlands.
We do not wish to be contacted by recruitment agencies about this vacancy. No rights can be derived from CVs that are supplied unsolicited.
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Senior Engineer (Backend, Frontend or Mobile) at Juit
Juit, is a company founded at Oetker Digital, that combines state of the art technology, design, cooking craft and nutritional science to deliver high-quality hand cooked meals to offices and homes.
Share our passion for high-quality software engineering and become part of Juit.
Your Future:
- You will be joining a small team of extremely talented, highly driven and result oriented engineers and your experience will strengthen our backend, frontend or mobile engineering capabilities
- You will take ownership of part of our stack, and drive its development following the latest standards and technologies, ensuring extremely high level of quality through unit, functional and integration testing
- You will be exposed and contribute to the design and development of all areas of our platform, as we promote code sharing and reuse between frontend, backend and mobile apps
- You will be learning new approaches and technologies, as we keep all our stack working on bleeding-edge frameworks, and promote innovation through the adoption of the latest technologies, libraries and solutions
- You will be using and contributing to open source projects and libraries, as we strongly believe openness, collaboration and community engagement are key to our success
Your Strengths:
- Deep understanding of JavaScript (ES2020) *AND* TypeScript 4
- Knowledge of popular testing frameworks (Mocha, Chai)
- Expertise in source analysis tools (Istanbul, NYC, ESLint)
- Knowledge of REST-APIs (theory and modelling)
- Excellent communication skills with a passion for technical discussions
- Strong analytical skills and a mindset to get things done
- Backend specific: Node 12 and 14, AWS Lambda, Postgres, DynamoDB (and overall AWS ecosystem)
- Frontend specific: Vue 2 and 3, WebPack 5, and familiarity with NodeJS
- Mobile specific: NativeScript 7 and 8, WebPack, Vue 2, and familiarity with NodeJS
- Fluent in English
Our Stack:
- TypeScript 4 (ES2020) everywhere
- Backend: Node 14 (on AWS Lambda)
- Frontend: Vue 3
- Mobile: NativeScript 8
- CI/CD: 100 % automation w/ GitHub Actions
- Orchestration: Terraform
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Senior Mobile Engineer (Flutter)
Gumtree was founded in 2000 by two friends to build a community where people could find everything they needed and today Gumtree is still one of the UK’s largest online classifieds sites. At Gumtree we make good finds happen because we believe everything can find a new purpose and that’s why we want to make buying and selling second hand safer, simpler and more enjoyable for everyone.
In 2019 motors.co.uk joined Gumtree to grow the online car sales offering. At motors.co.uk we believe a car can help people get more out of life and it is our ambition to help everybody find the right car, confidently and with peace of mind. That’s why we are transforming motors.co.uk into the preferred destination to find a car, so people can spend less time searching and more time living.
Across our businesses we are: customer powered, we innovate with purpose and we are real people who deliver with impact.
Gumtree UK & Motors.co.uk are embarking on a significant business transformation project and requires an experienced Mobile Engineer to join our team of engineers at eCG to join a greenfield project to create a multi-tenant app that can serve both Gumtree.com and Motors.co.uk to completely re-do our apps from scratch. As a hands-on senior engineer you will be involved in everything from writing code to developing our cross-platform strategies.
Main Requirements
- At least one year of experience developing cross platform apps with Flutter
- Highly experienced in developing, building, testing and releasing apps
- Experience setting up automated continuous delivery pipelines (e.g. Fastlane)
- Highly experienced in delivering quality, testable code that is clear, concise, well-documented and adheres to commercial standards
- Experience with RESTful APIs to connect mobile applications to back-end services
- Extensive experience in delivering high performing clean code
- Experience in Clean architecture
- Experience in automated unit, integration, component and UI testing
- Experience in BDD, Cucumber and Espresso
- Experience in multiple module projects
- Experience mentoring other engineers
Key Personal Skills
- Excellent communication skills in English, both technical and non-technical
- Hands on, willing to roll up your sleeves and help the team succeed
- Self-motivated, always seeking to continuously improve
- Comfortable providing and receiving constructive feedbacks, particularly while participating in code reviews
- Familiar working in Agile teams and delivering software using Agile methodologies
- Ability to technically direct a team and develop strategies for the future
- Work with senior stakeholders
Additional Interests
- Experience developing native apps iOS/Android in the past at Senior Level
- Experience with other cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Angular Ionic apps
- Experience with BFF microservice pattern is desirable
- Experience with Firebase and Google Cloud Platform
What we offer:
- Meaningful work with diverse, international, highly skilled and passionate teams which give you the chance to make a difference in our customers’ lives.
- International career opportunities throughout Adevinta*.
- Competitive compensation, conference & education budget. We value your personal and professional development.
- A healthy work-life balance, i.e. part-time work, an additional paid parental leave time, flexible working hours including working from home options.
- A great atmosphere, open-minded company culture with several social team activities (online and offline).
Benefits are an essential part of your total compensation for the work you do every day. Whether you’re single, in a growing family, or nearing retirement, we offer a variety of comprehensive and competitive benefit programs to meet your needs.
People and their health and well-being are our first priority. We continue to monitor local government guidance and partner closely with medical advisors to determine the safest and best next steps for everyone. As a result, most teams are working remotely, with a few teams able to collaborate in person with enhanced safety procedures. We will discuss the particular case for your region during the interview process. As a general rule, interviews will be completed remotely over video calls.
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Mobile App Developer m/w/d
Mobile App Developer m/w/d
VOLLZEIT | Reutlingen, Deutschland | Mit Berufserfahrung | 15.07.21
WAFIOS zählt weltweit zu den führenden Unternehmen des Spezialmaschinenbaus. Wir entwickeln, konstruieren und fertigen technisch anspruchsvolle Maschinen für die Draht- und Rohrverarbeitung und Kaltmassivumformung. Mit unseren Maschinen produzieren unsere Kunden für die unterschiedlichsten Industrie- und Lebensbereiche. Auch im Bereich E-Mobilität sind unsere Maschinen wichtiger Bestandteil für die Umsetzung des Technologiewandels. Weltweit beschäftigen wir rund 1.000 Mitarbeiter/-innen in einer modernen Arbeitswelt mit viel Freiraum für Kreativität und persönliche Entwicklung.
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Neu- und Weiterentwicklung im Rahmen der Digitalisierung von native mobile Apps auf iOS & Android für unsere Kunden und auch interne Zwecke
- Objektorientierter Entwurf, Implementierung und Continuous Integration & Delivery von Software-Modulen (Microservices, Komponenten, Applikationselemente) über alle Architektur-Ebenen
- Durchführung der Integration in die Systemlandschaft der WAFIOS AG und/oder deren Kunden
- Übernahme von Entwicklungsaufgaben im gesamten Software Lifecycle in Cross-funktionalen Teams
- Sie sind verantwortlich für die Sicherung der Softwarequalität sowie -stabilität
- Durch Gestaltung und Teilnahme an Scrum-Events sind Sie regelmäßig im Austausch mit dem Team und den Kunden
Ihre Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen:
- Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
- Mehrjährige einschlägige praktische Erfahrungen in der Informatik bzw. Softwareentwicklung
- Routine im Umgang mit Kotlin (Android) und Objective-C/Swift (iOS)
- Detaillierte Kenntnisse der Android Design Prinzipien und UI Guidelines
- Detaillierte Kenntnisse der iOS Frameworks wie Core Data, Core Animation, Core Graphics und Core Text sowie der Apple Design Prinzipien und UI Guidelines
- Cross-Plattform-Erfahrung: z. B. React Native oder Flutter
- Herausforderungen gehen Sie analytisch und stets lösungsorientiert an
- Sie sind neugierig und motiviert, denn Programmieren ist Ihre Leidenschaft
- Erfahrungen in Bezug auf agile Methoden, wie Scrum
- Spaß am Lösen anspruchsvoller Aufgaben
- Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnissen in Wort und Schrift
Unsere Angebote:
- Sicherer, qualifizierter und modern eingerichteter Arbeitsplatz in einem international agierenden Unternehmen
- Attraktive geografische Lage, beste Verkehrsanbindung
- Intensive und praxisnahe Einarbeitung
- Vielseitige Aufgaben, kurze Kommunikationswege
- Offene Unternehmenskultur und ein kollegiales Arbeitsklima
- Leistungsorientierte Vergütung
- Tarifliche Leistungen (Weihnachts-/Urlaubsgeld, 30 Tage Urlaub, etc.)
- ein möglichst flexibles Zeitmodell, Mobiles Arbeiten, familienfreundliche Strukturen, ein attraktives Vergütungspaket und weitere betriebliche Sozialleistungen (Gleitzeitmodell, Betriebsrestaurant, Kindertagesbetreuung, Gesundheitsangebote, Mitarbeiterrabatte, Events etc.)
- ein echtes Teamgefühl in einem international ausgerichteten Unternehmen mit flachen Hierarchien
Sie sind interessiert? Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Silberburgstr. 5
72764 Reutlingen
Herr Florian Kohfink
Tel.: +49 7121 146-217
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Flutter-Entwickler mit einer Leidenschaft für großartige User Experience
In der Position als Flutter Developer bist Du zuständig für die Umsetzung ansprechender und anspruchsvoller Anwendungen mit Hilfe von Flutter. Das Aufgabenspektrum erstreckt sich dabei auf Neu- und Weiterentwicklung sowie Optimierung und Testing bestehender Anwendungen. Du arbeitest dabei in einem engagierten Team aus UX Designern und UX Developern.
Dank individueller Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten bleibst Du bei Ergosign immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik. Gleichzeitig kannst Du durch aktive Mitarbeit an Innovationsprojekten Deinen Ideen freien Lauf lassen und im Team spannende Projekte realisieren.
- Studienabschluss im Bereich Informatik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation
- Gekonnter Umgang mit Dart sowie fundierte Kenntnisse von Flutter
- Erfahrung mit State Management Frameworks wie Bloc, Riverpod oder MobX von Vorteil
- Erfahrung mit Datenanbindung (REST API, WebSockets) von Vorteil
- Erfahrung mit nativen mobile Entwicklung (Android /iOS) von Vorteil
- Hohes Qualitäts- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
- Ausgeprägtes Bewusstsein für Code-Qualität und Clean Code
- Ein Auge für Ästhetik und Darstellungstreue bei der Umsetzung professioneller UX Designs
- Enthusiasmus für die Benutzeroberfläche
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FLUTTER Mobile App Dev, employed, remote & flex lifestyle, thriving SaaS
Prove and grow your Flutter experience by creating mobile apps for the UK’s leading care management system. What you create will have a direct impact in helping everyone who cares to do a great job. How awesome is that?!
What you get to do as a Mobile App Developer at QCS:
- Build state of the art mobile apps for a rapidly growing user base that expects our app to work
- Maintain mobile applications by addressing bug fixes reported by the customer care team
- Carry out proactive testing to make improvements to apps where necessary
- Demonstrate new features to internal staff before release
- Contribute effectively throughout the entire development life cycle
- Using automated testing and Continuous Integration to support the development of high-quality applications.
- Work effectively as part of a small mobile development team
- Work together with a strong backend development team to deliver new functionality
- Interact with UI / UX designers to achieve a polished UX
- Take part in code reviews
- Regularly assess and improve anything that affects you, your team or the company through retrospectives
- Research new developments and capabilities of mobile devices to recommend, research and develop valuable features
Your skills and attributes that will make you successful in this role:
- You have commercial experience using Flutter and Dart
- You have some experience of delivery and deployment to Google Play and App Store / TestFlight
- You know Git (with Azure Devops would be an advantage)
- You have worked with a UX/UI designer and have a good understanding of the implementation and testing cycle
- You have been building and iterating apps
- Your skills include object-oriented software, protocol- oriented development, software architecture and design patterns
- You are keen and able to contribute to the design of APIs
- You have a sense of urgency for goal achievement
- You always have a quick response, “I’m on it!”
- Your time management is excellent and you always follow through
- Being part of a team suits you
- You possess a growth mindset
- We would be extra excited if you had; Firebase, Crashlytics, Analytics / Push Notifications / Azure cloud / Backend API experience
You’ll love being on the QCS team because:
- We are a dynamic, high achieving company that supports everyone who works for us to realise their full potential
- We listen to our people and we trust them
- We provide our people with the tools and the backing to turn outstanding ideas into successful innovations that improve lives
- We have a strong set of shared values – ‘Do the Right Thing’, ‘Make it Better’, ‘Play for the Team’ and ‘Get it Done’ – that together form the cornerstones of our culture
Where is this opportunity based?
At QCS we are advocates of flexible working, understanding life happens outside of work. Working from home and flexibility of hours is a normal part of our Everyday Flex working style. Our people are expected to visit the QCS Hub in Uxbridge, Middlesex once per calendar month.
The benefits of working at QCS:
This is a full-time, permanent opportunity with an established and friendly team. We all enjoy 29 days annual leave, get spoiled by the benefits and treats in Perkbox and enjoy the lifestyle that comes with an Everyday Flex working style. We are well supported to ensure we have the tools, equipment, and the training we need to be successful in our roles.
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Flutter (Junior/Regular/Senior) Developer
We search for a Flutter developer who shares our passion for clean, testable code and domain driven development.
You will not only learn to write scalable code but also how to lead teams and get the most out of our freelancers. We are an early stage startup and you have a chance to get in on the ground floor and grow with the company.
Employer's note: You can work up to 4 days per week from home (or somewhere else). You have to come to our office (Munich) once per week (after COVID).
Our frontend is built with Flutter (Web).
We use:
- async_redux
- freezd
- null safety
- get_it
We need someone to help with the devleopment of new features.
- Flutter / Dart experience.
- Architecture skills. You know what MVVM and DDD stands for.
- Push for shipping. CI/CD is a must. Putting code live every day is a given.
- Good English skills.
- Good communication skills. You are comfortable working with any colleague from any area. You are comfortable defending your ideas or challenging others. People like to work with you.
- Flexible working hours.
- Equity offering (optional).
- Munich office or remote (within Germany).
- 30 days paid vacation.
- Individual development budget for trainings, joining conferences with the team, etc.
- Choose your hardware!
- Work directly with the CTO, option to develop into a Team Lead.
- Direct influence in the product, your opinion counts.
- Small international team of highly skilled developers.
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Senior Mobile Engineer (Flutter)
We are an experienced team of entrepreneurs and operators who have extensive experience in starting, managing, and growing companies to success, having built category-leading products & services for millions of people. Now, we are applying the same ambition to a new space: health. Given that product & tech will be the core of our mutual undertaking, we are looking for experienced Mobile Engineers (with significant experience in Flutter) to join our team, start with us from scratch and create a previously unseen product experience together.
- Use your experience in Mobile Development and Flutter to deliver a best-in-class product experience to eventually millions of consumers & patients
- Together with a highly experienced team of Product Managers, Backend Engineers and other Mobile Frontend Engineers build a successful mobile product from scratch
- Build reliable and scalable systems with high performance, while being open to new leading-edge technologies and languages
- Evolve our team culture and processes through collaboration, participation in sprint rituals, and mutual mentorship
- At least five years of experience in native Mobile App Development (iOS or Android) using Kotlin/Java or/and Swift/Objective-C.
- Experience in developing at least one Android and/or iOS app with Flutter
- Strong sense of ownership over your work and a desire to uplevel your peers
- Additional experience in software development with other languages is a plus
- Full professional English proficiency
- Start with us from scratch to shape v1 together, while implementing a state-of-the-art tech stack from day one.
- Become part of a highly experienced, ambitious, and diverse team that believes in collaboration, bias for action, and merit.
- Seize the one-time opportunity to build a new category-winning product with enormous scaling potential.
- Apply today – we will be mindful of your time throughout the whole process and hope to welcome you soon as a new core team member in Berlin.
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Lead / Senior Flutter Engineer (App, SDK, OpenSource) Global Marketplace (m/f/x)
Your CHOICE: Remote within Germany, only 1 day every 2 weeks in the Munich-Office
Our tech teams are Flutter First-movers in Germany building a high-load native App & inhouse SDKs (like Google Analytics) for a Global Marketplace scaled across 14 countries used by millions of people every day.
We contribute to the Flutter community by financing Open Source Plugins together with Google.
You start the 3rd mobile team in Munich and create a new international native Flutter tech-hub (Munich 3 teams & Barcelona 2 teams) You + team select teh tech and drive the product your way, having lots of freedom.
- Dart / Flutter (on top Node.js GraphQL layer) Native App, SDKs & Open Source Plugins
- CircleCI (migration to Github Actions), major Google Partnership, cloud native (GCP)
- Firebase (Remote Config, A/B Testing, FlutterFire, Tracking Analytics
- Testing: UnitTests, WidgetTests, UI Test automation
- SOLID, CLEAN architectures, strong use of Design patterns
- Cross-functional teams (Dev, UX, PO) with full end2end-product responsibility
- Work autonomously and agile in a creative environment
- Personalized development strategy for individual and professional growth
- Flexible working hours, full home office policy!
- No dress code and we are English-speaking
- Passion for the (native) Mobile & App world (no matter you are Apple or Android fan!)
- Senior Professional in the mobile & App world
- Work experience with Dart/Flutter for min. 1/2 a year
- Love your work and move things forward to deliver the best product. #TechFirst!
- Business fluent English communication skills
- Mentoring / Coaching / Hiring experience optional
- 37,5h week, Remote or in Munich office (100% in Covid19) // flexible work hours
- 30 days paid vacation (optionally up to 54 days of paid vacation)
- Individual development budget for trainings, joining conferences with the team, etc.
- Choose your hardware!
- Paid relocation package
- Team events & company benefits
- And finally, ...maybe the best Tech Team in Germany :)
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Senior Mobile Engineer (Flutter)
We are an experienced team of entrepreneurs and operators who have extensive experience in starting, managing, and growing companies to success, having built category-leading products & services for millions of people. Now, we are applying the same ambition to a new space: health. Given that product & tech will be the core of our mutual undertaking, we are looking for experienced Mobile Engineers (with significant experience in Flutter) to join our team, start with us from scratch and create a previously unseen product experience together.
- Use your experience in Mobile Development and Flutter to deliver a best-in-class product experience to eventually millions of consumers & patients
- Together with a highly experienced team of Product Managers, Backend Engineers and other Mobile Frontend Engineers build a successful mobile product from scratch
- Build reliable and scalable systems with high performance, while being open to new leading-edge technologies and languages
- Evolve our team culture and processes through collaboration, participation in sprint rituals, and mutual mentorship
- At least five years of experience in native Mobile App Development (iOS or Android) using Kotlin/Java or/and Swift/Objective-C.
- Experience in developing at least one Android and/or iOS app with Flutter
- Strong sense of ownership over your work and a desire to uplevel your peers
- Additional experience in software development with other languages is a plus
- Full professional English proficiency
- Start with us from scratch to shape v1 together, while implementing a state-of-the-art tech stack from day one.
- Become part of a highly experienced, ambitious, and diverse team that believes in collaboration, bias for action, and merit.
- Seize the one-time opportunity to build a new category-winning product with enormous scaling potential.
- Apply today – we will be mindful of your time throughout the whole process and hope to welcome you soon as a new core team member in Berlin.
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Senior Mobile Full Stack Developer
Help hundreds of thousands of women as part of our Engineering Team
Keleya is the digital health platform for young and expectant parents. Since our founding in summer 2017, we have been working with great passion and team spirit to offer parents-to be the best possible support in all areas relating to pregnancy, childbirth and the time after birth. We are proud to have supported over 250,000 parents so far. In order to support even more women during their pregnancy, we have strong and numerous cooperation partners such as the majority of Germany's leading health insurance companies and the German Midwives Association by our side.
We need you to support more women on this exciting path!
- Building secure, stable and scalable applications
- Developing features and enhance our current apps with react-native
- Creating new applications for new use-cases with flutter / react-native
- Observing code quality
- At least 5 years of experience in developing mobile applications
- At least 5 years of experience in creating web-applications
- Knowledge of Test-driven development or Behavioral-driven development
- Fluent English language skills
- Optional: Knowledge of AWS components
As our Senior Mobile Full Stack Developer you need to know:
- React
- React-Native
- Flutter
- TypeScript
- Dart
- Jest / Mocha / Chai
- Flexible structures and flat hierarchies
- A lively, friendly and transparent working atmosphere
- An Urban Sports Club subscription to stay healthy
- Employee Trainings such as Coaching and a weekly educational hour
- Amazing team events
- Daily Yoga-classes
- Monthly feedback sessions to support your career path & self-development
- And much more...
How to get started:
If you’re excited by the idea of seeing yourself in this role at Keleya, please apply with your CV, your earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations. Your contact person is Julien. We’re looking forward to receiving your application!
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Flutter Developer
Blindside is a sports tech start up from Berlin-Adlershof. Professional and amateur coaches and clubs boost their practices with our web and mobile app. We are striving to become the global sport platform, on which coaches exchange their experience, get inspired, and enable their athletes to develop in the best way possible.
We are currently optimizing our mobile app, reinforcing our infrastructure and in the initial stages of a sports training analytics engine. We ship code often with continuous deployment and do most of our work in Python, Flutter/Dart, and React.
As our focus shifts more heavily toward mobile development, Blindside are looking for an experienced mobile developer with professional working experience using Flutter.
- You will be immersed into a highly autonomous environment.
- You will design new features and build & maintain within our existing codebase in Flutter
- You will constantly be learning new skills. Researching, conducting trial & error experiments as well as maintaining full ownership of your code, from concept to deployment.
- In your first month, you will be familiarized with our team and have already resolved some bugs and small requests. Your code has gone live multiple times in the first month.
- In the following months, your knowledge of our codebase has drastically increased and you are offering your help in fundamental software architecture decisions. You also feel confident enough to suggest improvement to the team's workflow when you see it doesn't work.
- At the end of your first year, you have successfully contributed to a wide range of projects, even spanning across multiple elements of our system, from backend to mobile. You have established yourself as a self starter and clearly spoken member of our team.
- Strong technical background (5+ years) in mobile development (Android or iOS), preferably professional experience working in Flutter
- Ideally you have experience in other areas of software development outside of mobile (backend, frontend, infrastructure, etc.)
- You can comfortably propose technical solutions to business problems and clearly communicate them to your colleagues.
- You are transparent, mindful and empathetic towards your teammates.
- You can easily express your ideas in written and spoken English
- The opportunity to establish yourself as a core member of the development team
- An international team with a wide range of backgrounds
- A salary that matches industry standards
- A respectful atmosphere with a focus on professionalism
- A family-friendly work environment
- State of the art equipment to ensure that you can focus on the right things
- Daily paid lunch at our local canteen
- Yearly budget for individual professional development
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Senior Mobile Engineer (Flutter)
We are an experienced team of entrepreneurs and operators who have extensive experience in starting, managing, and growing companies to success, having built category-leading products & services for millions of people. Now, we are applying the same ambition to a new space: health. Given that product & tech will be the core of our mutual undertaking, we are looking for experienced Mobile Engineers (with significant experience in Flutter) to join our team, start with us from scratch and create a previously unseen product experience together.
- Use your experience in Mobile Development and Flutter to deliver a best-in-class product experience to eventually millions of consumers & patients
- Together with a highly experienced team of Product Managers, Backend Engineers and other Mobile Frontend Engineers build a successful mobile product from scratch
- Build reliable and scalable systems with high performance, while being open to new leading-edge technologies and languages
- Evolve our team culture and processes through collaboration, participation in sprint rituals, and mutual mentorship
- At least five years of experience in native Mobile App Development (iOS or Android) using Kotlin/Java or/and Swift/Objective-C.
- Experience in developing at least one Android and/or iOS app with Flutter
- Strong sense of ownership over your work and a desire to uplevel your peers
- Additional experience in software development with other languages is a plus
- Full professional English proficiency
- Start with us from scratch to shape v1 together, while implementing a state-of-the-art tech stack from day one.
- Become part of a highly experienced, ambitious, and diverse team that believes in collaboration, bias for action, and merit.
- Seize the one-time opportunity to build a new category-winning product with enormous scaling potential.
- Apply today – we will be mindful of your time throughout the whole process and hope to welcome you soon as a new core team member in Berlin.
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Full Stack Mobile Developer (Flutter) (w/m/d)
Please note: Fluency in German (C1 level) is mandatory for this position.
Bei Lotum konzipieren, entwickeln und betreiben wir Mobile Games für Android, iOS und Facebook. Unser Ziel ist es, in kleinen Teams Produkte von großer Bedeutung zu erschaffen, die jeden Tag Millionen Freunde und Familien gemeinsam spielen. Unsere Spiele wie 4 Bilder 1 Wort und Quiz Planet wurden schon in 27 Sprachen von über 800 Millionen Nutzer/innen weltweit installiert. Möchtest du Teil unseres Erfolgs werden und mit deiner Arbeit Menschen auf der ganzen Welt begeistern?
Mit welchen Technologien wir arbeiten? Das entscheiden und hinterfragen die Game Teams selbst. Neugier, Wissensdurst und Pragmatismus helfen uns dabei. Aktuell heißt das konkret:
- Ein Projekt wird mit Flutter und Dart entwickelt. Dart kommt dort auch im Backend zum Einsatz.
- Zwei Projekte setzen stark auf Webtechnologien: TypeScript mit vue.js im Frontend. Im Backend setzen wir hier bei einem Game auf TypeScript in einer node.js Umgebung und auf Kotlin für das andere Game.
- Das Ganze wird von der Google Cloud unterstützt und neben den Google Technologien Firestore, BigTable, BigQuery, Cloud Run und Cloud Build sind dort Redis, Docker und Kubernetes im Einsatz..
- Automatisiert wird das Ganze durch Codemagic, GitHub Actions und Fasttrack.
Was dich bei uns erwartet:
- Wir sind komplett eigenfinanziert, sind deshalb nur unseren Usern und uns selbst verpflichtet und arbeiten ausschließlich an unseren eigenen Games.
- Wir genießen diese enorme Freiheit, indem jedes Team die Technologien und Arbeitsmethoden einsetzt, die es für sinnvoll hält.
- Wir lernen – jeden Tag und auf allen Ebenen. Eine leane und testgetriebene Herangehensweise ist tief in unserer DNA verwurzelt. Weiterbildung ist bei uns keine Budgetfrage, sondern essenziell.
- Arbeite unter perfekten Bedingungen und profitiere von flexiblen Arbeitszeiten, neuestem Equipment (auch fürs Homeoffice) sowie kostenlosem Mittagessen in unserem 1.800qm großen Büro in direkter Bahnhofsnähe 30 Minuten nördlich von Frankfurt.
Deine Aufgaben:
- Du entwickelst an einem der reichweitenstärksten Flutter-Projekte in Deutschland und begeisterst mit unseren Mobile Games täglichen Millionen Menschen weltweit.
- Du planst, gestaltest und setzt eigenständig neue Features um.
- Du arbeitest in einem agilen Umfeld mit anderen Top-Entwicklern und Produkt-Designern.
- Du bringst neue technologische Möglichkeiten ein und evaluierst diese, um zukunftsweisende Produkte zu entwickeln.
- Du bist Know-How-Träger und Vorreiter bei wichtigen Entscheidungen rund um Technologie, Architektur und Implementierung.
- Du stillst deinen Wissensdurst auf zielgerichtete Art und Weise, hebst deine eigenen Skills auf ein neues Level und lässt Andere daran teilhaben.
Dein Profil:
- Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung.
- Du konntest Praxiserfahrung in der Entwicklung komplexer Projekte sammeln.
- Du bringst Erfahrung in Dart und Flutter mit.
- Du lebst eine offene und wertschätzende Kommunikation.
- Du liebst die Zusammenarbeit in einem Team aus großartigen Kollegen.
- Erfahrung in der nativen Entwicklung von iOS-Apps (Swift) oder Android-Apps (Kotlin).
- Erfahrung mit Javascript, Typescript, HTML5 und CSS3.
- Hervorragendes Transferdenken und Gespür für eleganten, einfach wartbaren Code zeichnen dich aus.
- Du hast eine fundierte Meinung bei Architekturfragen.
Hört sich gut an?
Du möchtest gemeinsam mit netten, kreativen Menschen Hits für ein weltweites Publikum erschaffen? Dann werde Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte und präge großartige Produkte, die täglich Millionen Freunde und Familien auf der ganzen Welt gemeinsam spielen!
Erfahre auf unserer Website mehr über uns und die Development-Teams oder sende uns deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung direkt an [email protected]!
Klingt spannend, aber du hast noch offene Fragen? Klären wir gerne direkt per Mail oder telefonisch: Dein Ansprechpartner ist Michael, 06032 925507 15.
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Senior Mobile Engineer
S Group and SOK are quite known for our retail, hospitality and service station business, but have ever thought about what it takes to run all these field operations from the IT point of view? Behind beyond-expectations customer experiences and home-door delivered groceries, for example, there are fingerprints of several IT professionals and developers all over the service and solution.
On the mobile development, we develop several applications such as S-kaupat for grocery shopping online, S-mobiili for banking services, ABC-mobiili for fueling and Sokos Hotels application for accommodation services.
About the Role
As our team’s next enforcement you would first get to work with developing the mobile application for ordering groceries from our grocery stores (as you can imagine, there is work to be done after grocery eCommerce made its breakthrough about a year ago in Finland). But it is not the only solution, and we also want to hear your wishes. What is common for all these applications is the stack: we use React Native, TypeScript and GraphQL. We also appreciate experience from native or Flutter development.
Your daily work will consist of coding, documentation, sharing your knowledge and expertise with other team members on technological aspects but also on best practices. Your closest colleagues are professionals from the fields of development, design and QA.
What we Hope from You
Previous experience and know-how from the world of mobile development and React Native especially
Vision on technical design
Ability and confidence to make independent decisions and share insight on technical matters
Problem-solving attitude
In work-related matters you communicate fluently in English
Why SOK?
Why to choose SOK as a Senior Mobile Developer? For many of us the dialogue between the IRL and the digital world makes our work extremely intriguing. Our work is also grounded on the daily lives of millions of people running their daily errands in Finland, which makes our work very rewarding; we make people’s daily lives easier by offering them convenience.
As a big company we have plenty of development areas in different business domains, which certainly will stimulate your professional development and growth. You are creating the services directly to the end-users, and you have the ownership of the project; it means you are developing applications, which millions of users will have to live with, and so do you. But luckily you also have the control over your own work, so you get to influence on ways of working and technological choices. We also value good work-life balance, so the workload is reasonable.
How to apply
Were we able to catch your interest? If yes, next we would very much like to hear more about you! Please send your application on Sunday 30.5.2021 the latest. We give a lot of value for sharing your projects, so please share your Github profile, if you have one! We will contact you as soon as we have processed your application, so no need to loiter with your application!
If you want more information about the role, the team, SOK in general or something else, please contact our IT Talent Acquisition Specialist Anna Ruokamo, (anna.ruokamo(a)sok.fi, +358 44 564 2794).
SOK in short
SOK belongs to S Group, which is a customer-owned Finnish network of companies in the retail and service sectors, with more than 1,800 outlets in Finland. SOK Corporation comprises Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta (SOK) and its subsidiaries. SOK is a central cooperative which produces expert and support services – such as chain management, product range, procurement, and marketing services – for the cooperatives of S Group. SOK is also responsible for the strategic guidance of S Group and the development of the business chains. Through its subsidiaries, SOK engages in the travel and hospitality business in Finland, St. Petersburg, and Estonia, as well as in supermarket trade in St. Petersburg and Estonia.
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Mobile Developer iOS
physical to online shopping driven by Covid-19 is a case in point. Choosing Albert Heijn means choosing a flexible setting, where change is the only constant and everything you do impacts the lives of millions of customers. Are you up to the challenge? Welcome to the omnichannel food retailer.
Making a difference to the customer as our new iOS Developer
Being a Mobile Developer for the AH Consumer Technology domain means you are working on the technical architecture and development of Albert Heijn’s mobile apps Appie and AH Compact used by millions of customers in their daily shopping activities at Albert Heijn.
You are part of the mobile development teams in creating a vision for a clean mobile target architecture. You will be contributing to adopt this target architecture when refactoring code or developing new features. You will participate in standups and refinements, write code, enforce code quality, develop best practices, write unit-, widget- and integration tests and manage deployments. You will also give feedback on the standards and guidelines, initiation process, and so on. More specifically, as an iOS Developer you
- Will be part of creating a vision for a clean mobile target architecture;
- Will contribute adopting this target architecture when refactoring code or developing new features;
- Understand what new tools or frameworks, or how changes in the language or new features in the SDK can help improve the product;
- Are a valued team member using all your knowledge on iOS Engineering;
- Put the organization in a position to deliver value as quickly as possible;
When you choose for AH you work in an environment where we innovate continuously. Because we have millions of visitors a week, we might say that this does not pass unnoticed. We develop in scrum and agile methods, but we work increasingly in new ways working like Design Thinking and Lean Startup. We work according to data-driven and fact-based practices. Besides AH.nl and the Appie app, we also work for etos.nl, Gall& Gall, and Allerhande.
The work environment is open and informal. You will work in the Digital Tech Loyalty & Customer domain within the AH Customer Technology platform. This department is responsible for the development of the Appie app and the AH Compact app. Tech Loyalty & Customer exists of Testers, Developers, Tech Leads, Product Owners, and Architects. Our dev community counts more than thirty-five Mobile Developers, iOS and or Android development experts working on our cross-platform framework for Mobile app development with Flutter. Are you going to help us to continue to build a thriving IT organization? For more information about AH Technology, you can also visit our Stack Overflow page https //stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/ah-technology-albert-heijn
What do we offer?
- We reward your effort with an annual salary of 65K based on a full-time workweek.
- Our end bosses aren’t greedy you’re helping the business increase profits, so you get a slice of that pie. The annual amount can range from 45 to 130% of your average monthly paycheck.
- We save for your retirement like Scrooge McDuck. With one difference, we pay out over four times the amount you contribute to the fund. So you’ll continue to enjoy a comfortable income even after retiring -)
- You can game for 46 (that’s right forty-six) days non-stop 25.5 regular paid vacation days, and 19.5 ADV days. Enjoy!
- You develop as rapidly as the tech around us. Thanks to feedback loops with the best & the brightest tech-savvy colleagues. And by being a contributing member of the AH Technology community – deep dive into our shared knowledge!
- A powerful laptop and ditto smartphone are ‘included’. You also get discounts (no coupon clipping required) on insurance, groceries, and so forth.
- You work with the latest & greatest tooling—Pinky promise.
- An employer that combines the best of two worlds, the career opportunities of a corporate, and the drive and autonomy ‘to boldly go where no one has gone before’ that typifies scaleups.
To maximize the customer impact, it is important that you:
- Own a Technology/IT Engineering Bachelor certificate or Master degree;
- Have strong experience as a Developer of mobile apps in native iOS. Experience with Flutter and Dart is an advantage;
- Have excellent git/Github skills;
- Can use deep knowledge and experience on SOLID principles, clean architecture, and unit-, widget-, and integration testing;
- Have outstanding English language skills;
Pioneering in a corporate environment?
You need to look no further than your favorite omnichannel neighborhood supermarket. Apply and discover how you, together with enormously diverse and enormously enthusiastic colleagues, can make a difference to the customer!
More information?
Wouter Lipsius (Talent Acquisition Partner technology) and hiring manager Jeroen Buitenhuis (Head of Tech Digital Loyalty and Customer) will be pleased to help you via [email protected]
Oh, and because of Corona, we currently only serve virtual coffee/tea at our talks.
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Senior Mobile App Developer
- Ensuring the best performance and user experience of the application
- Troubleshoot and debug to optimize performance
- Write unit and UI tests to identify malfunctions
- Writing clean, readable, and testable code
- Design features and interfaces to improve user experience
- Liaise with team to plan app improvements
- Research and suggest new app features
- Stay up-to-date with new technology trends
- Extensive knowledge about the full process of mobile app development: from the first line of code to publishing in stores
- Proven work experience in a similar role
- Experience with iOS and Android app development
- Experience with Flutter framework
- Portfolio of released applications on the App store or the Android market
- Excellent analytical and critical thinking skills with a good problem-solving attitude
- Fluency in spoken and written English
- Motivating salary
- Opportunity to work in an innovative FinTech start-up.
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Android Engineer - Core Music Experience, Mobile Platform Team
Our users, storytellers and content creators come to us to get a job done. They may have a piece of video that needs to pop, a livestream that needs flow, or a podcast that's hankering for a hook.
We have just recently launched a new mobile platform team in the Core Music Experience product area. The team is responsible for leading our efforts in creating the Epidemic Sound App on iOS and Android.
The team’s mission is to empower our users to discover and organize our music on the go, be it through casually browsing, searching with great precision, or personalized recommendations.
We are looking for an Android engineer with experience building Android apps in Kotlin or Flutter to join the team.
Are you interested in joining a small, cross-functional team owning a key bet for the company which is meeting our users' needs on the go via native apps? If yes, apply now!
Job Description
A Software Engineer at Epidemic builds products effectively, helps shape the product through active contribution in product conversations, and provides a strong technical voice in the product development process to achieve sound product/technical tradeoffs.
Once proven and validated, native apps will be an additional platform at Epidemic Sound. Part of the team’s mandate is to find a model where other teams can contribute to the native apps, supported by infrastructure, tooling and processes.
As a Software Engineer in the team, you will need to understand and contribute to all parts involved in delivering the product. However, with your Android expertise you would particularly focus on the Flutter Android application.
You can also expect to:
- Mentor team members and contribute to cross-team initiatives in this area.
- Contribute to, and sometimes lead, cross-team initiatives to evolve shared components, platform architecture and improving engineering standards, tooling and processes
- Contribute to all stages of the product life-cycle: design, implementation, testing, releasing, and maintenance
- Collaborate constantly: We’re big believers in teamwork and the value of practices like careful code reviews, pair (or mob) programming, etc
- Learn a ton of new things: Be it through hack-days, courses, conferences, or tech-talks, we emphasize learning and we also expect you to share your knowledge with your colleagues
- Have fun and take a lot of pride in what you and all of Epidemic Sound is doing
This is a full-time position based at our HQ in Stockholm.
What Are We Looking For
In order for you to thrive in this role, we believe that:
- You love teamwork.
- Have a good understanding of Android design patterns and fundamentals.
- You are passionate about building great products that people love, and you always make technology choices with this in mind.
- You are principled but also pragmatic: You value best-practices but realize that all rules have exceptions.
- You have a full-stack mindset; you’re curious about understanding all parts of the stack that make up the product, and you’re open to contributing to areas outside of your expertise when it makes sense
- A solid grasp on software engineering practices (e.g. thorough code reviews, unit tests, deep focus on quality, design documentation).
- You speak English with professional working proficiency (Swedish is not a requirement).
- You are motivated by missions and goals rather than tasks.
Curious about our music? Find our music on Spotify here → https://open.spotify.com/user/...
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Lead Mobile Engineer That Wants To Change The Media Production Industry
We are looking for an experienced, creative Lead Mobile Engineer to join our small, diverse, and experienced team as, together, we build the future of communication and staffing of TV and film productions.
We are located in central Stockholm, in a modern office near Östermalmstorg. We are looking forward to meeting you who aspire for a workplace with unlimited opportunities for creative expression and personal growth. Interested?
What you’ll do
- Take lead on the development of our mobile application built with Flutter
- Implement features and ensure good quality and coverage in tests
- Collaborate with team members through brainstorms, code reviews, pair (or mob) programming etc
- Evolve the tooling for our CI and CD processes
- Participate in feature definition and design work together with designers and other developers
- Become a key member of an autonomous, cross-functional team full of creativity and open sharing of knowledge
- Work closely with business and product stakeholders
- Have your work directly affect customers, immediately
Who you are
- You have a minimum of five years working as a professional mobile developer and have built and released working applications
- You have several years experience working with frameworks like React Native and Flutter
- You are knowledgeable about Apple HIG and/or Material Design, have an aptitude for animation, and an inclination towards interface design
- You care deeply about usability, accessibility and performance
- You have a great ability to learn, and you are eager to expand your areas of expertise
- You have experience in agile software development practices (automated testing, mob/pair programming, CI/CD etc.)
- You are a team player with a passion for supporting and enabling others to become more productive
- You enjoy working in a diverse group of people with different expertise.
- You speak English at an expert level (Swedish is not a requirement)
Nice to have’s
- Full-stack experience
- Experience of native mobile development, especially in Swift
- Experience of GIT / Gitflow in mid-sized companies (working with pull requests, participating in code reviews etc.)
- You are used to working in MacOS / Linux
How to Apply
Send us an email at [email protected] . Make sure you include a CV/Resumé. Include a link to some place like Github where we can see some code you are proud to show us.
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Mobile Software Tester / QA Engineer
By providing the tools to trade as a pro, we hope to shake up the financial world and give everyone equal chances. Your contribution to democratize the world of trading will be at the core of our product, therefore, we are looking for an experienced Agile Software Tester / QA Engineer.
The role:
We are looking for an experienced and driven Software Tester who will test the core of our product. You need to be able to assure the quality of our product on the front-end (written in Flutter) AND potentially later on the back-end side (written in C++). As a software tester you play a crucial role in ensuring that our product is up to our high standards. Not only the development work in the sprint; your role will also involve coordinating internal and beta testing with our community. You will be the strong player in professionalizing our test approach; setting up processes, performing the test work together with your Agile team and taking steps in improving the organization and product every sprint. You can take the lead in this from basic testing up to test automation.
Your role:
- You are responsible for the testing of the functionality of our exchange. Many users and the technical team rely on your abilities and you carry a large responsibility in the form of millions of transactions;
- Researching, we expect that you have great research skills and that this is also something you find challenging. We have to find ways to improve different parts of our system. This can be about defining and implementing financial models orderbooks, api's ect. However, another day you are working together with the front-end team on design choices and how to test these.
- You are proficient in explaining and defending certain issues you address to multiple stakeholders.
- You are able to lead the entire process of test automation and development/improvement of Sandbox environment
BOTS' raised new capital and the continued development of our systems is essential. We want to grow to 120 countries with a lot of users. You will be in the core of this expansion, an exciting time of an exciting company to be part of. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Job requirements
- 4+ year experience with Software Testing;
- Good knowledge of Flutter;
- Knowledge and ability to write and mock APIs;
- Experience with mobile testing is required
- Knowledge of algorithms and data structures;
- Significant experience with mobile application testing;
- Ability to provide clean and reliable code;
- A proactive approach to problem solving and testing;
- Always taking initiative, you are a self starter;
- Someone who can deal well with conflict and field-critical questions;
- Someone who does not hesitate to find every small bug or process improvement, it will never be perfect;
- Someone with scrum experience and being a very strong team player; not only being part of the team, but also taking the lead in the team and organization on the testing and product quality;
- An independent thinker who is creative in finding alternative solutions.
Are you interested in this position? Apply by clicking on the button and send your application.
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Flutter / Dart Developer
Your contribution to democratize the world of trading will be at the core of our product, therefore, we are looking for an experienced front end developer.
We are looking for an experienced and driven front end developer who will work on the core of our product. As a front end developer, you are a developer for the client side. You will be working on the Android and IOS app using Flutter / Dart according to the Scrum methodology.
Your role:
- Working with our back-end developers to leverage data
- Writing logic that retrieves and manipulates data
- You will be defining, running and monitoring large computational workloads, running on low latency infrastructure.
- Researching, we expect that you have great research skills and that this is also something you find challenging. We have to find ways to improve different parts of our system. This can be about defining and implementing financial models orderbooks, api's, etc.
BOTS' raised new capital and the continued development of our systems is essential. We want to grow to 120 countries with a lot of users. You will be in the core of this expansion, an exciting time of an exciting company to be part of. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Job requirements
- 4+ years of software development experience
- You can code Flutter/Dart and preferable Python
- You have Knowledge on the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends and technologies
- You have submitted apps before in the store for both platforms
- You have experience working with sprints development process
- You have Good communication skills in English
- Knowledge of algorithms and data structures
- Ability to provide clean and reliable code
- A proactive approach to problem solving
- Someone who can deal well with conflict and field-critical questions
- An independent thinker who is creative in finding alternative solutions
Are you interested in this position? Apply by clicking on the button and send your application.
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Software Engineer (Flutter)
Please feel free to apply even if you do NOT HAVE specifically Flutter experience!
Good experience in any similar language, plus openness to learn Dart/Flutter on the job counts as well.
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands (visa sponsorship) or remote (European time zones, flexible time possible).
Memri as a technical product is an open source project that enables you to take control of your data by pulling it in from everywhere and storing it somewhere you control. Memri comes with various front-ends which you can use to view, edit, browse and search through your data. The indexers (rule-based or machine-learning models) automatically label and create relationships between your data.
We are organized as a values driven cooperative that prioritizes people and our planet over profit. We aim to have a global and positive impact on people’s lives by creating technology that works for people, instead of trying to extract data or money from them.
We use Rust for the backend, Flutter for Android, desktop and the web, Swift for iOS and Python for external micro-services.
We pick the best tool for the job, without being fanatics about any language or tool we use. We encourage following best practices and aim for improvement, not tech stagnation. We work hard to make things simple.
We are an international company, having people from the Netherlands, Costa Rica, Germany, Russia, France, Armenia, India and Poland, and working from all around the globe :)
The team currently consists of one Rust, one iOS and two Flutter developers. We also have a part-time community manager and tech writer. We also have other open positions for Rust, iOS and DevOps (tell your friends!).
- Good experience in any similar language. For example, it counts if you know Javascript and have some experience in statically typed languages such as Golang/Scala/Rust/C, or if you know Typescript
- Growth mindset, e.g. if you don’t know Dart/Flutter yet, be open to learn it
- [Bonus] Tech engagement with the open-source community, e.g. react to open issues, receive feedback in a friendly and efficient manner
- [Bonus] Experience in industry’s best practices: receive and provide code reviews, write documentation etc
- [Bonus] Experience in writing high-quality software, e.g. using CI, linters etc
- [Bonus] Experience working with docker[-compose]
- [Bonus] Experience working in open-source communities
- [Bonus] Knowing security primitives, e.g. symmetric/asymmetric encryption, containerization trade-offs. We don’t mind if you also know libsodium, ed25519, security architecture of other open-source projects, please surprise us :)
If you checkmark at least 4 of the items and you feel a connection to what we do and how we do it, do apply!
- Work on something that puts people first. Instead of selling people’s private data to the highest bidder, you’ll be working on empowering the user to take control of their data
- Opportunity to work in an open-source project and to engage with the community
- Budget for education: conferences, books, courses and other resources to help you grow personally and professionally
- An environment where feedback is valued, asked regularly and acted upon, you can have impact from day 1
- We are a flat organization. Any opinion or approach can be challenged, even if it comes from the CEO, team lead, or any other person around. We have a concept of “deep democracy” where, even if a person is a minority in a vote, they are given space to explain and their opinion is taken into account
- We aim for full transparency, both information and decisions
- As an early organization we offer a competitive salary with a large stake in the future upside of our effort. Our leadership has successfully started and sold previous startups, and although we have chosen an approach that puts our values first, and profit second, we still expect a good future financial outcome as well.
- Possibility for part time work (and/or flexible hours if you need)
- Visa sponsorship if needed
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Mobile Application Developer IOS / Android
Perché sceglierai Accenture? Per scoprire l’energia e l’impegno che dedichiamo ai nostri clienti nel trasformare il loro modo di lavorare grazie alle tecnologie più evolute. In Accenture crescerai in un network internazionale e ogni giorno potrai fare la differenza grazie a ciò che ti rende unico.
Mobile Application Developer IOS/Android
Milano, Roma
Le tue sfide
Metti in gioco le tue competenze per disegnare e sviluppare applicazioni e architetture mobile, utilizzando metodologie agile per aziende internazionali di industry differenti, occupandoti di:
- Analizzare le esigenze del cliente con l’obiettivo di proporre nuove tecnologie per l’ottimizzazione del business
- Collaborare con il team dedicato per l’elaborazione della programmazione, dello sviluppo e della customizzazione delle piattaforme con l’obiettivo di migliorare la produttività e garantire i risultati attesi
- Condividere le tue conoscenze professionali per incentivare lo sviluppo delle risorse più giovani
Perché sceglieremo te? Perché le sfide che sei chiamato a cogliere rispecchiano le tue ambizioni, e sai che questa è la tua occasione! Per distinguerti e affrontarle al meglio:
- Hai tra i 2 e i 5 anni di esperienza nel disegno e nell’architettura di applicazioni mobile e nel software development
- Conosci in modo approfondito lo sviluppo IOS (objectiveC, Swift) e/o Android (Kotlin, Java) e Javascript, HTML, CSS
- L'esperienza sulle tecnologie di sviluppo cross-platform (Flutter, Xamarin, Ionic, ecc.) sarà considerata preferenziale
- Hai un forte orientamento al team working, alla collaborazione e al supporto dei colleghi, mantenendo sempre un approccio positivo alle situazioni
- Hai passione per le nuove tecnologie e per le metodologie più innovative
- Hai una laurea Triennale e/o Magistrale in Informatica, Ingegneria elettrica o equivalente
- Parli e scrivi in inglese fluentemente
- Ami condividere e conoscere ciò che è diverso
- Ogni giorno è per te una nuova sfida e un’occasione per imparare qualcosa di nuovo
Hai la determinazione per affrontare e vincere le sfide di questo ruolo anche se non hai tutte le qualifiche richieste? Candidati e raccontaci come puoi fare la differenza. Contribuisci a creare soluzioni finora solo immaginate.
Scatena il tuo talento e costruisci con noi la tua carriera ideale, visita il nostro sito per prepararti al meglio: https://www.accenture.com/it-it/careers/
Per ulteriori informazioni, visita il nostro sito: professioni.accenture.it
Per informazioni sulla nostra protezione della privacy art13 L.679/2016 (GDPR) vai su https://www.accenture.com/it-it/careers/privacy-policy
Accenture garantisce le pari opportunità
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Mobile Developer (m/w/d)
Die Entwicklung von mobilen Applikationen heißt für Dich jede Menge Spaß? Du bist fit in Android, iOS oder React Native Entwicklung? Du möchtest ein wichtiger Teil eines crossfunktionalen Teams sein und tatkräftig bei der Realisierung von großen Apps mitwirken? Dann bist Du genau die Person, die wir suchen! Unterstütze unser Team und lass uns gemeinsam spannende Projekte angehen!
Du konzipierst und entwickelst hochperformante Android/iOS Apps für unsere Kunden. Du verbesserst bestehende Applikationen und sorgst mit Deinen Kolleg*innen aus dem Team für Clean Code und regelmäßige Deployments. Automatische Tests, Pair Programming und Code Reviews helfen Dir, die Qualität der Software zu verbessern und fehlerfrei zu liefern.
Das wirst Du tun
- Gemeinsam Mobile Apps für Android/iOS in agilen Teams entwickeln
- Aufnahme und Abstimmung von Anforderungen mit den fachlichen Ansprechpartnern bzw. Product Ownern
- Konzeptionelle Entwürfe von Architekturen und Definitionen von Schnittstellen (z. B. REST und GraphQL) sowie Verbindung mit externen Backend-Systemen
- Entwurf von Oberflächen und Verbesserung der User Experience
Das bringst Du mit
- Abgeschlossenes Informatikstudium bzw. einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung mobiler Lösungen
- 3+ Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung für mobile Endgeräte (Android und/oder iOS)
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Java & Kotlin, Swift & Obj-C oder JS / React Native
- Kenntnisse der relevanten mobilen Frameworks, Libraries und Tools (inkl. Anwendung von Architektur Patterns wie MVC/MVVM)
- Wissen über aktuelle Trends und Technologien im Bereich Mobile Apps
- Motivation eigenständig technologisch am Ball zu bleiben
- Hoher Qualitätsanspruch und Testingerfahrung
- Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse
- Erfahrung mit Flutter
- Kenntnisse in beiden Mobile-Welten (iOS und Android)
- Cloud-Umgebungen (z. B. Firebase)
- Kenntnisse in den Bereichen UI/UX, I18N, Barrierefreiheit
- Erste Erfahrung in der Softwarearchitektur
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Mobile App Developer (m/f/d)
Your role:
- As Mobile App Developer (m/f/d) you contribute towards the setup and design of our e-commerce mobile app (Flutter for cross platform mobile application development)
- You improve customer experience by continuously implementing new features and optimizing user flows while increasing technical performance
- You set up components for mobile push notifications and crash reportings for continuous optimization
- You collaborate with other product teams to define and implement APIs and rule sets for data access as well as shared functionalities (e.g. checkout, payment)
- You implement coding standards, drive quality and participate in code reviews with other team members
- You identify frameworks, libraries, techniques and strategies to build world class mobile apps
Your skills:
- Successfully completed studies in Computer Science or Business Informatics or a comparable training e.g. as IT specialist (m/f/d) with several years of professional work experience
- Proven experience in successfully delivering a mobile app at scale
- Deep knowledge of the Flutter ecosystem and experience in publishing and managing mobile apps in the Apple or Google Play Store
- Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and a critical, detail-oriented eye for design and mobile UIs
- Experience in working agile, including a profound knowledge about CI/CD, TDD, Git and a passion for continually upskilling and learning new technologies
- Very good knowledge of English and ideally very good knowledge of German
This is what BAUHAUS has to offer:
- A challenging role in a family owned business with an agile working environment, state-of-the-art technologies as well as personal and professional development opportunities
- Permanent employment contract and attractive remuneration
- A good work-life balance, the possibility of working remotely and 30 days paid vacation
- Attractive location in the heart of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region with free parking and a company restaurant
- Unique pension plan with attractive employer contributions
- Further additional benefits including asset accumulation benefits or special conditions for occupational disability insurance
- A day care center in close proximity to the company with family-friendly care services
- Shopping discounts through the BAUHAUS employee card
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Senior Android / iOS / Flutter Developer
Join Us!
Deine Aufgaben:
Umsetzung und Mitgestaltung von innovativen Projekten & Features für unsere Kunden
Mitwirkung an globaler App-Architektur, Coding Standards und App Qualität
Optimierung bestehender Codebases nach aktuellen Best Practices
Unterstützung und Anleitung anderer App-Entwickler
Dein Profil:
Mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung als AppEntwickler (Android, iOS, Flutter oder React)
Sehr gute Kenntnisse in OOP/OOD, Software Architektur und Clean Code
SOLID, KISS, YAGNI und DRY sind dir keine Fremdworte
Umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit Unit Testing / UI Testing
Kenntnisse im Agilen Umfeld mit Scrum
Gute Kenntnisse im Automatisieren von Build und Deployment Prozessen (CI/CD)
Gute Teamfähigkeit, selbstständiges Arbeiten und eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe
Verhandlungssicheres Deutsch & Englisch
Was können wir Dir bieten?
Verschiedene Projekte mit Reputation & Reichweite - DU entscheidest, wo Deine Skills zum Einsatz kommen!
Namhafte Bestandskunden wie Porsche, Deutsche Bahn, Babbel, Thalia, Douglas uvm.
Außerordentliches Gehalt (bis 100k) und großzügiger Urlaub (bis 35d)
Perks ganz nach Deinen Wünschen - sei es Reisen, Konferenzen, Hardware, BVG Karte oder Firmenwagen
Firmeninterne Events & Mentorships (TechSessions, GamesNight, FineDining)
Wir spenden! Egal ob für Schulen in Afrika oder für's Klima: Red Android stellt jedem MA ein jährliches Budget!
Aufstiegschancen, viele Freiheiten und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit Impact innerhalb der Firma
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Senior Software Engineer - Core Music Experience, Mobile Platform Team
Our users, storytellers and content creators come to us to get a job done. They may have a piece of video that needs to pop, a livestream that needs flow, or a podcast that's hankering for a hook.
We have just recently launched a new mobile platform team in the Core Music Experience product area. The team is responsible for leading our efforts in creating the Epidemic Sound App on iOS and Android.
The team’s mission is to empower our users to discover and organize our music on the go, be it through casually browsing, searching with great precision, or personalized recommendations.
We are looking for a senior software engineer with a foundational understanding and experience of complex systems and backend technologies to join the team.
Are you interested in joining a small, cross-functional team owning a key bet for the company which is meeting our users' needs on the go via native apps? If yes, apply now!
Job Description
A software engineer at Epidemic builds products effectively, helps shape the product through active contribution in product conversations, and provides a strong technical voice in the product development process to achieve sound product/technical tradeoffs.
You'll work up and down the stack across a wide number of technologies, and will balance a number of different concerns. How should we balance the scalability of this feature with getting it in the hands of our users earlier?
The team will initially be dedicated to all aspects of building and launching the new Epidemic mobile apps on iOS and Android.
Once proven and validated, native apps will be an additional platform at Epidemic Sound. Part of the team’s mandate is to find a model where other teams can contribute to the native apps, supported by infrastrastructure, tooling and processes.
As a software engineer in the team, you will need to understand and contribute to all parts involved in delivering the product. However, with your backend expertise you would particularly focus on the APIs, infrastructure, deployment pipelines and how the apps integrate with the rest of the Epidemic Sound technical ecosystem.
You can also expect to:
- Mentor team members and contribute to cross-team initiatives in this area.
- Contribute to, and sometimes lead, cross-team initiatives to evolve shared components, platform architecture and improving engineering standards, tooling and processes
- Contribute to all stages of the product life-cycle: design, implementation, testing, releasing, and maintenance
- Collaborate constantly: We’re big believers in teamwork and the value of practices like careful code reviews, pair (or mob) programming, etc
- Learn a ton of new things: Be it through hack-days, courses, conferences, or tech-talks, we emphasize learning and we also expect you to share your knowledge with your colleagues
- Have fun and take a lot of pride in what you and all of Epidemic Sound is doing
This is a full-time position based at our HQ in Stockholm.
What Are We Looking For
In order for you to thrive in this role, we believe that:
- You love teamwork
- You are passionate about building great products that people love, and you always make technology choices with this end-goal in mind
- You are principled but also pragmatic: You value best-practices but realize that all rules have exceptions.
- You have a full-stack mindset; you’re curious about understanding all parts of the stack that make up the product, and you’re open to contributing to areas outside of your expertise when it makes sense
- Have a great understanding of modern web/mobile architectures, system design, data structures, and software engineering principles, and understand how to apply them to design scalable and robust solutions
- A solid grasp on software engineering practices (e.g. thorough code reviews, unit tests, deep focus on quality, design documentation)
- You speak English with professional working proficiency (Swedish is not a requirement)
It would also be music to our ears if you have:
- Experience with one or more of the following: Kotlin, Flutter, Swift, Python/Django, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, infrastructure, security fundamentals, CI/CD systems
- Worked adjacent to or in product teams building mobile apps
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Mobile App Developer (Flutter, iOS, Android)
You will be leading our mobile development team, responsible for analysing new requirements, implementing changes, and releasing our mobile app.
The codebase is mostly written in flutter, which allows us to release both iOS and Android versions simultaneously.
We also have an automated build pipeline for releasing the code to both Apple and Google App stores.
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Flutter Experte (m/w/d)
für meinen Kunden suche ich 4 Flutter Experten (m/w/d).
- Start: Ab sofort
- Laufzeit: 3 Monate mit Option auf Verlängerung
- Remote
- Mind. 3 Jahre Erfahrung mit Flutter
Wenn Sie an dem Projekt interessiert sind, freue ich mich auf die Zusendung Ihres CVs inklusive des Stundensatzes an c.hubala (at) computerfutures.de
Viele Grüße
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(Senior) Software Engineer - Mobile iOS Apps
Your Future:
- You develop state-of-the-art iOS apps, and optimize them in collaboration with our UX experts to maximise user experience and performance
- You shape high-quality software within agile and test-driven processes as one of your main responsibilities
- Contributing to great architectures and building the base of easily-extendable and well-maintainable applications is something you enjoy and take pride in
- As a highly collaborative, team-oriented person you want to work in an ambitious and creative team
- You are not afraid to try new things and are willing to learn from others as well as sharing your own expertise
Your Strengths:
- Several years of experience in iOS mobile development
- Solid understanding of SwiftUI
- Knowledge of Flutter or similar cross-platform mobile development is a plus
- Good understanding of the mobile app development lifecycle and experience with continuous integration and mobile CI/CD pipelines
- Know-how of design patterns as well as lean and agile practices
- Familiarity with automated testing for iOS applications
- Fluent in English. German is a plus
- Mobile: iOS - Swift, SwiftUI, Flutter
- Backend: REST API, GraphQL
- Infrastructure: Firebase, Bitrise, Fastlane
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Mobile Developer Flutter für New TV (m/w/d)
Wir sind die TeraVolt, eine erfolgreiche mittelständische Agentur für digitale Medienprodukte- und Beratung. Wir entwickeln und betreiben für namhafte Kunden TV Applikationen mit datenbasierten Innovationen für Live Sport Events - auf allen Endgeräten. Wir bieten TV Sendern und Plattformen Content Lösungen für alle TV Clients. Wir entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Frontend und Backend Lösungen und unterstützen unsere nationalen und internationalen Kunden von der ersten Produktidee bis zum operativen Betrieb.
Das bedeutet für dich viel Abwechslung und die Auseinandersetzung mit den neuesten Technologien, denn unser Tech Stack wechselt je nach Anforderung und Projekt. Du bist Teil eines unserer interdisziplinären Scrum Teams, das an innovativen TV Applikationen und neuen Produkten arbeitet.
Hier hast du die Gelegenheit, all deine Ideen, Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Technologie in unser Team einzubringen und gemeinsam mit uns die Digitalisierung der Fernsehens aufs nächste Level zu heben. Denn wir krempeln den TV Markt um!
Du hast bereits fundierte Erfahrung in der professionellen Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Web- und Mobile Frontends und kennst dich mit den aktuellen JavaScript Frameworks und Tools gut aus. Außerdem deckst du die Bereiche natives iOS und Android Entwicklung ab und kannst im Idealfall dein Wissen auf die Plattform übergreifende mobile Entwicklung der nächsten Generation in Flutter übertragen.
Auf jeden Fall solltest du verantwortungsbewusst sein und deine Aufgaben zielgerichtet, gewissenhaft und genau erledigen. Dabei behältst Du auch in heißen Phasen einen kühlen Kopf und bist erst zufrieden, wenn du das Problem gefunden, analysiert und gelöst hast.
Du kannst selbstständig und eigeninitiativ arbeiten aber auch in einem Team gut klar kommen. Trifft all das auf dich zu, dann komm zu uns!
Deine Aufgabe
- Du gestaltest das Frontend optisch ansprechend für Mobileanwendungen
- Native iOS und Android Development
- Unterstützung des SCRUM-Entwicklerteam im gesamten Softwareentwicklungsprozess– von der Anforderungserfassung über die Implementierung bis hin zum Testing und der Dokumentation
- Einarbeitung und Entwicklung für ergänzende Plattformen wie z.B. FireTV, Android TV oder AppleTV
- Konfrontation mit nicht alltäglichen Programmierproblemen und Erarbeitung von eigenen Lösungen mit Unterstützung deines Teams
Das gibts von uns
- Eine in eigenständigen Scrum-Teams organisierte Firma
- Aktuelle Hard- und Software
- Flexible, familienfreundliche Arbeitsgestaltung und flache Hierarchien,
- Homeoffice nicht nur in Coronazeiten
- Zugang zu den neusten Technologien: kognitive Services, Multi-Cloud Services, Kubernetes, u.v.m.
- Attraktives Gehalt
- Zuschuss zur Altersvorsorge
- Gemeinsame Events und spontane Grillaktionen in unserem Hof
- Ein cooles Loftbüro mitten im Schanzenviertel in Hamburg
- Frisches Obst, kühle Getränke und echt leckeren Elbgoldkaffee
- und natürlich nette Kollegen
Das hast du im Gepäck
- 3-5 Jahre Erfahrung in der professionellen Entwicklung von Mobile-Frontends
- Kenntnisse in der agilen Softwareentwicklung sowie Begeisterung und Leidenschaft für innovative Technologien, aktuelle Web-Entwicklungen und funktionales UI-Design
- Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit in Deutsch und Englisch in Wort und Schrift
- Lösungsorientiertes, eigeninitiatives und strukturiertes Arbeiten
- Das passende mindset, um mit uns exzellente Lösungen zu entwickeln!
Das kannst Du richtig gut
- JavaScript
- React JS
- HTML 5
- Git
- erste Erfahrungen mit Flutter ideal
Das schreckt dich nicht
- eine fundierte Einschätzung zu Frontendtechnologien und -Frameworks
Das steht jetzt an
Lass uns Televisionieren und schick uns deinen CV mit Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit und deinem Gehaltswunsch an: [email protected]
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Senior Mobile Engineer iOS/Android
Was du bei uns im Engineering bewegst
Du entwickelst benutzerfreundliche Mobile Apps und integrierst diese nahtlos in die Systemlandschaft von Kunden verschiedener Branchen. Du arbeitest in interdisziplinären Teams, meisterst agile Vorgehensmethoden wie Scrum und glänzt mit deiner Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von anspruchsvollen Mobile User Interfaces. Du liebst es, Probleme zu lösen, und bringst ständig neue Erkenntnisse in deine Projekte mit ein. Als Mobile Engineering Experte iOS/Android unterstützt du den Verkauf bei der Angebotserstellung, indem du Kundenbedürfnisse identifizierst, daraus Lösungskonzepte und Aufwandsschätzungen erstellst und diese präsentierst.
Welche Expertise du mitbringst
- Hoch- oder Fachhochschulabschluss (ETH/Uni, FH) in Computer Science oder ähnlich
- 5+ Jahre Erfahrung mit einer oder mehrerer dieser Plattformen
- iOS: Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C
- Android: Java, Kotlin
- Fundierte Kenntnisse des Mobile Development Lifecycle
- Kenntnisse objektorientierter Designs und Design-Patterns
- Erfahrung mit Hybrid-Technologien wie Xamarin, Capacitor/Ionic, Flutter, React Native o.ä. von Vorteil
- Grundlegendes Wissen im Bereich der Softwarearchitektur und mit CI/CD
- Du hast eine hohe Qualitätsanforderung an deine Arbeit und begeisterst Kunden und Teammitglieder für deine Lösungen
- Stilsicheres Deutsch in Wort und Schrift sowie gute Englischkenntnisse
Was Ergon dir bietet
Bei Ergon ist die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeitenden sehr wichtig. Wir pflegen eine offene Firmenkultur, bei der Eigenverantwortung und Mitbestimmung im Zentrum stehen. Wir bieten eine moderne Arbeitsumgebung in der Zürcher City beim Bahnhof Stadelhofen, und ein umfangreiches Schulungs- und Weiterbildungsangebot.
Das Unternehmen mit mehr als 300 Mitarbeitern wurde 1984 gegründet und mehrfach als einer der besten Arbeitgeber der Schweiz ausgezeichnet, z.B. beim «Swiss Arbeitgeber Award», «Great Place to Work Schweiz» oder kununu.
Wie du uns erreichst
Suchst du eine packende Herausforderung in unkonventioneller Atmosphäre in einem professionellen und motivierten Team?
Dann freuen wir uns über deine Bewerbung an [email protected].
Dein Kontakt bei Fragen:
Miriam Di Chiara
HR Specialist
+41 44 268 89 88
[email protected]
Zum Original-Inserat: Senior Mobile Engineer iOS/Android
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(Senior) Mobile Engineer (Flutter) - New Platform (f/m/d)
We are looking for a (Senior) Mobile Engineer (Flutter) (f/m/d) to join our international team. You will be responsible for implementing our new chat-based application in our vendor platform.
Your mission:
You will work on a platform which helps restaurants to be connected to suppliers. You will implement mobile chat-based applications for iOS and Android which communicate with various backend services.
You are not shying away to build reliable, scalable systems with high concurrency and are always eager to learn new languages & technologies. Your decisions will make an impact since your ideas & efforts do matter.
Eventually you are not afraid to build global systems which are used by thousands of people and constantly drive for excellence.
Your heroic skills:
At least 3 year working experience in fast-paced mobile iOS and/or Android platforms.
Dart / Flutter experience.
Native mobile apps development experience using Kotlin/Java or/and Swift/Objective-C.
A rock-solid foundation in Computer Science (data structures, algorithms, software design).
Rigor in high code quality, automated testing, and other engineering best practices.
Ability to make independent decisions and taking ownership for them.
Full professional English proficiency.
Why Delivery Hero?
Exchange ideas and meet fellow developers in our active guilds and through our global tech & product community.
We offer visa & relocation support globally to our permanent employees.
Enjoy our free online yoga classes and a subsidized Urban Sports Club or Gympass membership.
Take care of your mental and emotional well-being with our free Headspace subscription and unlimited access to our Employee Assistance Program.
Participate in our health campaigns such as seasonal flu vaccines.
Benefit from BVG subsidy or join our Bike rental program.
Join the global market leader and a publicly listed company with a competitive remuneration package.
Develop your skills with your personal educational budget for conferences and external trainings.
Access our e-learning platform MyAcademy and participate in our various inhouse trainings, including German learning options.
Save responsibly with our attractive corporate pension options.
Join company parties, team, cultural and sports events - due to the current situation on a virtual basis.
Have we caught your attention? If you are looking for an environment where our company DNA is defined by our values and People Leadership Principles, please send us your CV.
We’re looking forward to your application!
About us:
Learn more about our diverse stack and what our teams are working on by visiting our Tech & Product blog and our Tech Talk Youtube channel.
Delivery Hero is building the next generation global on-demand delivery platform. We have grown rapidly from inception in 2011 to become one of the leading global online food ordering and delivery platforms and are now innovating and creating new services such as groceries, pharmacies, and other convenience articles in multiple markets.
Our awesome international team already operates in 40+ countries worldwide and we are looking for the most talented people to join us on our mission to ‘always deliver an amazing experience.
At Delivery Hero, we believe diversity and representation is key to creating not only an exciting product, but also an amazing customer and employee experience. Fostering this starts with hiring -- therefore we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or any other aspect that makes you, you.
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Mobile Developer nativ (Android/iOS)
Wenn du iOS oder Android Entwickler bist und folgendes mitbringst, bist Du bei uns goldrichtig:
- Mind. 2 Jahre Erfahrung– mit Apps, die im App Store zu finden sind
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in den Sprachen Swift und/oder Objective-C sowie mit dem Cocoa Touch Framework oder Kotlin und/oderJava sowie dem Android SDK
- Du kannst gute Kenntnisse über REST Schnittstellen, Testflight, JSON und Datenbanken vorweisen
- Praxiserfahrung mit GIT/Bitbucket.
- Du kennst dich gut mit Architecture Patterns wie MVVM/-C und üblichen Design Patterns aus
- Du bist offen für andere Menschen und Kulturen – unser Team ist bunt, du auch?
- Du bist eine kommunikative Type oder bereit eine zu werden
- Reisebereitschaft im Rhein-Main-Gebiet (in Absprache mit Dir aber auch gerne Deutschlandweit), denn du wirst bei unseren Kunden vor Ort in sehr interessanten Projekteneingesetzt.
- Du sprichst Deutsch auf dem Niveau C1 und bringst sehr gute Englisch Kenntnisse mit
- Du hast praktische Erfahrung mit CI/CD Pipelines
- Erfahrung mit Google Firebase und verbundenen Leistungen wie Cloud Functions
- Reactive Programming Erfahrung mithilfe RxSwift und/oder Combine oder entsprechend mit RxJava und/oder RxKotlin
- Du hast vielleicht etwas in Cross Platform Frameworks wie Flutter und/oder React Native entwickelt.
- Du kannst Vorreiter sein bei wichtigen Entscheidungen rund um Technologie, Architektur und Implementierung
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!
Deine Zelfi AG
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Mobile QA Tester
Als Mobile QA Tester (m/w/d) setzt du dich in deinem Scrum-Team für die Verbesserung der Softwarequalität ein. Du testest unsere Studenten-App, die du langfristig wahrscheinlich so gut wie niemand sonst kennen wirst. Für dich steht das Produkt im Vordergrund: Du hast die Zielgruppe im Blick und weißt, wie sie es nutzt. Wenn es dir Spaß macht, unserer App mit einer frischen Sichtweise auf den Zahn zu fühlen, uns bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer Testprozesse zu unterstützen und du unser Produkt spannend findest, bist du richtig bei uns.
- Als Teil deines Scrum-Teams bist du für das Testen unserer mobilen Studenten-App verantwortlich.
- Du bist von Anfang an im Entwicklungsprozess dabei und überlegst, wie man funktionales und nutzerorientiertes Testen in die Akzeptanzkriterien aufnimmt.
- Du entwickelst gemeinsam mit deinem Team interne Testprozesse weiter und führst benötigte weitere Tools und Prozesse ein.
- Darüber hinaus arbeitest du eng mit unserem Support-Team zusammen und treibst das teamübergreifende Testing und dessen Dokumentation mit voran.
- Du hast einen Forscher-Geist: Es macht dir Spaß, Bugs zu finden, die vorher noch niemand gemeldet hat.
- Du bringst berufliche Erfahrungen im Testen von mobilen Apps mit – idealerweise im Rahmen von Scrum und in der agilen Softwareentwicklung.
- Du kennst dich mit den Betriebssystemen iOS und Android aus und hast Spaß daran, die App für beide gleichermaßen zu testen und deine Ergebnisse in den Entwicklungsprozess einzubringen.
- Du bringst durch deine Erfahrungen gute Kenntnisse der Methoden und Prozesse der Software-QA mit.
- Du hast ein gutes Auge für Design und User Flow.
- Du arbeitest eigenständig, hast einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch an deine Arbeit und findest mit Kreativität immer die effektivsten Testing-Methoden.
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Mobile (iOS/Kotlin) Engineering Manager - Vendor Tech (f/m/d)
We are looking for a Mobile (iOS/Kotlin) Engineering Manager (f/m/d) to join our international team. You will be responsible for leading the mobile development and experience for our global vendor platform.
Your mission:
You will work on a platform which helps restaurants with their daily job. You will lead the implementation of mobile applications for iOS and Android which communicate with various backend services and coordinate app release processes.
You will lead the mobile engineering team of 4-6 developers.
You are not shying away to build reliable, scalable systems with high concurrency and are always eager to learn new languages & technologies. Your decisions will make an impact since your ideas & efforts do matter.
Eventually you are not afraid to build global systems which are used by thousands of people and constantly drive for excellence.
Your heroic skills:
2+ year experience in leading a cross-functional team
At least 6 year working experience in fast-paced mobile iOS and/or Android platforms.
Dart / Flutter experience is a plus.
Native mobile apps development experience using Kotlin/Java or/and Swift/Objective-C.
A rock-solid foundation in Computer Science (data structures, algorithms, software design).
Rigor in high code quality, automated testing, and other engineering best practices.
Ability to make independent decisions and take ownership for them.
Full professional English proficiency.
Why Delivery Hero?
Develop your skills with your educational budget for conferences and external trainings.
Exchange ideas and meet fellow developers at regular meetups, in our active guilds and during our Developer Exchange Program.
Join company parties, hackathons, cultural and sports events.
English is our working language, and our colleagues at Delivery Hero come from every corner of the globe, working in diverse, cross-cultural teams.
Save responsibly with our corporate pension scheme.
Daily fruits, cereals, beverages, tea and coffee in our lounges.
Learn German with free classes, access our e-learning platform and participate in our inhouse trainings.
Enjoy massages, get your haircut in the office, join our free yoga classes or take a timeout in our nap room.
About us:
Delivery Hero Tech is playing an exceptional role in the large growth of our company. Our Tech teams leverage a diverse stack to create cutting-edge solutions which cover the full customer experience - starting with a great online search experience and ending with a real-time delivery at your doorstep.
Read about the latest updates from our Tech & Product teams on our blog.
Delivery Hero is building the next generation global on-demand delivery platform. We have grown rapidly from inception in 2011 to become the world's largest food-ordering network and we’re now innovating and creating new verticals such as groceries, pharmacies, flowers and other convenience articles in multiple markets.
Our awesome international team already operates in 40+ countries worldwide and we are exclusively looking for the best people to join us on our mission to ‘always deliver an amazing experience.’ If you’re an enthusiastic problem solver and hungry for a new adventure, an exciting job and multicultural workplace is waiting for you in the heart of Berlin!
At Delivery Hero, we believe diversity and representation is key to creating not only an exciting product, but also an amazing customer and employee experience. Fostering this starts with hiring -- therefore we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or any other aspect that makes you, you.
Have we caught your attention? If you are looking for an environment where our company DNA is defined by our values, please send us your CV.
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Flutter Engineer (m/f/d)
XAIN, the eXpandable AI Network, is a Berlin-based technology company. We tackle the dilemma of unlocking the full power of AI without compromising data privacy and build solutions that bring enterprises to the forefront of AI utilization. XAIN’s origin was a research project at Oxford University and Imperial College London by CEO Leif-Nissen Lundbaek and CTO Professor Michael Huth. Research is in our DNA and today serves as our driving force for further innovation. XAIN aims to solve some of the biggest challenges in the research field of privacy-preserving AI, particularly focusing on Federated Machine Learning. For further information on products and research, visit xain.io.
We are currently looking for a dedicated and ambitious Flutter Engineer(m/f/d) with experience in cross-platform mobile development (iOS, Android) to help us launch and maintain mobile apps.
Your Tasks and Responsibilities
- Improve the customer experience by continuously implementing new features, optimizing user flows, and increasing technical performance.
- Use your experience in frontend technologies to identify frameworks, libraries, techniques and strategies to build our mobile app.
- Stay up to date on Play/App store requirements and mobile application capabilities and trends to be able to help inform the team on possible roadmap features, including implementation breakdowns and prototypes.
- Work closely together with other experienced Developers, PMs and Designers.
- Be a mentor to junior team members and always act as a good example regarding coding standards and code reviews.
- Draft architectual decisions together with your team and explore new technologies.
- 3+ years working experience in customer facing applications.
- 1+ years experience with Flutter including BLoC pattern, animations and 3rd party library integration.
- Native mobile apps development experience using Kotlin or/and Swift/Objective-C.
- Experience in publishing and managing mobile apps in the Apple App Store/Google Play Store.
- You have experience with Firebase services like Auth, Analytics, Firestore, and Crashlytics.
- Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and an eye for design and mobile UIs.
- High code quality, automated testing, and other engineering best practices.
- Ability to make independent decisions and taking ownership for them.
- Good soft-skills, you can communicate clearly with your team.
- Business proficiency in English language, German is a plus.
- Full time availability and eligibility to work in Germany.
- Nice to have: Experience with Angular
Our Offer
- Be part of a dynamic, international, ambitious team of talented people.
- A great opportunity for professional growth and self-improvement on a strategic and creative level.
- Entrepreneurial flexibility, autonomy and flat hierarchies.
- A fast-paced, multi-faceted working environment and an exciting company product.
- A competitive pay.
- Budget and time for Personal Development.
- Support with Visa Process.
Do you feel you are the right fit for this opening and are you excited about starting your next challenge? Then apply to us by submitting your application documents to Beatrice, Head of HR, at [email protected]
We’re excited to hear from you!
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Principal Mobile Engineer
We’re looking for a Principal Mobile Engineer to join our team of engineers at eCG to help support our iOS/Android engineers and drive the modernisation of our app platforms. As a hands senior engineer you will be involved in everything from writing code to developing our native strategies.
What you can expect from us:
A collaborative, informal, international and playful work culture with self-organised, multi-disciplinary agile teams.
Managers and teammates who are invested in your growth as an engineer and as a person.
Ability to join and participate in multiple internal interest groups in Gumtree and across eCG, in topics like DevOps, Data engineering, mobile development, and others.
Access to tools and resources to be the best at your job (MacBook Pro)
Loads of other perks!
You would be part a multi-functional engineering organisational team, with UX, Backend, Web and App Engineers, focussing on extending, solving challenges, and improving our high traffic app, while mentoring engineers around you, assisting in pull request reviews, hiring, maintaining and advocating strong development standards.
Does this sound like you?
We love creating opportunities for others by connecting people from widely diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and geographies. So, being diverse and inclusive isn’t just something we strive for, it is who we are, and part of what we do each and every single day. We want to ensure that as an employee, you feel eBay is a place where, no matter who you are, you feel safe, included, and that you have the opportunity to bring your unique self to work..
To learn about our Diversity & Inclusion click here: https://www.ebayinc.com/our-company/diversity-inclusion/.
Unfortunately we are not able to offer visa sponsorship and relocation support at this time.
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Senior Cross-Platform Mobile Developer (m/f/d) - For our location in Bonn
Senior Cross-Platform Mobile Developer (m/f/d) - For our location in Bonn
We are Scanbot / doo GmbH! We are a German software development company founded in 2011, with business presences in Bonn and San Francisco. Scanbot enables the integration of scanning and data extraction functionalities into existing mobile applications for the insurance, healthcare, logistics, and banking industry. The Software Development Kit (SDK) utilizes highly sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to integrate scanning functionalities and data extraction into any app. More than 200 businesses worldwide use the Scanbot SDK, including DAX 30 and Fortune 500 companies. Scanbot is backed by three venture capital companies: Freigeist, Target Partners, and Evoco.
We are looking for a Senior Cross-Platform Mobile Developer (m/f/d) here in Bonn. In this role, you will develop and integrate innovative core features for our successful B2B product Scanbot SDK using the cross-platform frameworks Xamarin & Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, React Native, as well as Cordova / Ionic. You will be joining an experienced, multicultural, and enthusiastic team, with lots of great opportunities for professional, and personal growth. Your code will be used by millions of users every month!
What you will be doing
- Help architect, build, iterate, and manage our SDK.
- Integrate existing and new functionality into our cross-platform wrappers.
- Develop and maintain our SDK example apps for iOS and Android.
- Plan and develop new wrappers.
- Partner closely with product management to continuously improve our product offering.
- Help to raise the overall skill and quality level through pairing, design/code reviews.
- Develop custom UI components and beautiful product animations.
- Investigate and fix bugs reported by the QA team and our customers.
- Improve the cutting edge scanning and data extraction SDK.
- Research and use new technologies like AI and ML.
What you can expect from us
- Responsibility from the day you start.
- Work with cutting edge technologies like Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
- An experienced and inspiring team that is willing to ship improvements and features continuously.
- A multitude of possibilities to improve professionally and personally.
- A flat hierarchy with the possibility of direct influence.
- Modern tools and equipment (latest MacBooks / mobile devices / displays).
- Beautiful and modern office right next to the Rhine river.
- Easily accessible by train and car from the whole Cologne / Bonn area.
- An agile and flexible way of working.
- Sweet and healthy snacks and a large selection of drinks.
- "Come as you are Dresscode".
- Lived Work-life balance.
- And many more benefits.
What we are looking for
- Three years (or more) experience in developing Android and iOS applications is desirable.
- Good programming skills in Kotlin, Java, Swift, and Objective-C.
- Good programming skills in at least one of the following languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, C#. Willingness to become a good coder in all of them.
- Experience with Android Studio and Xcode.
- Experience with at least two of the following cross-platform frameworks: Cordova, React Native, Flutter, Xamarin. Willingness to become an expert in all of them.
- Understanding of Android and iOS design principles.
- Understanding of reactive development paradigm.
- Experience with common software development tools like git (GitHub), bug, and issue tracking (JIRA).
- Fluency in English.
- Experiences in the following areas would be a plus:
- Experience in testing apps for mobile devices.
- Fluency in German or other languages.
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Flutter / Android - Entwickler (m/w/d)
Über uns
Die phellow seven GmbH ist ein Digital Health Startup mit Sitz in Heidelberg. Als „link to digital health“ entwickeln wir standardisierte, auf den Bürger und Patienten ausgerichtete Gesundheitsanwendungen, bei denen der Nutzer die Kontrolle über seine Daten behält. So schaffen wir Mehrwerte für Bürger, Patienten, Gesundheitsnetze und -einrichtung, sowie für Anbieter von digitalen Gesundheitsservices.
Du bist ein Softwareentwickler mit Leib und Seele und hast Spaß an innovativen Technologien? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams (Berufseinsteiger willkommen) suchen wir ab sofort
Flutter / Android - Entwickler (m/w/d)
Deine Aufgabe
- Du entwickelst zusammen in einem eingespielten Team Software für das Gesundheitswesen von morgen
- Dazu entwickelst du eigenständig individuelle, technische Konzepte und setzt diese um
- Du verantwortest die Weiterentwicklung des Frontends einer Kernkomponente unseres Produktportfolios
Dein Profil
- Know-how und sicherer Umgang mit einer relevanten Programmiersprache: Dart, Java, Kotlin, Swift
- Grundlegende Erfahrung mit dem Flutter Framework
- JSON/REST-API Kenntnisse
- Umgang mit Git / JIRA / Confluence
- Grundkenntnisse in Frontend Security
- Scrum sollte dir ein Begriff sein
- Du kennst dich mit HL7 FHIR aus
- Kenntnisse in Barrierefreiheit und responsive Design
- Erfahrung mit OAuth / OpenID
Deine persönlichen Voraussetzungen
- Du hast Spaß am eigenverantwortlichen und qualitätsorientierten Arbeiten im Team
- Du sprichst Deutsch und Englisch und kannst auch komplexere Sachverhalte in Wort und Schrift wiedergeben
- Du beschäftigst Dich gerne mit aktuellen Technologien und Trends
Wir bieten
- Eine offene, freundliche und agile Startup-Atmosphäre, in die du deine Fähigkeiten einbringen und vor allem weiterentwickeln kannst
- Internationale Ausrichtung
- Festanstellung in einem innovativen, kreativen und zielorientierten Team
- Eine unbefristete Anstellung
- Flache Hierarchien und schnelle Entscheidungen
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit anteilig aus dem Home Office zu arbeiten, sobald die Onboarding-Phase abgeschlossen ist
Sollten wir dein Interesse geweckt haben, dann schick uns deine elektronische Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf und ein paar Referenzen (z.B. Webseiten, Programme, Apps – Anschreiben ist nicht notwendig) an [email protected]
Wir freuen uns auf Dich!
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Senior Mobile Developer, Flutter (or keen on learning it)
Want to build applications used by millions of customers - to keep in touch and share resources with their friends and family around the world?
What we can provide:
- An international company with many different products to work on
- Work on applications which really make a difference in people’s lives
- Talented and friendly colleagues
- Office in the heart of Helsinki
- Remote work option
- Competitive compensation
- Assistance in visa process when needed
About you:
We are looking for a mobile developer to join us developing our next generation mobile products. This position is in our Flutter team, but your background can be any mobile platform. If you already know Flutter, great. If not, that’s ok too - we’re looking for smart people who are also quick learners.
You will work on our new mobile offering, as well as some truly groundbreaking things we are building in our dungeon. The code must flow.
- Have a few years of hands-on mobile development experience (Android, iOS, React Native)
- Are truly passionate about mobile development
- Can communicate in English - Finnish skills not required
- Are a constant learner
- Extra points for understanding the full stack required to build complex applications. Although this is a mobile developer position, we believe comprehending all layers in a system makes better developers and results in better products
- Must know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Please send us your CV and tell us a little about yourself and why you’re applying.
Apply soon, change is coming!
P.S. We’re not all geeks, just the people writing this ad. Geekiness is about passion and that we do all have. We want to change the world with our services and if that sounds like something you’d like to do, get in touch.
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Senior Flutter / Dart Developer
BOTS by Revenyou is looking for a Senior Front End Developer, who wants to work for a well-financed Dutch startup from Haarlem.
According to Emerce.nl, BOTS by RevenYOU is ‘’One of the top seven fintech companies to look out for this year!’’ and dutch media company Sprout called us ‘’The google of the stock exchange!’’. None of this changes the fact that we are a young and fun company with a shared goal: make BOTS a success!
Our goal is to make the exclusive technology of algorithmic trading accessible for everyone. By providing the tools to trade as a pro, we hope to shake up the financial world and give everyone equal chances. Your contribution to democratize the world of trading will be at the core of our product, therefore, we are looking for an experienced front end developer.
The role
We are looking for an experienced and driven front end developer who will work on the core of our product. As a front end developer, you are a developer for the client side. You will be working on the Android and IOS app using Flutter / Dart according to the Scrum methodology.
Your role:
- Working with our back-end developers to leverage data
- Writing logic that retrieves and manipulates data
- You will be defining, running and monitoring large computational workloads, running on low latency infrastructure.
- Researching, we expect that you have great research skills and that this is also something you find challenging. We have to find ways to improve different parts of our system. This can be about defining and implementing financial models orderbooks, api’s, etc.
BOTS’ raised new capital and the continued development of our systems is essential. We want to grow to 120 countries with a lot of users. You will be in the core of this expansion, an exciting time of an exciting company to be part of. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
What are we looking for?
- 4+ years of software development experience
- You can code Flutter/Dart and preferable Python
- You have Knowledge on the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends and technologies
- You have submitted apps before in the store for both platforms
- You have experience working with sprints development process
- You have Good communication skills in English
- Knowledge of algorithms and data structures
- Ability to provide clean and reliable code
- A proactive approach to problem solving
- Someone who can deal well with conflict and field-critical questions
- An independent thinker who is creative in finding alternative solutions
Our offer
- We offer an excellent, competitive salary based on your work experience
- 25 vacation days per year
- If you are very ambitious, growth is possible!
- A pleasant workplace, with an open, fun and young international team!
- A Friday afternoon drink with beer!
- Table football clashes between employees.
- Room for your personal development to learn and discover a lot, with a focus on craftsmanship.
- A lot of independence, responsibility and a lot of room for initiative.
- Virtual shares certificates, so you really become part of a great journey to change the world of trading.
Are you interested in this position? Let us know. Send us an email with your motivation letter and CV at [email protected].
Make sure you indicate the vacancy title in the subject of your email.
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Mobile Frontend Developer für New TV (m/w/d)
Wir sind die TeraVolt, eine erfolgreiche mittelständische Agentur für digitale Medienprodukte- und Beratung. Wir entwickeln und betreiben für namhafte Kunden TV Applikationen mit datenbasierten Innovationen für Live Sport Events - auf allen Endgeräten. Wir bieten TV Sendern und Plattformen Content Lösungen für alle TV Clients. Wir entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Frontend und Backend Lösungen und unterstützen unsere nationalen und internationalen Kunden von der ersten Produktidee bis zum operativen Betrieb.
Das bedeutet für dich viel Abwechslung und die Auseinandersetzung mit den neuesten Technologien denn du bist Teil des neu formierten TVXray Teams, das an einem innovativen neuen, auf Sportdaten basierenden Startup in der Frühphase arbeitet.
Hier hast du die Gelegenheit all deine Ideen, Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Technologie in unser Team einzubringen und gemeinsam mit uns unser Produkt auf die nächste Stufe zu heben.
Wir möchten, dass unser Developerteam aus einer Gruppe von Allround-Full-Stack-Entwicklern besteht, die zu gleichen Teilen verteilt gemeinsam an dem Produkt arbeiten, während jedes einzelne Mitglieder dem Team sein spezielles Fachwissen zur Verfügung stellt. So kann jeder neue Erfahrungen in den verschiedenen Bereichen sammeln und gleichzeitig vom Knowhow der Experten profitieren.
Du hast bereits fundierte Erfahrung in der professionellen Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Web- und Mobile Frontends und kennst dich mit den aktuellen JavaScript Frameworks und Tools gut aus. Außerdem deckst du die Bereiche natives Android iOS und Android Entwicklung ab und kannst im Idealfall dein Wissen auf die plattformübergreifende mobile Entwicklung der nächsten Generation in Flutter übertragen. Und obwohl dein Herz fürs Mobile Frontend schlägt, scheust du dich nicht auch mal die Backend Entwickler bei Python, Java oder Cloud Technologien zu unterstützen, denn wir sind ein überschaubares Team, das weniger Spezialisten als Generalisten braucht.
Auf jeden Fall solltest du verantwortungsbewusst sein und deine Aufgaben zielgerichtet, gewissenhaft und genau erledigen. Dabei behältst Du auch in heißen Phasen einen kühlen Kopf und bist erst zufrieden, wenn du das Problem gefunden, analysiert und gelöst hast.
Du kannst selbstständig und eigeninitiativ arbeiten aber auch in einem Team gut klar kommen. Trifft all das auf dich zu, dann komm zu uns!
Deine Aufgabe
- Du gestaltest das Frontend optisch anprechend für Mobileanwendungen
- Native Android iOS und Android Development
- Unterstützung des SCRUM-Entwicklerteam im gesamten Softwareentwicklungsprozess– von der Anforderungserfassung über die Implementierung bis hin zum Testing und der Dokumentation
- Einarbeitung und Entwicklung für ergänzende Plattformen wie z.B. FireTV, Android TV oder AppleTV
- Konfrontation mit nicht alltäglichen Programmierproblemen und Erarbeitung von eigenen Lösungen mit Unterstützung deines Teams
Das gibts von uns
- Eine in eigenständigen Scrum-Teams organisierte Firma
- Aktuelle Hard- und Software
- Flexible, familienfreundliche Arbeitsgestaltung und flache Hierarchien,
- Homeoffice nicht nur in Coronazeiten
- Zugang zu den neusten Technologien: kognitive Services, Multi-Cloud Services, Kubernetes, u.v.m.
- Attraktives Gehalt
- Zuschuss zur Altersvorsorge
- Parkplatz möglich
- HVV Karte möglich
- Gemeinsame Events und spontane Grillaktionen in unserem Hof
- Ein cooles Loftbüro mitten im Schanzenviertel in Hamburg
- Frisches Obst, kühle Getränke und echt leckeren Elbgoldkaffee
- und natürlich nette Kollegen
Das hast du im Gepäck
- 3-5 Jahre Erfahrung in der professionellen Entwicklung von Mobile-Frontends
- Kenntnisse in der agilen Softwareentwicklung sowie Begeisterung und Leidenschaft für innovative Technologien, aktuelle Web-Entwicklungen und funktionales UI-Design
- Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit in Deutsch und Englisch in Wort und Schrift
- Lösungsorientiertes, eigeninitiatives und strukturiertes Arbeiten
- Das passende mindset, um mit uns exzellente Lösungen zu entwickeln!
Das kannst Du richtig gut
- JavaScript
- React JS
- HTML 5
- Git
- erste Erfahrungen mit Flutter ideal
Das schreckt dich nicht
- ggf. Unterstützung der Backend-Entwicklung primär in PHP
- eine fundierte Einschätzung zu Frontendtechnologien und -Frameworks
Das steht jetzt an
Lass uns Televisionieren und schick uns deinen CV mit Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit und deinem Gehaltswunsch an: [email protected]
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Senior Mobile Developer (m/w/d)
Welche Aufgaben erwarten dich:
- Du erstellst zusammen mit deinem Team qualitativ hochwertige Android Apps im B2BGeschäft
- Du unterstützt als Android Entwickler das Douglas Kundenapp-Team und arbeitest in
separaten Projektphasen als Mobile-Entwickler unter Anwendung vielfältiger Frontend-
Technologien in weiteren Kundenprojekten - Mit deiner Begeisterung für agile Softwareentwicklung und technische Trends treibst du
die Entwicklung bezüglich Technologie, Design und User-Experience voran - In agilen Teams bist du an allen Phasen der Produktentwicklung beteiligt und arbeitest
cross-funktional. Dabei stimmst du dich eng mit Product-Ownern, Designern,
Entwicklern und der QA ab
Was bringst du mit:
- Ein abgeschlossenes Informatikstudium oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation sowie
umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von mobilen Apps mit vielfältigen
Frameworks und tiefgreifende Kenntnisse in der nativen Android-Entwicklung - Du hast Erfahrung in der Cross-Plattform Entwicklung (beispielsweise mit Flutter)
- Du hast ein agiles- und Nutzer-zentriertes Mindset
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Programmiersprachen für die mobile Frontend-Entwicklung wie
Kotlin, Swift, Dart, JavaScript/Typescript, gute Kenntnisse in funktionaler, reaktiver
Programmierung - Sehr gute Kommunikationsstärke gegenüber Kunden und Team (Deutsch und Englisch)
- Du bist selbstorganisiert und übernimmst gerne Verantwortung
- Du hast viel Freude im Erlernen und der flexiblen Anwendung neuer Technologien
- Kenntnisse und Erfahrung in der Web-, Backend,- oder iOS-Entwicklung sind ein Plus
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Flutter Developer (m/f/d)
Who are we searching for?
We search for a Flutter developer who shares our passion for clean, testable code and intuitive user interfaces. We want somebody who can proactively push projects and teams forward. In teams of 2-5 developers, you'd develop apps that keep working even under the extreme circumstances in clinics.
You will not only learn to write scalable code but also how to lead teams and get the most out of young developers. This blog article of ours describes pretty well what we consider to be the fundamental attitudes of a great developer.
You can pick if you want to specialize in the Healthcare/Medicine area (quickbirdmedical.com), work on projects for big clients like Lufthansa or Caterpillar, or build apps for fast-growing, transformative startups.
Technical Infos
Based on the use case, our apps either follow a BLoC or MVVM architecture (more information can be found in our blog article). You can find more infos about our concepts on our GitHub-Page (e.g. this project) or our Blog.
As a young agency we continuously work on new, exciting projects. You will usually work on completely new apps without fighting 10-year old code-bases. We never had a developer we could not push to his technical limits.
- At least 1 year of experience with Flutter development
- Up-to-date with current Flutter development trends
- Developed at least one Flutter app from scratch
- Willing to help teammates and to learn from them
- Openness for new concepts and critics
What we offer
- A very ambitious talented team of 18 developers and designers
- Position with high responsibility
- Regular team events (tabletop soccer/beer/coding evenings/game nights etc.)
- Ability to implement own ideas (e.g. as open-source projects)
- Office in the heart of Munich near central station
- Flexible working times
Your application
Tell us what drives you, which topics you're excited about and what you worked on before. Put your standard application letter aside. Instead, let us know what makes you jump out of bed in the morning.
We want to get to know you as a person. You want to work with people you like, that push you forward and inspire you. Same for us.
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Software Developer (m/w/d)* Flutter & Backend
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Full-Stack-Entwicklung von Cross-Plattform-Apps (iOS, Android, Web) und Backend-Komponenten für den ALTE LEIPZIGER – HALLESCHE Konzern
- Interdisziplinäre Projekt- und Entwicklungsarbeit als Teil eines eingespielten Inhouse-Scrum-Teams, das sich bestens mit unseren Backend-Prozessen auskennt
- Software-/App-Entwicklung und Testing, v. a. mit Flutter, Dart, C#, .NET Core und Cloud auf modernen Arbeitsplätzen
- Fachliche Unterstützung und Beratung der Fachbereiche bei der technischen Umsetzung verschiedener Anforderungen
Ihre Kompetenzen:
- Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium mit Schwerpunkt IT (Bachelor/Master)
- Alternativ: mehrjährige Berufspraxis in der Anwendungsentwicklung
- Erfahrung in der plattformübergreifenden Software-/App-Entwicklung für iOS, Android und Web – bevorzugt mit Flutter
- Sicherer Umgang mit (idealerweise nicht-relationalen) Datenbanken
- Grundlegendes Know-how in der agilen Projekt-/Entwicklungsarbeit
- Soziale Kompetenz und Kommunikationsstärke
- Hohe Eigenverantwortung gepaart mit einer selbstständigen Arbeitsweise
Das wird Sie begeistern:
- Strukturierte Einarbeitung in eine eigenverantwortliche Tätigkeit
- Förderung von Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Attraktives Gehalt – 14 volle Monatsgehälter ab dem zweiten Jahr der Betriebszugehörigkeit
- Betriebliche Krankenversicherung – "Vorsorge-Schecks" für private Leistungen
- Betriebsrente, VL und weitere geldwerte Vorteile
- Vielseitige und umfangreiche Unterstützung im Bereich Work-Life-Balance
- Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung, 30 Tage Urlaub und viele weitere Benefits
Es erwartet Sie ein Team, in dem Arbeiten Spaß macht!
Interesse geweckt? Gleich über unser Online-Formular bewerben!
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung unter Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres möglichen Eintrittstermins!
Der ALTE LEIPZIGER – HALLESCHE Konzern begrüßt ausdrücklich die Bewerbung von Menschen mit Behinderung. Bei Fragen und für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich gerne an Kathrin Heilheckerunter 06171-66-4412. Selbstverständlich stehen Ihnen auch die Bewerbungswege per E-Mail oder Post zur Verfügung.
ALTE LEIPZIGER Lebensversicherung a. G.
Personal und Soziales
Alte Leipziger-Platz 1
61440 Oberursel
[email protected]
* Im Interesse der besseren Lesbarkeit wird im Text die männliche Form gewählt, dennoch bezieht sich die Stellenausschreibung auf Angehörige aller Geschlechter.
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Flutter Developer
Rydoo, a finalist for the best employer brand on linkedin, reinvents and simplifies travel and expense management for companies across the globe to just a few click and photos, whilst saving time and optimising costs.
Rydoo has a mission: to change the way we work. Join us and be part of an international and fast-growing team of nomads – electricity, wifi and coffee is all we need to work!
Rydoo in a nutshell:
- 350+ talented people
- 27 nationalities speaking 15 languages
- 11 offices across 4 continents
- 10,000+ clients
- A wonderful app available on iPhone and Android
- 900,000+ users
- Rydoo is a Sodexo corp-up: the alliance of 2 startups and a corporation
Job Description
We are looking for a passionate mobile developer with Flutter experience to help us build the next generation of expense and travel management tools. If you’re eager to develop software in an agile environment with a focus on the end user, problem-solving and engineering excellence - this is the place for you! You will help us craft a world-class mobile app that empowers 900k+ users around the world.
This is an amazing opportunity to push the limits of Flutter and make a contribution to the community.
- Experience in building flutter apps
- Native iOS and/or Android experience is a plus
- Knowledge of unit/widget testing
- Familiarity with SOLID principles
- Knowledge of Redux architecture / repository pattern
- Experience consuming (developing) REST API's
- Nice to have: Xamarin, .NET Core, C#
- Experience with CI/CD is a plus
- Experience to work in an agile environment
- Fluent in English (written and spoken)
Additional information
Offer – what’s in it for you?
- Permanent contract
- Competitive pay with benefits (depending on country of work, benefits may differ)
- Challenge of a lifetime and career progression
- Wonderful international team – ain’t no family like the Rydoo family
- The Rydoo way of work – flexibility, comfy pouffes, salad days… and more ;)
- Spectacular onboarding program for all new Rydooer’s
Follow us on social media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rydoo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rydooapp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rydooapp
Glassdoor: http://bit.ly/2UujjWJ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rydoo/
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Senior Mobile App Developer iOS (m/f/d)
Our goal is to enable our customers to have a carefree time on holiday or to fully concentrate on the tasks during a business trip! The basis for our success and the achievement of our goals is our professional booking platform, which is continuously expanded and optimized by our developers*. Would you like to be jointly responsible for millions of satisfied customers? Then we are looking for you as our new
Senior Mobile App Developer iOS (m/f/d)
- New development and active participation in a new native iOS app.
- Participation in global app architecture and central cross-divisional functions.
- Establishment of an internal app development team.
- Professional / technical coordination with internal development teams and external service providers.
- You have several years of experience as an iOS developer* in agile.
- Development models (Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc.) are familiar to you.
- You bring along profound knowledge in Swift and iOS app development.
- First experiences with Flutter are desirable.
- You bring know-how in the use of web technologies (REST, JSON, HTTP).
- You have good knowledge in automating build and deployment processes.
- You have experience with Unit Testing / UI Testing.
- You have a high quality standard.
- You comply with the Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and regularly follow new developments.
- You have a strong interest in the generation of testable, performant and maintainable code.
- An appreciative, familiar and agile corporate culture with flat hierarchies and many possibilities to shape your working environment.
- A development environment completely provisioned in Docker and an internal cloud for experimenting with emerging technology trends.
- Dynamic and independent work.
- Continuous integration and peer reviews of your merge requests for quality assurance of your code.
- Automated build pipelines and continuous deployment.
- Constructive feedback is welcome.
- Promotion of personal development through Open Fridays as well as the opportunity to participate in conferences, further education or online courses.
- Free choice of your tools and equipment (e.g. macOS, Linux or Windows)
- Flexible working hours with a fixed workplace in the centre of Cologne and sufficient free time, but also home office arrangements.
- A highly motivated, efficient team that works together and enjoys celebrating joint successes
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Senior Mobile App Developer Android (m/fd)
Our goal is to enable our customers to have a carefree time on holiday or to fully concentrate on
their tasks during a business trip! The basis for our success and the achievement of our goals is our
professional booking platform, which is continuously expanding and optimized by our developers*.
Would you like to be jointly responsible for millions of satisfied customers?
Then we are looking for you as our new
Senior Mobile App Developer Android (m/f/d)
- New development and active participation in a new native Android app.
- Participation in global app architecture and central cross-divisional functions.
- Establishment of an internal app development team
- Professional / technical coordination with internal development teams and external service providers.
- You must have several years of experience as an Android developer in agile development models (Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc.)
- You bring along profound knowledge in Kotlin and Android app development.
- Having first experiences with Flutter is desirable.
- You bring know-how in the use of web technologies (REST, JSON, HTTP)
- You have good knowledge in automating build and deployment processes.
- You have experience with Unit Testing / UI Testing.
- You have a strong interest in generating testable, performant and maintainable cod
- An appreciative, familiar and agile corporate culture, with flat hierarchies and many possibilities to configure your work environment.
- A fully provisioned development environment in Docker and an internal cloud to experiment with emerging technology trends.
- Dynamic and independent work.
- Continuous integration and peer reviews of your merger requests for quality assurance of your code.
- Automated pipeline construction and continuous deployment.
- Constructive feedback is welcome.
- Promotion of personal development through Open Fridays, as well as the opportunity to participate in conferences, refresher courses or online courses.
- Free choice of your tools and equipment (e.g. MacOS, Linux or Windows)
- Flexible hours with a fixed workplace in the center of Cologne and sufficient free time, but also with home office arrangements.
- A highly motivated and efficient team that works together and enjoys celebrating joint success.
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Mobile Software-Entwickler (m/w/d) von Apps mit Millionen von Downloads
Dein Aufgabengebiet umfasst
- Erstellung und Weiterentwicklung von Apps mit Millionen von Downloads
- Entwicklung von Lösungen aus den Bereichen echtzeitbasierte Fahrplanauskunft, Störungsinformationen, intermodale Verkehrs- und Tarifauskunft
- Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Kolleginnen und Kollegen beim Erarbeiten neuer Lösungen oder bei der Weiterentwicklung bestehender Software vom Konzept bis zur produktreifen Umsetzung
- Mitarbeit bei innovativen Forschungsprojekten
Wir erwarten von Dir
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Cross-Platform Frameworks, wie z.B. Xamarin, Flutter, etc.
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich nativer App-Entwicklung für Android (Kotlin, Java) und iOS (Objective-C, Swift)
- Fundiertes Wissen in modernen Software-Entwicklungsverfahren, Software-Architektur, Qualitätssicherung
- Begeisterung für User Interfaces und Usability
- Starke analytische Fähigkeiten sowie eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise
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Mobile Developer (m/w/d)
Deine Aufgaben:
- Werde ein entscheidender Teil in unserer agilen SoftwareEntwicklung
- Übernimm eine führende Rolle bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer Apps
- Testing & Qualitätsmanagment
Dein Profil:
- Du bist ein heller Kopf mit einschlägiger Ausbildung, bringst genug Leidenschaft für Software-Entwicklung mit, hast Spaß an Technologien, Liebe zum Detail und willst täglich Deine Gehirnzellen zum Schwitzen bringen?
- Du hast schon mehrjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der App-Entwicklung sammeln können?
- Du arbeitest und findest Lösungen selbstständig?
Was wir Dir bieten:
- Arbeite mit sehr erfahrenen Top-ITlern in einem komplett agilen Entwicklungsprozess zusammen
- Verwirkliche Deine eigenen Ideen und sieh zu, wie sie Früchte tragen
- Genieße individuelle Förderung in einem jungen und flexiblen Team
- Nutze flexible Arbeitszeiten und -plätze – unser Team ist bisher zwischen München und Graz aufgeteilt
- Arbeite direkt mit den Geschäftsführern zusammen
- Regelmässige Team-Events
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Software Engineer Mobile (Angular, Ionic, Flutter, m/w/d)
TL;DR - Apps, Web Applikationen, Portale, Code-Reviews, Teamplayer, Angular, Scrum, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, Flutter, Ionic.
Du erstellst leidenschaftlich gerne neue Apps, bist ein geübter Programmierer, ein kluger Problemlöser und liebst es neue Technologien zu verwenden?
Vielleicht möchtest du nach deinen Start-up Erfahrungen nun den nächsten Schritt gehen und dich in einem etablierten und professionellen Umfeld weiterentwickeln? Oder bist du in den Strukturen eines Konzerns stecken geblieben?
Dann laden wir dich gerne bei M-Way Solutions dazu ein, gemeinsam deine Ketten zu sprengen und der Bürokratie und den schwerfälligen Konzern-Prozessen zu entfliehen.
Wir freuen uns mit dir die nächste Stufe zu zünden, damit dein volles Potential zur Entfaltung kommt. Denn bei uns kannst du all deine Stärken einsetzen, um in innovativen Projekten für Global Player Lösungen zu finden, und unsere Zukunft mitzugestalten.
Freu dich auf packende Aufgaben mit sympathischen und zugleich kompetenten Kollegen/innen an einem unserer Standorte! (Du hast die Wahl zwischen Stuttgart, Berlin und Eislingen/Fils)
Willkommen bei M-Way Solutions!
Hier ist unsere Stellenbeschreibung zu der Position als Software Engineer Mobile (Angular, Ionic, Flutter, m/w/d):
- Du entwickelst gemeinsam im agilen Team moderne Frontends wie Angular, Ionic und Flutter, Apps, Web Applikationen und Portale (schwerpunktmäßig im B2B und B2E Umfeld)
- Du treibst mit dem Team abwechslungsreiche Projekte oder neue Features voran und beteiligst dich bei der Konzeption oder Technologie-Auswahl. Außerdem erarbeitest du mit Kollegen/innen aus dem Backend-Team die optimale Schnittstelle bspw. mit REST oder GraphQL
- Du bringst deine persönliche Erfahrung und dein Knowhow ein, um bestehende App und Portal-Lösungen zu optimieren oder auf die dafür beste Technologie umzustellen
- Du führst Code-Reviews von Pull-/Merge-Requests durch, um die Knowhow-Verteilung und die Code-Qualität im Team kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Zudem setzt du Impulse zur Optimierung der Entwicklungs-, Continuous Integration (CI) und Continuous Delivery (CD) Prozesse, um dadurch die Gesamtlösung und den Betrieb langfristig auf ein neues Niveau zu heben
- Du erweiterst den Code mit (automatisierten) Tests, damit dir (deine) „Bugfixes“ die Arbeit des Tages nicht durch neue Bugs zerschießen ;)
- Große Leidenschaft fürs Programmieren und die Themenwelten rund um moderne Softwareentwicklung
- Teamplayer mit ausgeprägtem Verantwortungsbewusstsein
- Idealerweise bereits 1-2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Framework-gestützten Frontend-Entwicklung mit modernen Webtechnologien (bspw. Angular, Ionic, Flutter, etc.)
- Erfahrung bei der Konzeption und Anbindung von RESTful- und/oder GraphQL-APIs
- Interesse an mobilen Applikationen sowie ansprechenden und intuitiven Bedienkonzepten
- Ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung, gerne auch als Quereinsteiger und self-taught Developer
- Qualitätsbewusstsein mit praktischer Erfahrung in Testing-Konzepten (bspw. Unit, Integration, etc.)
- Hilfsbereite, freundliche und hochqualifizierte Kollegen, die sich auf deine neuen Impulse freuen und dich von Tag eins an vollständig ins Team integrieren (z.B. Buddy-Konzept und Feedback-Kultur)
- Möglichkeit schnell Verantwortung zu übernehmen
- Flache Hierarchien, kurze Entscheidungswege, organisierte Zuständigkeiten
- Zentrale Lage in Stuttgart mit optimaler Anbindung (ÖPNV)
- Klimatisiertes Arbeiten in allen Räumen
- Elektrisch höhenverstellbare Schreibtische und ergonomische Stühle
- Moderne technische Ausstattung wie aktuelles MacBook Pro
- Flexible Arbeitszeitregelungen nach Vertrauensarbeitszeit
- Zusatzvereinbarung für Telearbeitsplatz
- Täglich ein frisches gratis Mittagessen in unserer Kantine in Stuttgart oder in den Partnerrestaurants in der Nähe
- Gratis Getränke und wöchentlich frischer Obstkorb in der Büroküche
- Attraktives E-Bike Leasing (JobRad) mit gesichertem Abstellplatz in der Tiefgarage
- Dusch- und Umkleidemöglichkeiten für unsere sportlichen Mitarbeiter sind ebenfalls vorhanden
- Mitarbeiteraktionen für Freizeitaktivitäten in der Region Stuttgart
- Gesundheitsangebote (bspw. Wirbelsäulen-Screening, Vitale Pausen für körperliche und geistige Aktivierung, Stressmanagement Seminare, uvm.)
- Regelmäßige Gesundheitstage (in Kooperation mit Techniker Krankenkasse)
- Vergünstigungen für die Mitgliedschaft in Premium Fitnessstudios wie bspw. Elements, Puls etc. über Qualitrain
- Subventionierte Mitgliedschaft im Urban Sports Club mit über 50 attraktiven Sportartangeboten
- Attraktives Fixgehalt, pünktliche Auszahlung und zusätzlicher Bonus bei Zielerreichung
- Regelmäßige Feedbackgespräche und Mentoring für eine persönliche und fachliche Förderung
- Interne und externe, individuell auf dich zugeschnittene Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- Gestaltung der Arbeitsplatzkultur im Dialog mit Teamleitern und der Unternehmensführung
- Einbeziehung der Mitarbeiter in Entscheidungen
- Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten in sämtlichen Bereichen
- Anonyme Mitarbeiterbefragungen
- Regelmäßige Teamevents in- und außerhalb des Büros wie bspw. Exit Games, Skiausfahrten, Bergtouren, Paintball, Lasertag, Biergarten, Wasenbesuch, Grillevents, uvm. inkl. Getränke und Essen
- Transparente Kommunikation und respektvoller Umgang
- Fokus für diesen Job: Angular, TypeScript und Ionic
- Weitere Technologien und Tools: https://stackshare.io/m-way-solutions-gmbh/solutions
Wir sind ein junges, wissbegieriges und innovatives Team von gut 60 Mobile-Enthusiasten (80% Vollblutentwickler), die gerne neueste Technologien in ihrer alltäglichen Arbeit einsetzen. Dabei haben wir den Bezug zur Professionalität nicht verloren und arbeiten mit renommierten Kunden (Fortune 500 und Weltmarktführer) u.a. in den Branchen Logistik, Messe, Automotive, Telekommunikation, Maschinenbau und Pharma zusammen.
Unser Ziel ist es, individuelle und standardisierte Lösungen (mit Frontends, Backends und ggfs. Hardwareanbindung) von der Konzeption bis zum Rollout zu entwerfen, mit denen unsere Nutzer gerne arbeiten. Wir streben danach, komplizierte Workflows so einfach und verständlich wie möglich zu gestalten und dabei Performance und Sicherheit der Systeme zu gewährleisten.
Unser Knowhow wächst stetig in Stuttgart, Berlin und Eislingen im Filstal. Wir freuen uns auf deine Unterstützung.
Du hast Interesse? Dann freut sich Manuel Weber (HR Manager) auf deine Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf über den Bewerben-Button.
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Flutter Working Student (m/f/d)
As a startup dedicated to public transport, our vision is to make buying tickets for passengers as easy as possible. Therefore, we are developing a ticketing system that automatically detects beginning and end of a journey. Based on the detection, it is possible to provide the passenger with the cheapest ticket.
The problems we are trying to solve are both interesting and challenging: developing a reliable ride detection algorithm based on data from smartphone sensors while creating a solution that attracts both passengers and public transport providers.
We value active collaboration and independent work. We believe that together we can build a great solution that will have a major impact on public transport.
- Flexible working hours (work whenever you are most productive)
- Exciting and challenging tasks
- Freedom to bring in and implement your own ideas
- Up-to-date tech stack
- Flat hierarchies and relaxed atmosphere
- Fair and negotiable remuneration
- Couch and plants in the office
- Free fruits and snacks
- Design and implementation of new features into Flutter app(s)
- Optimization of user interface and user experience
- Management of whole application development process
- App testing and troubleshooting
Minimum qualifications
- Experience with swift and android development
- In-depth expertise in working with Flutter
- Interest in mobile development
- Currently enrolled at university for engineering, computer science or similar fields of study
- Independent working
Preferred qualifications
Minimum qualifications+
- Advanced knowledge of code architecture
- Experience with test deployment (CI/CD) and AWS
For more details check out or website or get in touch with us: [email protected]
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Junior Mobile App Developer (m/f/d)
What it's all about
You’ll be a part of our mobile team that was established in 2016. We are building the fahrrad.de mobile app for iOS and Android. Many interesting technical challenges are waiting for you! We are proudly creating great products with the best technology stack. You will get experience with Flutter, Dart and many more!
What your tasks will be
- You develop new features in our apps and improve existing ones
- You write clear, tested and documented code that delivers real business value
- Together with the other developers you shape our tech stack and system landscape
- You bring in your own ideas to build applications, which our customers love to use
What you should bring to the job
- You have 2+ years of software development.
- You have an understanding of OO principles, good code design.
- Ideally you have already gained experiences in app development.
- You are interested in Flutter and Dart and would love to learn and work with them.
- You want to build great mobile products in a cross-function, agile team.
- Your speak English fluently to work within our international team.
What you can expect
An exciting job with great prospects and responsibilities. If you're looking for daily challenges and want to make a difference, you've come to the right place. Our aim is to continuously improve Internetstores and our online shops to create the perfect shopping experience for all our customers. Of course, this doesn’t come at the expense of having fun and enjoying the occasional refreshing drink after work to celebrate our successes! With flexible working hours, 30 days of holiday and home office days, ensuring all our employees have a great work-life balance is massively important to us. In addition to attractive product and public transport discounts, we’ll also give you great deals on a wide range of sports activities.
Who we are
We’re true believers in the saying “outside is free” – being in the great outdoors is what really makes us tick and it’s with this philosophy that we’ve become one of the key players in the outdoor sports industry. Our online shops as well as physical stores have only one goal: to inspire our customers and make every adventure possible.
Do you want to be part of our success story? Then apply now! Join more than 800 colleagues from all over the world in dynamic, open teams in Stuttgart, Esslingen, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Dortmund, Lyon and Stockholm. We’re looking forward to working with you!
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Senior Mobile App Developer (m/w/d)
Deine Herausforderungen
Ob Android oder iOS – Wir wollen Dich für unsere App Entwicklung!
In interdisziplinären agilen Teams entwickelst Du gemeinsam mit Deinen Kollegen maßgeschneiderte Software-Lösungen für unsere Kunden. Dabei arbeitest Du eng mit dem Kunden zusammen, diskutierst mit ihm seine Anforderungen und verstehst es, diese in ein sauberes Design und letztlich Clean Code zu überführen. Neben der Entwicklung von Features unterstützst Du die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Build Pipeline. Du übernimmst hierbei die Verantwortung für ein (Teil-) Projekt, ein Team oder eine Komponente und unterstützst Deine Kollegen durch Coaching und Mentoring.
Dein Profil
- Abgeschlossenes Studium der Softwaretechnik, Informatik o.ä.
- Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Software Entwicklung im iOS oder Android Ökosystem, wie z. B. mit Kotlin/Java, Android Studio, Swift, Xcode, RxJava, ReactiveCocoa, React Native, Flutter, Git, Fastlane, App Center, Firebase
- Eine Passion für gute User Experience, ein geschultes Auge für Details und Design
Neugierde auf neue Technologien sowie Eigeninitiative und Freude an der Kundeninteraktion - Ausgeprägte Problemlösungskompetenz, Kommunikationsstärke sowie eine selbstständige Arbeitsweise
- Fließende Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort & Schrift
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Mobile Entwickler (m/w/d) in Berlin
Die Entwicklung von mobilen Applikationen heißt für Dich jede Menge Spaß? Egal, ob Android oder iOS – Du bist überall fit? Du möchtest ein wichtiger Teil eines crossfunktionalen Teams sein und tatkräftig bei der Realisierung von großen nativen Plattformen mitwirken? Dann bist Du genau die Person, die wir suchen! Unterstütze unser Team und lass uns gemeinsam spannende Projekte angehen!
Du konzipierst und entwickelst hochperformante Android/iOS Apps für unsere Kunden. Du verbesserst bestehende Applikationen und sorgst mit Deinen Kolleg*innen aus dem Team für Clean Code und regelmäßige Deployments. Automatische Tests, Pair Programming und Code Reviews helfen Dir, die Qualität der Software zu verbessern und fehlerfrei zu liefern.
Das wirst Du tun
- Unterstützung unserer agilen Teams in der Softwareentwicklung
- (Weiter-) Entwicklung mobiler Applikationen (Android/iOS)
- Aufnahme und Abstimmung von Anforderungen mit den fachlichen Ansprechpartnern bzw. Product Ownern
- Konzeptionelle Entwürfe von Architekturen und Definitionen von Schnittstellen (z. B. REST) sowie Verbindung mit externen Backend-Systemen
- Entwurf von Oberflächen und Verbesserung der User Experience
- Unterstützung unserer Auszubildenden und Junior-Entwickler*innen
Das bringst Du mit
- Abgeschlossenes Informatikstudium bzw. einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung mobiler Lösungen
- 3+ Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung für mobile Endgeräte (Android und/oder iOS), verbunden mit dem Anspruch letztlich in beiden Welten zuhause zu sein
- Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Java & Kotlin und Swift & Obj-C
- Kenntnisse der relevanten mobilen Frameworks, Libraries und Tools (inkl. Anwendung von Architektur Patterns wie MVC/MVVM)
- Wissen über aktuelle Trends und Technologien im Bereich Mobile Apps
- Motivation eigenständig technologisch am Ball zu bleiben
- Die Bereitschaft für externe Einsätze bei unseren Kunden in der Region
- Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mind. B2)
- Erste Eindrücke von Xamarin und Flutter
- Cloud-Umgebungen (idealerweise AWS)
- Erfahrung in Unit Tests mit Xcode und OS X Server
- Erste Erfahrungen in der Softwarearchitektur
Wenn Du Dich in unserer Stellenbeschreibung wieder findest, möchten wir Dich sehr gerne kennenlernen. Wir freuen uns über eine kurze Mail mit Deinen Kontaktdaten an:
Wir melden uns dann ganz kurzfristig bei Dir!
Euer Recruiting-Team
Sarah & Mats
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Lead Mobile Engineer
As a Lead Mobile Developer at funda, you’re not shy about rolling up your sleeves and pitching in when the need arises. You are a highly experienced and strategic manager who can mentor a team of bright mobile developers, but while you’re getting the most out of your team, the motivated Engineer within you is getting directly involved in the product and driving our Mobile (Android / iOS / Web Responsive) engineering.
To offer the best mobile consumer experience for our millions of visitors we need a good architecture and robust code. Therefore, we need someone with a focus on software development and architecture best practices in development, testing and provisioning of our apps and website in the Android and iOS platforms, as well as around owning and developing different APIs that provide the apps with data. As an experienced cross-disciplinary professional (both native development and back-end development experience) you ensure that our mobile strategy is continuously optimized, while balancing code quality and tech debt and aligning this with different development teams to ensure the website and apps have feature parity.
Your job
We believe that if you limit an Engineer’s activities to management alone, he/she will lose that essential technical focus. That’s why, as a Lead Mobile Developer at funda, you’re not a full-time manager. You’ll stay up to date in your field and contribute to developments on the platform.
Your challenge
This is a new role within funda. We’re transitioning in feature parity, which means we want a similar experience between mobile and web. Technically speaking, there’s a lot of work to be done. We know that it will be quite a challenge. But you love a good challenge, don’t you?
Your team
You will manage a team of 4 Engineers, from juniors to seniors. It’s your job to mentor them in a collaborative way, helping them get the best out of themselves and each other.
Your profile
You excel in mobile development. But you have great social skills, too, which will come in handy as you manage a team of Engineers that report directly to you. You have loads of experience in development and have managed a team before.
Some other things that will make you ideal for this role:
- You have approximately 10 years of experience as an engineer, of which at least 5 years in a regular position as a (tech) lead
- Experience with back-end development, specifically in the development of gateway APIs/BFF that service mobile apps
- Experience with iOS and/or Android mobile app development
- Deep understanding of mobile client architecture
- Good knowledge of OOP principles
- Strong Swift, Kotlin and Java.
We would be extra happy if you have experience with:
- C# and .NET
- Writing cross-platform hybrid mobile applications (e.g. React Native, Flutter, Xamarin or Cordova)
- Location-based and map-centric mobile applications and their associated SDKs
- Firebase Analytics/Crashlytics
We prefer applications from EU/EEA citizens, who do not require a permit to work in the Netherlands.
This is what we offer
Funda offers you the most challenging job in your field. In a great office in the heart of Amsterdam, with our own ‘funda square’ and an unobstructed view of the IJ river, or a cruise ship on it, depending on the day (and yes, the latter gives you an instant holiday feeling). You are 2 tram stops, 5 minutes' cycle or 15 minutes' walk from Amsterdam Central station. Whatever suits you!
You work with 130 great (international) minds who make you feel right at home. It’s only natural that we take good care of our talents and therefore of you. If you come and work with us, we offer you:
- An excellent salary with annual bonus scheme and 25 days off (you can buy more days if you need them)
- Flexible working hours
- Reimbursements for your telephone, home internet, travel expenses, gym and a part of your pension
- Heavenly chair massage 6 times a year (during working hours)
- Chef-prepared fresh lunch every day, ranging from soups to salads, fresh bread rolls from the baker’s and a snack every Friday
- Dinners, team outings, drinks and a birthday present
- Personal training budget for courses, conferences and training courses, as we believe that you've never learned enough. You can also let your ideas run free during our bi-annual hackathon.
We like to act swiftly at funda.
Get started
You can apply by sending your CV and cover letter (or video) via the application button. Applications via our application button get priority.
Got through to the next round? Then our Corporate Recruiter will invite you for a telephone screening.
And then...
If you pass the telephone screening, we will schedule that first job interview with you as soon as possible. You can expect a maximum of 2 rounds of interviews.
To case or not to case
For this vacancy a code exercise, a management case and a personality test will be part of the Recruitment process.
More information? Call or WhatsApp recruiter Stephanie Klink on +31 (0)6 15 02 74 86 or send an e-mail to [email protected]
We do not wish to correspond with recruitment agencies about this vacancy. No rights can be derived from CVs that are supplied unsolicited.
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Flutter Developer (m/f/d) for our Operations App Team
Join us as a Flutter Developer (m/f/d) and build excellent and reliable solutions.
We need great people who are:
- bright minds, but humble
- chatty, but also know when to be calm and just say what’s really needed
- mindful about their team, but know how to bring their own point across as well
- questioning the status quo, but keeping focus
- striving for improvement of others and themselves
- pushing for progress without leaving the team behind
We believe in Flutter’s potential to be a reliable technology for mobile applications while increasing productivity.
So when you are around in native mobile development for some time and Dash is not just a punctuation character for you, but the companion of your latest tech endeavors, then check these things as well, you:
- know your Git and pubspec
- speak English & Dart, as well as Swift and/or Kotlin
- have a degree in Computer Science and a minimum of 3 years of programming experience
- don’t fear platform channels
- like to interact with fellow Developers, Product Owners, Designers and other Stakeholders
- call the Android and/or iOS SDK your home, but strive for Flutter
- like to share your knowledge (mobile tech meetups or conferences anyone?)
- care about a well maintained, scalable and tested codebase
- have a certain eye for product- and UI-quality as well
What you will do
Our Operations domain has the goal to build the most efficient and environmentally friendly fleet operations in the world.
You will work in a bottom-up managed, autonomous, cross-functional team, that will continuously test new ideas and evaluate their potential.
- You and your team will work like a startup and take ownership of the whole development cycle - from ideation over design to implementation, quality assurance and maintenance.
- Build solutions that integrate deeply with our own fleet of vehicles.
- Our Operations app is going to be used by thousands of drivers and service staff in a stressful and hectic environment where every second counts. Therefore they need to be rock stable, always up to date and safe and intuitive to use in every situation.
- The software you will be working on is an integral part of our ridesharing solutions and defines our quality of service.
What we offer you
We are a new company and a fast-growing team. We see things from a people perspective, observing, learning and responding to their social needs. We are always curious to find better ways to do things and so we question everything. We are driven by the possibilities better urban mobility solutions can unlock. We work with different people, disciplines and companies to make great things happen. MOIA offers a unique opportunity as it combines the best of the startup and corporate worlds. We are an innovative new business based in top locations such as Berlin and Hamburg, but are also backed by a large corporate parent providing funding, resources, know-how and commitment.
So, grab your Hummingbird and let’s make these canvases fly.
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Flutter App Developer
We are looking for an Flutter App developer to complement our team and support the development of current and next generation Dash Cams.
Candidate duties include the development and maintenance of our cross platform companion Apps which run on Android & iOS.
The position is primarily based in Caerphilly, Wales. Travel to China and other production sites may occasionally be required to coordinate development efforts. The position is on a full time, permanent basis.
A suitable candidate:
- Is ready to scale with us. Our App is a must-have for everyone that buys a Wi-Fi enabled Dash Cam; thus, it needs to support almost every phone in the market. We provide a challenging environment to tune Flutter and ensure it runs smoothly on old phones as well.
- Embraces state of the art Flutter development and design practices. Our team enjoys BLoC , dependency injection and automated Flutter driver tests on our build servers to uphold a high quality level.
- Is knowledgeable of common data structures and space/time complexity.
- Embraces test driven development by writing tests on every level on the stack from basic unit test to e2e tests that run in our automated test lab.
- Works independently on tricky technical challenges. Build, test, measure, repeat. Eventually, close ticket & get coffee.
- Experience with publishing cross-platform apps to the stores
- Experience in fine-tuning the Flutter engine or plugins
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Flutter Engineer (m/f/d)
Your profile
- 3+ years of professional experience in developing native mobile applications (iOS or Android, in best case both)
- At least basic experience in Dart; production experience is a significant plus
- Knowledge of Flutter specific architectures and patterns, including the BLoC pattern
- Ability to deliver clean and easy to understand code that is covered with automated tests
- User experience and quality are your drive and highest priority
- Big plus when having experience developing enterprise applications
Your role
- You will be part of a joint mobile, frontend, backend, product and design team
- You will design and implement greenfield applications using Flutter
- You will contribute to the development of our existing flutter applications
- You will own features from initial technical concepts to production code
- You will have direct influence on anything you build and will ship daily
- We encourage meaningful open source work
We offer
- A technically challenging multi-product environment
- You will become part of an international growing tech team of 16 and shape the success of Tillhub as well as be able to strive for excellence
- Regular internal tech talks, skill-building events, regular feedback meetings and an attractive education budget
- Best working conditions in a beautiful office in the heart of Berlin
- High growth potential and creative space from the beginning - we are looking for people who put their minds to work and thereby improve the big picture
- Flat hierarchies in a dynamic and highly motivated team
- Drinks, fruits, smoothies and an appreciative atmosphere
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(Senior) Mobile Flutter Developer- E-Scooters
We are at the early stages of rolling out Flutter for a substantial part of our mobile development. This is an amazing opportunity to be spearheading this new technology, in the context of a green-field development project.
- Develop high quality and maintainable code with unit tests and documentation, maintenance of existing features, and bug fixing
- Be active in code reviews and discussions to learn, share knowledge, and improve code quality
- Own features from initial technical concepts to production code
- Partner cross-functionality with fellow engineers to ensure consistency is maintained across platforms
- 3+ years of professional experience in developing native mobile applications (iOS or Android)
- At least basic experience in Dart; production experience is a significant plus
- Excited to deep dive and follow all relevant Flutter developments, given the early stage of the framework
- Knowledge of Flutter specific architectures and patterns, including the BLoC pattern
- Knowledge of reactive programming/streams, ideally RxDart
- You are a team player: You comfortably collaborate with designers, developers, and other team members to clarify requirements, implement solutions, and ensure all requirements are met
- Ability to communicate complicated technical problems to both technical and business audiences
- You deliver clean code that is easy to understand and has its own automated tests
- Have strong Computer Science foundation
- Familiarity with Agile development including daily scrum and weekly iteration reviews and planning
- Dedicated to learning and improving mobile development skills
- A hell yes attitude towards tackling challenges
Nice to have:
- Cool graphics & animation abilities - you love beautiful, fluid design
- Experience testing Flutter applications
- Experience working with Platform Channels
- Location-based mobile development experience
What We Offer:
- The opportunity to revolutionize urban mobility and change cities for all of us
- Professional and personal growth building one of the fastest-growing startup of 2019 with a very experienced team of entrepreneurs
- A rapid environment where autonomy, fast decision making and learning by trying is key
- Working together in a team of the best in their fields from top companies around the world
- Great talented people
Ready to undertake your next big thing? Awesome! We look forward to talking with you.
Your application and personal data will be collected by LMTS Germany GmbH.
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Flutter Developer
We are looking for a passionate mobile developer with Flutter experience to help us build the next generation of expense and travel management tools.
If you’re eager to develop software in an agile environment with a focus on the end user, problem-solving and engineering excellence - this is the place for you!
You will help us craft a world-class mobile app that empowers 500k+ users around the world.
This is an amazing opportunity to push the limits of Flutter and make a contribution to the community.
- Experience in building flutter apps.
- Native iOS and/or Android experience is a plus.
- Knowledge of unit/widget testing.
- Familiarity with SOLID principles.
- Knowledge of Redux architecture / repository pattern.
- Experience consuming (developing) REST API's.
- Nice to have: Xamarin, .NET Core, C#
- Experience with CI/CD is a plus.
- Experience to work in an agile environment.
- Fluent in English (written and spoken).
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(Senior) Mobile Developer (f/m/x) with focus on Flutter
The Challenge
The Avira Password Manager helps users to stay safe in a connected world by promoting good password practices, strong unique passwords all while providing ease of use.
Now we face the challenge to move the Avira Password Manager Android app to the Flutter technology stack.
Why flutter? We want to move our development process to the next level, reducing the implementation and testing effort for mobile development. In the beginning, we will do this by focusing on Android, in a next step adding support for iOS and finally begin to reuse common code between mobile applications, web and browser extension.
You will be responsible for flutter development from the ground up, making technology decisions, shaping processes and tooling.
The Team
The team will consist of 3-4 mobile developers focusing on Flutter, Android and iOS, 4-5 frontend/browser extension developers and 2 backend developers / devops.
Being a diverse team with members from 8 different countries across the globe and different technical backgrounds, everyone is always eager to support each other and exchange ideas.
You will be reporting to Markus Hartung, Engineering Lead for the Identity Protection Unit located in Tettnang
What you will do
- Porting the existing native Android Password Manager application to Flutter
- Develop using the latest technologies (Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, Swift, Autofill APIs)
- Keep up to date with changes on Android and iOS especially in terms of Autofill APIs
- Integrate with Amazon Web Services based backends
- Use continuous integration to support development and releasing
- Write unit and automation tests
- Support design and product management in finding the best solution for each platform
- Use data from Google Play Store, AppStore and Mixpanel to make informed decision
- Make decisions about architecture and technologies used
Benefits and perks:
New Work
- Stylish building with roof terraces
- Canteen and ChocaVira
- Modern office concept
Learning & Development
- Unlimited access to Udemy
- Trainings & Conferences
- Specialist Career
Health & Wellbeing
- Gym and fitness courses
- “JobRad” bike leasing
- Medical checkups
Family & Living
- Relocation Package
- Vacation child care
- Avira Prime licences
- Onboarding events
- Monthly Employee Meetings
- Summer & Christmas parties
Location: Tettnang
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(Senior) Flutter Developer (f/m/x)
The Challenge
The Avira Password Manager helps users to stay safe in a connected world by promoting good password practices, strong unique passwords all while providing ease of use.
Now we face the challenge to move the Avira Password Manager Android app to the Flutter technology stack.
Why flutter? We want to move our development process to the next level, reducing the implementation and testing effort for mobile development. In the beginning, we will do this by focusing on Android, in a next step adding support for iOS and finally begin to reuse common code between mobile applications, web and browser extension.
You will be responsible for flutter development from the ground up, making technology decisions, shaping processes and tooling.
The Team
The team will consist of 3-4 mobile developers focusing on Flutter, Android and iOS, 4-5 frontend/browser extension developers and 2 backend developers / devops.
Being a diverse team with members from 8 different countries across the globe and different technical backgrounds, everyone is always eager to support each other and exchange ideas.
You will be reporting to Markus Hartung, Engineering Lead for the Identity Protection Unit located in Tettnang
What you will do
- Porting the existing native Android Password Manager application to Flutter
- Develop using the latest technologies (Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, Swift, Autofill APIs)
- Keep up to date with changes on Android and iOS especially in terms of Autofill APIs
- Integrate with Amazon Web Services based backends
- Use continuous integration to support development and releasing
- Write unit and automation tests
- Support design and product management in finding the best solution for each platform
- Use data from Google Play Store, AppStore and Mixpanel to make informed decision
- Make decisions about architecture and technologies used
Benefits and perks:
New Work
- Stylish building with roof terraces
- Canteen and ChocaVira
- Modern office concept
Learning & Development
- Unlimited access to Udemy
- Trainings & Conferences
- Specialist Career
Health & Wellbeing
- Gym and fitness courses
- “JobRad” bike leasing
- Medical checkups
Family & Living
- Relocation Package
- Vacation child care
- Avira Prime licences
- Onboarding events
- Monthly Employee Meetings
- Summer & Christmas parties
Location: Tettnang
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(Senior) Mobile Developer (f/m/x) with focus on Flutter
The Challenge
The Avira Password Manager helps users to stay safe in a connected world by promoting good password practices, strong unique passwords all while providing ease of use.
Now we face the challenge to move the Avira Password Manager Android app to the Flutter technology stack.
Why flutter? We want to move our development process to the next level, reducing the implementation and testing effort for mobile development. In the beginning, we will do this by focusing on Android, in a next step adding support for iOS and finally begin to reuse common code between mobile applications, web and browser extension.
You will be responsible for flutter development from the ground up, making technology decisions, shaping processes and tooling.
The Team
The team will consist of 3-4 mobile developers focusing on Flutter, Android and iOS, 4-5 frontend/browser extension developers and 2 backend developers / devops.
Being a diverse team with members from 8 different countries across the globe and different technical backgrounds, everyone is always eager to support each other and exchange ideas.
You will be reporting to Markus Hartung, Engineering Lead for the Identity Protection Unit located in Tettnang
What you will do
- Porting the existing native Android Password Manager application to Flutter
- Develop using the latest technologies (Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, Swift, Autofill APIs)
- Keep up to date with changes on Android and iOS especially in terms of Autofill APIs
- Integrate with Amazon Web Services based backends
- Use continuous integration to support development and releasing
- Write unit and automation tests
- Support design and product management in finding the best solution for each platform
- Use data from Google Play Store, AppStore and Mixpanel to make informed decision
- Make decisions about architecture and technologies used
Benefits and perks:
New Work
- Stylish building with roof terraces
- Canteen and ChocaVira
- Modern office concept
Learning & Development
- Unlimited access to Udemy
- Trainings & Conferences
- Specialist Career
Health & Wellbeing
- Gym and fitness courses
- “JobRad” bike leasing
- Medical checkups
Family & Living
- Relocation Package
- Vacation child care
- Avira Prime licences
- Onboarding events
- Monthly Employee Meetings
- Summer & Christmas parties
Location: Tettnang
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Dart / Flutter Developer - Shop Applications
We are currently looking for a skilled Dart /Flutter Developer to support us building the fastest & most intuitive shopping app using a brand new tech stack!
The Shop Applications Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. They constantly challenge themselves to raise the bar of what is “state of the art” in customer-facing products.
Challenges the team will be working on in the next 12 months:
- Improving the customer experience by continuously implementing new features, optimizing user flow, and increasing technical performance
- Optimizing the eCommerce performance based on A/B Tests and KPI goals
What you will do
- Implement new features in our App version using Dart and Flutter to reach the highest performance standards
- Work closely together with other experienced developers, product managers, QA, and designers to ship new components and features
- Be a mentor to more junior team members and always act as a good example regarding coding standards and code reviews
- Work on the implementation of high-leverage features to optimize UX and conversion rates
- Draft architectural decisions together with our Tech Lead and explore new technologies
- Have a direct impact on team processes by regular agile retrospectives
Who you are
- You have 3+ years of experience in building complex customer-facing applications
- You are very proficient in App development and had first touch points coding in Dart, alternatively experienced in related technologies (e.g. Typescript, C#, Swift and/or Objective C)
- You have a deep understanding of the basics and worked in a fast-changing environment before
- You have a very good understanding of React
- You write well-structured, efficient and maintainable code and actively keep the quality of the code base in check
- You have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
- You are used to working in an English speaking environment
Nice to have:
- Touchpoints with Typescript / Native Development ( Swift / Objective C )
- Previous work experience in the AWS ecosystem
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Mobile Developer - Flutter
Why it's worth to join Sii?:
- You will join the Leader. With over 4 000 specialists, Sii is actually the fastest growing, most successful & undisputed number 1 IT & Engineering services company in Poland!
- You will work on challenging & fascinating international projects run for hundreds of prestigious customers from various sectors & industries
- We will guarantee you many career development opportunities, facilitated by our Job changer application which allows you to change a project, the area of your activity or a place of work
- You will cooperate with the best experts in talented & passionate teams on most advanced cutting-edge technologies
- You will work in Great Place to Work company with amazing atmosphere and authentic values. You will meet new fantastic friends here!
- We will support your personal dreams and initiatives within Passion Sponsorship Program and Power Volunteers Program
- We will invite you to awesome integration meetings, interest groups and meetups
- You will enjoy comfortable, top class, modernly designed offices in the best locations
Required skills:
- At least 3 years of commercial experience in development of mobile apps (Android or iOS)
- Experience with Dart, Flutter framework
- Ability to assimilate new technologies quickly
- Very good interpersonal and communication skills
- Good knowledge of English (spoken and written)
- Practical knowledge of Agile delivery methodologies
The challenges waiting for you:
Main tasks:
- Developing mobile applications in Flutter
- Participating in the full software lifecycle of the applications
- Working closely with the system architects on the technology recommendations and key decisions throughout the project lifecycle
- Working with Product Managers to create innovative products or enhance the existing offerings
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Mobile Developer
Mobile Developer - Porto, Aveiro, Braga:Smart Consulting Descrição do emprego: Mobile Developer - Porto, Aveiro, Braga ID:
Smart Consulting
País Da Emprego
Informática e Tecnologias
Intervalo Salarial
Informação exclusiva JobMatch
Descrição da Empresa
O mundo pode estar cheio de oportunidades.
Para tornares reais os teus objetivos de carreira nas áreas de IT e de Telecomunicações, existe apenas uma:
Se és apaixonado por tecnologia, queres superar os mais complexos desafios e acrescentar valor em projetos altamente inovadores, do que é que estás à espera?
Smart Consulting. The Smart Way to do IT. Descrição do anúncio :
O mundo pode estar cheio de oportunidades.
Para tornares reais os teus objetivos de carreira nas áreas de IT e de Telecomunicações, existe apenas uma: SMART!
Se és apaixonado por tecnologia, queres superar os mais complexos desafios e acrescentar valor em projetos altamente inovadores, do que é que estás à espera?
Smart Consulting. The Smart Way to do IT.
O que é preciso para seres um SMART Mobile Developer?
Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática, Ciências de Computação ou similar;
Desenvolvimento de aplicações para IOS ou Android;
Conhecimentos de Objective-C, Swift, tvOS SDK; Android Studio;
São valorizados conhecimentos de Java; React.
Porquê ser SMART?
Tornamos reais os projetos em que participamos
- Amamos o que fazemos, e temos orgulho no resultado do nosso trabalho
- Somos simples e eficientes
- Valorizamos as nossas pessoas
- Somos uma equipa dinâmica, íntegra e de confiança
Porto, Braga e Aveiro
Tens um perfil SMART?
Envia-nos o teu currículo!
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Flutter Developer
Flutter Developer bij Sybrand’s Place 32- 40 uur HBO / Universitair
Wat ga je doen?
Als Flutter Developer bij Sybrand’s Place ben je een teamspeler die wild is van het ontwikkelen van software voor e-commerceprojecten. Wij gebruiken het Flutter framework om super efficiënt native apps te bouwen en jij krijgt alle ruimte voor initiatief. Jij gaat samen met je team de native apps en de Front-end van ons e-commerceplatform naar een hoger level tillen. We vragen veel van je, dat vind je logisch. Je krijgt er ook veel voor terug.
Wat verwachten we van jou?
- Je werkt ongeveer 3 jaar als App Developer en je hebt front-end ervaring
- native of een framework zoals Flutter of React Native;
- web technologieën: HTML5, ES6, SASS;
- Je hebt een overtuigend portfolio opgebouwd. Dat willen we ook zien;
- Je hebt gewerkt binnen een middelgrote bedrijf;
- Je hebt ervaring met Java & Javascript, en REST API’s;
- Je bent bekend met object-oriented & Reactive Programming;
- Je hebt ervaring met Git en een branching model;
- Je hebt ervaring met het testen van software;
- Je bent in staat om technische probleemanalyses uit te voeren;
- Je hebt passie voor je vak en veel positieve energie
Wat is mooi meegenomen!
- Ervaring met de programmeertaal Dart;
- Ervaring in Atlassian (workflow & knowledge management);
- Ervaring in Jenkins of andere CI/CD tool;
- Ervaring met test-driven development;
- Ervaring met het werken in één of meerdere SCRUM teams;
Beheersing talen
- Nederlands, uitstekend;
- Engels, goed.
Wat krijg je terug?
Een inspirerende werkplek in het centrum van Utrecht. Als creatieve digitale geest krijg je er alle ruimte. Je bereikt ons met fiets of OV en lunchen doen we samen of in een van de tentjes in de buurt. We werken hard, maar successen vieren we stevig. Je team is open en transparant, je kan met ons lachen. Maar we nemen ons vak serieus. Daarnaast krijg je de ruimte om jezelf te ontwikkelen door het volgen van cursussen en trainingen. Want hierdoor blijf jij gemotiveerd om continue jezelf te verbeteren. Al in het begin pakken wij het serieus aan en begin je aan een inwerktraject van twee weken. De diepte in en tegelijk samen genieten.
Over Sybrand’s Place
Sybrand’s Place werkt voor drie merken: Stiho, Giebels en Baars & Bloemhoff. De één is thuis en de bouw, de andere helemaal in interieurs. Wij werken voor beide bedrijven aan de digitale ontwikkeling. Zowel in back-end, front-end, integratie als UX design. Dit doen wij op het gezamenlijk Intershop platform en met onze nieuwe apps voor iOS en Android.
Durf jij het aan?
Natuurlijk kun je een brief sturen. Die lezen we ook nog. Maar we zijn praktisch ingesteld en zien liever wat jij kan, wie je bent en hoe je CV eruitziet. Overtuig ons en we nodigen je uit voor een stevige kop koffie. En een pittig gesprek en daarna een dagdeel bij ons op om te kijken wat wij van elkaar vinden.
Impressie: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6587723185570099200
Bellen & sms-en is sneller, je kunt Michael van Leeuwen contacten via 06-24203377.
Wil je meteen je CV & profiel mailen dan graag via [email protected]
*Acquisitie naar aanleiding van deze vacature is onnodig; wij zijn al voorzien.
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Stage Développeur Mobile Flutter F/H
About the role
Pour accompagner son équipe Digital Expérience, Digital&Data recherche un stagiaire en fin d'études pour son équipe de Bordeaux (Pessac).
Au sein d'une équipe de 25 personnes vous aborderez des sujets variés tournants autour d'Android et Ios.
L'objectif du stage est d'étudier le portage d'une application mobile iOS et Android vers la technologie Flutter.
Vous étudierez les impacts du portage de l'application existante et vous définirez les recommandations nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre :
- Architecture à utiliser
- Choix des plugin à utiliser
- Procédures de tests
L'étude s'accompagne également de Proof Of Concepts qui permettront de valider les choix proposés.
La complexité de l'application actuelle (taille de l'application, utilisation de ressources natives comme la cartographie ou le Bluetooth) font de ce stage un réel challenge.
About you
Nous recherchons un(e) étudiant(e) en BAC +5, qui est une motivation et une passion à propos de Flutter !
Vous recherchez une expérience stimulante et passionnante, alors ce stage est fait pour vous !
Digital & Data
Partenaire de la transformation digitale des entreprises, Orange Digital&Data est l'entité d'Orange Business Services spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de services applicatifs et l'intégration de systèmes.
Implantés dans plusieurs grandes villes françaises comme Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille et Toulouse … nous accompagnons au quotidien près de 20 000 entreprises tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets, dans les domaines clés de l'expérience digitale, de la Data Analytics et l’Intelligence Métier.
Pour la 4ème année consécutive, Orange reçoit la certification « Top Employer Global » 2019. Cette certification consacre les meilleures politiques et pratiques en termes de programmes de ressources humaines.
L’innovation est essentielle à votre métier, construisons la ensemble !
Duration : 6 months
Level : Master 2
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Flutter Engineer
Stream is seeking a full-time talented software developer to join our development team and work on Flutter and Dart. Daily activities will include building and maintaining open-source libraries to integrate with Stream's APIs.
Most of your day will be dedicated to software design, research and coding. You will work on different operating systems including iOS and Android. The majority of your work will be released as open-source and used by hundreds of our customers and consumed by millions of their users. For this role professional experience with Flutter is not required.
About you
You are a software developer with 2+ years of experience in building mobile apps using Flutter, native Swift/Android or other mobile frameworks. You are eager to learn new technologies and to explore new languages and frameworks. You can express yourself clearly and enjoy thinking through complex problems.
- Experience with Flutter or other mobile development framework (React Native, Ionic, Xamarin)
- Experience integrating RESTful APIs
- Strong portfolio of past work history, even better if pertaining to Flutter development
Nice to have:
- Professional experience with Dart / Flutter
- Experience with JavaScript & React Native
- Contributions to open-source projects, ideally related to Flutter/iOS/Android
Stream employees enjoy some of the best benefits in the industry:
- A competitive salary (listed salary indications are applicable to employment in the Netherlands)
- Company equity
- A team of exceptional engineers
- Healthy team lunches
- Plenty of snacks and fancy coffee/teas
- An office in the heart of Amsterdam
- The possibility to visit our office in Boulder, CO
- The opportunity and support to attend and/or present to industry-related conferences and meetups
- The chance to work on OSS projects
About Stream
Stream has a casual social culture, our team is diverse and we all have different backgrounds. Our Amsterdam team is very focused: you will see us heads-down coding or drawing complex charts on whiteboards, until we pop up to have a chat or play merciless games of ping pong.
When it comes to software engineering our culture is oriented towards ownership and quality: our goal is to deliver stable software.
If you have what it takes to write next-generation code with our awesome team of engineers, apply now!
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Flutter Programista Aplikacji Mobilnych
Wyzwania przed Tobą :
Poszukujemy Programisty Aplikacji Mobilnych (Flutter), który dołączy do naszego zespołu tworzącego rozwiązania dla wiodącego szwedzkiego dostawcy usług z obszaru e-zdrowia.
Praca z nami to szansa tworzenia niestandardowych aplikacji z wysokiej jakości natywnymi interfejsami dla systemów iOS i Android oraz kompleksowych rozwiązań, zapewniających usługi 4 milionom pacjentów w szpitalach, klinikach i uniwersytetach medycznych.
Zadania :
Oczekiwane umiejętności :
Dlaczego warto do nas dołączyć? :
Poznasz tutaj wielu nowych, fantastycznych ludzi!
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Flutter Developer(m/f)
Neste momento, encontramo-nos a recrutar para a seguinte função:
Flutter Developer (m/f)
Se queres tornar-te um(a) DPeople, envia-nos o CV detalhado.
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Flutter Developer
What is it like to work at Cookpad? Visit www.cookpadteam.com to find out more.
The role
You will be working in a small business innovation team at Cookpad that explores interesting opportunities outside of the main product you will be responsible for solving any product development related problems.
The team is exploring brand new business possibilities so you will not only be asked to improve/expand existing projects but get the opportunity to work on innovative ideas from inception.
You will need to be open to new frameworks and happy to work with whatever solves the problem in the best way. The team is using Flutter as it's a good framework for exploratory and prototyping phases.
In this role you will work on different layers of problems everyday so a full stack mindset is preferred. One example of the projects is homefarm which recently was app of the day on AppStore . The team is planning renewal of the app on Flutter to expand platform and regional coverage.
What we are looking for:
- Someone who is happy to participate in all phases of development, from design to implementation, testing, and release of new user-facing features
- A flexibility to learn new languages and a willingness to find the best tool for the job
- Prior experience with Flutter
- Strong understanding of at least 1 core programming language
- Willingness to learn and ability to get the job done
- Can do mindset and ability to interact in a small team
- Investigate and resolve performance issues, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies
- Ability to write clean, maintainable code
Why join Cookpad?
Ask everyone who works at Cookpad what we love about working here and the answer is: being part of the mission and our colleagues. Expect to work with people who are passionate about and committed to the mission: we challenge ourselves and each other to do the best work we can.
The benefits we offer are based on how we can best support your personal and professional well-being. We offer competitive salaries and all the things you’d expect - from employer pension contribution to private medical insurance; from time off for voluntary work to a cycle to work scheme.
And of course you can choose your own top-of-the-range equipment and setup. We also have a fully stocked and fully equipped team kitchen where we can cook together.
Equal Opportunity
The Cookpad team is made up of an incredible, diverse range of people. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, colour, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status or any other legally protected status.
Your Privacy
When applying for a job with Cookpad, we will collect personal information about you. We use that personal information predominantly for the purposes of processing your application and analysis of our recruitment activity. You can read more about how we use your personal information in our privacy policy.
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Votre Mission Consistera à
- Assurer le développement de la plateforme en évoluant au sein d’un contexte agile basé sur la méthodologie Scrum
- Concevoir et assurer les développements en utilisant les technologies Flutter, NodeJS et les Microservices Rest
Profil et savoir-faire
Compétences Techniques
- Maîtrise de Flutter
- Maîtrise de Nodejs
- Maîtrise des Microservice Rest
Compétence Fonctionnelle
- Maîtrise de la méthodologie Agile
- Anglais professionnel (oral et écrit)
- Sens du service
- Autonomie
- Esprit d'équipe
- Rigueur
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Flutter Developer
Flutter Developer
3 months
The Company
This Payment Method platform is looking for a Flutter Developer to join their growing team ahead of their new and exciting projects in 2020. After recent funding they are channelling their focus on the development of their existing app which is already used all over the country.
As a Developer, You Will
- Potential to mentor junior members of the team
- Work closely with the QA team
- Develop code following Stakeholder feedback
- Contribute to an agile team
Skills And Experience
The ideal candidate will have experience:
- 2 years' experience using Dart and Flutter
- Previous contract experience
- Commercial practice working in an Agile team
You will be at an advantage if you have excellent non tech communication skills.
How To Apply
Please register your interest by sending your CV via the Apply link on this page. For more information about similar data science roles at Harnham please contact Catherine Cardazzone at Harnham.
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Dart / Flutter Developer
We are currently looking for askilled Dart /Flutter Developerto support us building the fastest & most intuitive shopping app using a brand new tech stack!
The Shop Applications Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. They constantly challenge themselves to raise the bar of what is “state of the art” in customer-facing products.
Challenges the team will be working onin the next 12 months:
- Improving the customer experience by continuously implementing new features, optimizing user flow, and increasing technical performance
- Optimizing the eCommerce performance based on A/B Tests and KPI goals
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- TypeScript
- New Relic
- git
- Bitbucket
- Flutter
Meet one of our Tech Leads Pedro
What You Will Do
- Implement new features in our App version using Dart and Flutter to reach the highest performance standards
- Work closely together with other experienced developers, product managers, QA, and designers to ship new components and features
- Be a mentor to more junior team members and always act as a good example regarding coding standards and code reviews
- Work on the implementation of high-leverage features to optimize UX and conversion rates
- Draft architectural decisions together with our Tech Lead and explore new technologies
- Have a direct impact on team processes by regular agile retrospectives
Who You Are
- You have 3+ years of experience in building complex customer-facing applications
- You are very proficient in App development and had first touch points coding in Dart, alternatively experienced in related technologies (e.g. Typescript, C#, Swift and/or Objective C)
- You have a deep understanding of the basics and worked in a fast-changing environment before
- You have a very good understanding of React
- You write well-structured, efficient and maintainable code and actively keep the quality of the code base in check
- You have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
- You are used to working in an English speaking environment
Nice To Have
- Touchpoints with Typescript / Native Development ( Swift / Objective C )
- Previous work experience in the AWS ecosystem
We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :)
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Mobile Entwickler, hybrid (German speaking)
- Headquarters: Frankfurt/M. Ein Umzug ist aber u.U. bei einer guten Bahnanbindung nicht notwendig. Wenn du nach Frankfurt umziehen möchtest, helfen wir dir natürlich finanziell
- Start: flexibel
- Neues MacBook, iPhone (o.ä.), smart Watch, etc.
- BahnCard, JobTicket, optionales Firmenwagen, private Altersvorsorge, ergonomische Arbeitspplätze und super leckerer Kaffee
- Verschiedene Projekte deutschlandweit für namhafte Kunden wie z.B. Deutsche Bahn, Tui, Porsche, Fraunhofer Institut, John Deere, Springer Verlag, Allianz usw.
Idealerweise hast du bereits Erfahrung als Mobile Entwickler, doch auch als Einsteiger bist du für uns interessant, wenn du folgendes erfüllst:
- Abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengangs, abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder Erfahrung. Gerne auch Quereinsteiger, die das Coden im Blut haben.
- Gute Kenntnisse in Xamarin, React Native oder Flutter. Weitere Sprachen und Technologien sind natürlich von großem Vorteil.
- Du arbeitest strukturiert und schreibst modularen, testbaren und verständlichen Code.
- Du kannst dich schnell in neue Technologien und fremden Code einarbeiten.
- Du findest selbstständig Lösungen für schwierige Problemstellungen.
- Du willst dich ständig weiterbilden und verbessern.
- Du hast ein Gespür für eine tolle Userexperience.
- Du bist ein Team Player, qualitätsbewusst und kundenorientiert.
- Reisebereitschaft, denn du wirst u.a. bei unseren Kunden in sehr interessanten Projekten eingesetzt.
- Du sprichst Deutsch (B1 und höher oder Vergleichbares).
Bei uns arbeitest du in einem dynamischen Team und übernimmst die Verantwortung für die Weiterentwicklung von Apps mit Millionen Benutzern täglich. Gleichzeitig hast du genug Freiraum, um deine Skills weiterzuentwickeln und immer auf dem aktuellen Stand zu bleiben, z.B. durch Besuche von Entwicklerkonferenzen.
Wenn’s interessant klingt, freuen wir uns, von dir zu hören!
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Flutter Developer
Healthcare Technology Corporation
Helsinki, Finland
Founded in Finland in 2000, our client helps to connect patients and researchers to ensure data reliability, with proven solutions that simplify every step of the patient journey during the medical tests. They created a software platform which is the market-leading eCOA solution for clinical trials. Patients, clinicians and caregivers around the world use this platform on a daily basis to report outcomes in clinical trials by using mobile devices and personal computers.
As a Flutter Developer, You Will Be Responsible For
- Design, implementation and maintenance of product modules/sub-systems
- Performing code and design reviews
- Performing bug verification, release testing and support for assigned products
- Conducting unit testing and integration testing
Must have skills:
- Experience with mobile development, iOS / Android
- Great communication skills in English
- Flutter is a huge plus or willingness to learn
- A showcase or portfolio of open source code we can review (please include in CV)
- Experience with JavaScript / Java (helps if you can deal occasionally with back-end but not a must-have)
- Experience of low-level gadget integrations, for example, using Bluetooth
- CI / Test Automation experience
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(Senior) Mobile Flutter Developer- E-Scooters
Job type: Full-time
Role: Mobile Developer
Industry: Bike sharing, Information Technology, Mobile
Company size: 501–1k people
Company type: Private
android, mobile, ios, flutter
Job Description
We are at the early stages of rolling out Flutter for a substantial part of our mobile development. This is an amazing opportunity to be spearheading this new technology, in the context of a green-field development project.
- Develop high quality and maintainable code with unit tests and documentation, maintenance of existing features, and bug fixing
- Be active in code reviews and discussions to learn, share knowledge, and improve code quality
- Own features from initial technical concepts to production code
- Partner cross-functionality with fellow engineers to ensure consistency is maintained across platforms
- 3+ years of professional experience in developing native mobile applications (iOS or Android)
- At least basic experience in Dart; production experience is a significant plus
- Excited to deep dive and follow all relevant Flutter developments, given the early stage of the framework
- Knowledge of Flutter specific architectures and patterns, including the BLoC pattern
- Knowledge of reactive programming/streams, ideally RxDart
- You are a team player: You comfortably collaborate with designers, developers, and other team members to clarify requirements, implement solutions, and ensure all requirements are met
- Ability to communicate complicated technical problems to both technical and business audiences
- You deliver clean code that is easy to understand and has its own automated tests
- Have strong Computer Science foundation
- Familiarity with Agile development including daily scrum and weekly iteration reviews and planning
- Dedicated to learning and improving mobile development skills
- A hell yes attitude towards tackling challenges
Nice To Have
- Cool graphics & animation abilities - you love beautiful, fluid design
- Experience testing Flutter applications
- Experience working with Platform Channels
- Location-based mobile development experience
What We Offer
- The opportunity to revolutionize urban mobility and change cities for all of us
- Professional and personal growth building one of the fastest-growing startup of 2019 with a very experienced team of entrepreneurs
- A rapid environment where autonomy, fast decision making and learning by trying is key
- Working together in a team of the best in their fields from top companies around the world
- Great talented people
Ready to undertake your next big thing? Awesome! We look forward to talking with you.
Your application and personal data will be collected by LMTS Germany GmbH.
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Android Developer
Currently we are looking for an Android Developer for our Krakow office to make the team even stronger.
Flutter is going to be used as main technology for development. Previous hands-on experience with Flutter is not mandatory as technology is quite new.
We offer
Ustaw z 2018, poz. 1000) oraz zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016 / 679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r.
w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95 / 46 / WE (RODO)"
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Sviluppatore Mobile
ESPRIMO Srl, società di consulenza informatica che opera dal 2002 su tutto il territorio nazionale ed internazionale, a supporto delle imprese, si colloca nel settore dell’Information Technology proponendosi come obiettivo quello di fornire una vasta gamma di prodotti, servizi e soluzioni nelle aree più strategiche per l’impresa, come: Infrastrutture IT, Content Management, ERP, Business Intelligence, CRM, Web Applications,
è Alla Ricerca Di Uno
Sviluppatore Flutterda inserire in attività progettuali.
Il Candidato Ideale è In Possesso Delle Seguenti Skills
- esperienza di sviluppo Mobile
- esperienza di sviluppo con Flutter
- Team Working, Capacità di analisi, Conoscenza metodologia agile
- buona conoscenza lingua inglese
Sede operativa: Roma
Si offre un inserimento in un contesto stimolante e innovativo, con grandi prospettive di crescita professionale e una retribuzione commisurata all'esperienza.
Si richiede l’invio di Curricula rispondenti al profilo della posizione aperta, verranno presi in considerazione solo quelli effettivamente in possesso dei requisiti sopraindicati.
La ricerca è rivolta ad entrambi i sessi (L.903/77). Inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae, con l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali secondo la Legge 196/2003.
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Remote Flutter vývojář
Kdo jsme
Jsme malá softvérová společnost se sídlem v Praze a remote kulturou v naší DNA. Vytváříme aplikace pro realitní developery - máme téměř 50 klientů v 11 zemích. Stavíme produkty s důrazem na kvalitu a rostoucí užitek. Ve vývojovém týmu je nás 5 a hledáme dalšího kolegu do party - ať už je z Aše, Břeclavi nebo Žabovřesk!
Co očekáváme
- Výbornou komunikaci (bez ní remote nejde).
- Angličtinu slovem a písmem (část týmu je mimo ČR).
- Odpovědnost a schopnost samostatné práce.
- Proaktivní přístup.
- Chuť učit se a posouvat se neustále dál.
Co nabízíme
- 100% remote fulltime pozici. Rádi Tě uvidíme v Praze jednou za čas ale jinak můžeš žít tam kde Tě srdce táhne!
- Kreativní svobodu a silný hlas v rozhodování.
- Špičkový tým ve kterém se vzájemně učíme a posouváme.
- Příležitosti k osobnímu růstu.
Co bude Tvým úkolem
- Rozšiřování a údržba naší existující appky ve Flutteru.
- Budování nové aplikace plánované na 2020.
Jaké nástroje používáme
- Jira
- Bitbucket (+ Pipelines)
- Slack
- Google Apps
- Runscope
- Sentry
- New Relic
- Weblate
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Mobile Flutter Developer
Role: Contract Flutter Developer Location: London (on-site) Length: 3 months Rate: £430pdflex A vibrant client of mine are on the lookout for a number of Contract Mobile Flutter Developers to work on-site with their highly experienced development team. Youll be working alongside the core mobile development team, comprised of a number of highly experienced and highly rated industry experts. As a Contract Flutter Developer you will enjoy reworking and adding features to an existing application, before assiting on development of a brand new app. Working knowledge and experience using Flutter is essential. As a Contract Flutter Developer you will be expected to adopt the companys ethos and bring a real drive and passion for quality that will help shape the companies tech stack. As a remote Contract Flutter Developer you will be expected to work independently and to a high standard. The core mobile stack this client use includes:
iOS/Android, Objective-C and Swift/Java
Flutter Electron deployment Test-driven development Alongside this, as a Contract Flutter Developer, you will have experience in the following: Clean code architecture Cross-platform application development React/Typescript experience desirable Interest in Blockchain If youre looking to implement your knowledge and expertise of Flutter in an exciting new position, then this is the time to apply! With initial interviews being set up from Monday (4th November) please contact Jess Jarrold at the X4 Group for more information or send your CV to
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Mobile Lead Developer - Flutter & Dart
I am recruiting for a Mobile Lead Developer to be based in Central London.
Candidates MUST have experience of FLUTTER & DART.
You will have a number of years of development experience in mobile
development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile
applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices.
A working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends,
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Flutter Developer
You + Miquido =
- developing mobile applications in Flutter according to provided requirements
- participating in defining requirements
- participating in code reviews
- cooperating with project managers, developers, testers and customers to increase applications’ quality
You can be the perfect match for us, if you have:
- min. 2 years of commercial experience working with native mobile apps (Android or/and iOS)
- experience with Dart, Flutter framework
- good knowledge of design patterns and clean code principles
- experience in writing unit tests
- knowledge of REST API
- familiarity with Agile software development
- experience with GIT
- good knowledge on project configuration in Xcode and Android Studio
- very good command of written and spoken English (min. B2 level)
It can be love at first sight if you also have:
- strong skills in both mobile platforms (Android and iOS)
- good knowledge of design guidelines for both platforms
- good knowledge of at least one architecture pattern used in Flutter development
What do we offer?
- attractive salary: 8,740 – 12,100 PLN net b2b or 7,370 – 10,240 gross job contract
- ambitious, creative, talented & highly experienced team
- contributing to projects for clients all over the world
- flexible working hours and a possibility to work remotely from time to time
- private health insurance, MyBenefit platform, subsidized MultiSport Card and other goodies
- training budget (3000 PLN per year)
- free in-office English lessons with a native speaker
- chillout room with table soccer, ping-pong, and PS4 console
- unforgettable company trips
We value your trust in providing us your data, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. Below you will find the necessary information about the data we collect and process when you send us your CV.
The controller of your personal data is Miquido Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp. k. with its seat in Krakow, Zabłocie 43a, 30-701 Kraków, Poland (“Miquido”, “We”, “Our” or “Us”). See more
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Mobile Lead Developer
Mobile Lead Developer @ London, UK
Smartedge's client is looking for Mobile Lead Developer for long term contract based in London, UK.
Ideal, candidate should have experience in Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart
Key Responsibilities
- 4+ years of development experience with at least 2 years in mobile development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
- Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies.
- Mandatory Skills:
- Must to have in development of Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart
- Coding , Unit testing & bug fixing
- Knowledge of Application Deployment to Google play store & Apple app store
- Basic sanity/developer testing of the build
- Prepare build release document
- Ability to work and deliver under triple constraint (time, scope and resources)
- Good understanding of mobile development eco system
- cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
Other Skills
- Hands-on knowledge of different Android & iOS versions
- Experience of developing cross-platform mobile applications for Android & iOS platforms using Flutter development framework
- Experience in developing mobile applications using Flutter SDK & Dart programming language
- Experience of developing mobile application using native Android or iOS SDK & development tools
- Experience of React Native will be a plus
- Translate designs into high quality code, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable code
- Web service integration (SOAP, REST/JSON)
- Experience with commonly used programming languages like C, C++, Java, swift
- Trained in web development languages like HTML, CSS, JS is a plus.
- Understanding in CI/CD pipelines
- Building flutter module & flutter plug-ins
- Good experience in integrating analytical tools such as Localytics, Google Analytics, Facebook, Tealium, AppsFlyer, Raygen, AppSee, Crashlytics, etc.
Start Date: ASAP (notice period accepted for right candidate)
We have been asked to schedule the discussions this week, please share your updated CV and call for confidential chat.
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Mobile Lead Developer
Mobile Lead Developer @ London, UK
Smartedge's client is looking for Mobile Lead Developer for long term contract based in London, UK.
Ideal, candidate should have experience in Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart
Key Responsibilities
- 4+ years of development experience with at least 2 years in mobile development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
- Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies.
- Mandatory Skills:
- Must to have in development of Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart
- Coding , Unit testing & bug fixing
- Knowledge of Application Deployment to Google play store & Apple app store
- Basic sanity/developer testing of the build
- Prepare build release document
- Ability to work and deliver under triple constraint (time, scope and resources)
- Good understanding of mobile development eco system
- cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
Other Skills
- Hands-on knowledge of different Android & iOS versions
- Experience of developing cross-platform mobile applications for Android & iOS platforms using Flutter development framework
- Experience in developing mobile applications using Flutter SDK & Dart programming language
- Experience of developing mobile application using native Android or iOS SDK & development tools
- Experience of React Native will be a plus
- Translate designs into high quality code, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable code
- Web service integration (SOAP, REST/JSON)
- Experience with commonly used programming languages like C, C++, Java, swift
- Trained in web development languages like HTML, CSS, JS is a plus.
- Understanding in CI/CD pipelines
- Building flutter module & flutter plug-ins
- Good experience in integrating analytical tools such as Localytics, Google Analytics, Facebook, Tealium, AppsFlyer, Raygen, AppSee, Crashlytics, etc.
Start Date: ASAP (notice period accepted for right candidate)
We have been asked to schedule the discussions this week, please share your updated CV and call for confidential chat.
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Flutter Developer
Client, based in Berkshire is currently seeking Mobile Developers - Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart to join and support an exciting project.
This job was originally posted as www.cwjobs.co.uk / job / 88713104
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Mobile Lead Developer
We are looking for Mobile Lead Developer with Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart at London
Job Type: Contract
location: London UK
Rate: Open to discuss
Note: Client is focusing on more experience on Flutter & Dart and more into Android side will work.
4+ years of development experience with at least 2 years in mobile
4+ development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile
4+ applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies.
Mandatory Skills:
Must to have in development of Cross platform mobile application development using Flutter & Dart Coding, Unit testing & bug fixing Knowledge of Application Deployment to Google play store & Apple app store Basic sanity/developer testing of the build Prepare build release document Ability to work and deliver under triple constraint (time, scope and resources) Good understanding of mobile development eco system
cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
Other Skills:
Hands-on knowledge of different Android & iOS versions Experience of developing cross-platform mobile applications for Android & iOS platforms using Flutter development framework Experience in developing mobile applications using Flutter SDK & Dart programming language Experience of developing mobile application using native Android or iOS SDK & development tools Experience of React Native will be a plus Translate designs into high quality code, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable code Web service integration (SOAP, REST/JSON) Experience with commonly used programming languages like C, C++, Java, swift Trained in web development languages like HTML, CSS, JS is a plus.
Understanding in CI/CD pipelines
Building flutter module & flutter plug-ins Good experience in integrating analytical tools such as Localytics, Google Analytics, Facebook, Tealium, AppsFlyer, Raygen, AppSee, Crashlytics, etc.
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Mobile Developer
HydraDevwas founded in 2015 and has since grown to be an expandingmulti-disciplinary team. Our goal as a company is to implement thebest software solutions for any given problem, the more challengingthe better.
With this goal in mind, we seek and train the bestdevelopers, offering our collective talent to foreign and localclients.
WhatWe Are Looking For
WhatWe Offer
Ifthis sounds like a good fit for you, send us your CV with thereference MBL.DEV 2019.
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Ingénieur concepteur mobile Cross-Platform
About the role
Vous êtes expérimenté sur les technologies mobiles Microsoft ?
Vous avez envie de consolider votre expertise tout en vous ouvrant sur de nouvelles technologies comme Flutter ?
Vous aimeriez vous épanouir au sein d'une organisation réellement centrée sur l'humain et l'expertise technique?
Si vous hésitez entre intégrer une structure avec de fortes valeurs humaines ou un grand groupe, ne faites pas de compromis et rejoignez-nous !
Ce que nous vous apportons :
- Une ouverture sur les nouvelles technologies mobiles
- La collaboration avec des experts reconnus du domaine
- Des formations & certifications : Xamarin Mobile Professional et Xamarin Mobile Developer
- Un plan de développement personnel
- Un cadre de travail de qualité
Le projet à court terme :
Intégrer notre équipe de création d'applications mobiles qui est en plein développement à Lille.
Participer à des projets d'envergures pour nos clients grands comptes tout en développant vos compétences sur les technologies Xamarin et/ou Flutter.
Vous utiliserez les outils interne de développement industrialisés (Xamarin Platform ou forms, TFS, Visual Studio Mobile Center, XTC, ...) tout en appliquant les règles de qualité de développement en vigueur dans notre métier.
Les possibilités d'évolutions :
Elles sont extrêmement variées et s'adapteront en fonction de vos ambitions. Quelques exemples : évangéliste Xamarin, expert Flutter, Architecte, Chef de Projet, etc.
About you
Vous :
- Êtes passionné par le développement et les nouvelles technologies
- Avez une formation d'ingénieur ou équivalent
- Maîtrisez les technologies C# / Xamarin
- Disposez au minimum d'1 an d'expérience dans le développement d'applications mobiles
- Êtes autonome, dynamique, curieux et savez être force de proposition
- Maîtrisez l'anglais (Lecture, écriture)
Digital & Data
Partenaire de la transformation digitale des entreprises, Orange Digital&Data est l'entité d'Orange Business Services spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de services applicatifs et l'intégration de systèmes.
Implantés dans plusieurs grandes villes françaises comme Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille et Toulouse … nous accompagnons au quotidien près de 20 000 entreprises tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets, dans les domaines clés de l'expérience digitale, de la Data Analytics et l’Intelligence Métier.
Pour la 4ème année consécutive, Orange reçoit la certification « Top Employer Global » 2019. Cette certification consacre les meilleures politiques et pratiques en termes de programmes de ressources humaines.
L’innovation est essentielle à votre métier, construisons la ensemble !
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Senior Flutter Developer
This company is the leading end-to-end crew and fleet management support service for all personnel, operational, commercial, and financial maritime management requirements. An intelligent and comprehensive database for vessels and crew, this company makes crew manager's lives easier by assigning and directing crew to vessels, whilst managing contracts, certifications, and timesheets. It is the only service that manages regulatory compliance liabilities for vessels, employees and third parties. They are looking for a developer to help take the software forward as a part of a team. As a core part of the role, you will be expected to take lead in developing an App using Flutter. As Flutter is a relatively new language, similar experience using React Native/Swift/Vue will be considered. This is an incredible opportunity for someone who is hard working, dedicated, enthusiastic and looking for a challenge, to get in with a new company and help shape its future.
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Lead Mobile Developer (Flutter & Dart)
Lead Mobile Developer
- 6 Months
- Bracknell
- £ Negotiable
Basic Requirements
College degree in a technology related discipline
4+ years of development experience with at least 2 years in mobile development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices
Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerg
- click apply for full job details
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Senior Flutter Software Engineer
Our client is an US-based startup that provide solution for food traceability disruption using blockchain and IoT technologies within the whole food supply chain.
With us, you will participate in a variety of projects of different size and scale to provide applications for the different-
level users, integrate with dozen of vendors and provide best cross-platform mobile experience
As a part of the top-experts team, you will get a chance to participate at world-class challenges, contribute to open-source and be part of the fast-
growing global Flutter community.
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Android/Flutter Developer
Android Developer, 3-6 months Brussels, Belgium
My client is looking for an experienced Android Flutter developer to start ASAP in Brussels on an ongoing project.
- The role will be looking at replicating and renovating an existing application.
- Rolling out a renewed version with continuous extensions
- Providing a stable and growing application, suitable for customer use.
- Autonomous mindset
- Experience with Android Development process
- Hands-on experience with Google Flutter
- Language - Dutch preferred or English or French
- LOCATION: Brussels
- DURATION: 3 + Months Rolling
- Start Date: ASAP
If you wish to be considered for the position available, please e-mail an up to date CV with a contact number or alternatively call on (see below). Please feel free to pass this advert on to other suitable candidates.
Vivid Resourcing are committed to equality of opportunity for all applications from individuals are encouraged regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships or any other characteristic protected by law.
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Mobile Developer (w/m/x) with Focus on Flutter
"The mobile device has quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self." – Phil Nickinson
We are looking for a Mobile Developer (w/m/x) with Focus on Flutter who will join our team creating solutions & services that makes life with the car fun. Be part of a new team where you can build things from scratch and revolutionize the future mobility.
What we do generates positive impact to millions of customers, the experience we build change people’s behavior and lifes. We as company are born digital! Driven by our values – #courage, #mindfulness, #collaboration and #impact – we actively strive for our teams and clients to be digital champions.
What we offer:
- You will be participate in the full software lifecycle – develop high quality code with unit test & documentation, maintenance of features as well as bugs fixing.
- You ensure that our software meets all requirements of quality and functionality.
- Closely collaboration with our product managers & designer to build State of the Art e-Mobility applications used by thousandof users.
- Be part of our mobile team that works on variety of projects using cutting-edge mobile stack.
Who you are:
- You have professional experience in development of native mobile applications (Android or iOS).
- You gained already solid knowledge in building flutter apps.
- You are characterised by an structured approach with a strong willingness to learn, initiative & self-discipline.
- Willingness to improve Mobile development skills.
- Practical experience in agile methodologies – from daily scrum to iterative reviews & planning.
- You feel at home in a team that has high standards and passionately develops software.
- Fluent in English.
Our Benefits:
- Born digital: You will be working for a company (> 20 years in E- Commerce, 600+ employees, an equal opportunity employer) of the owner-operated diconium group.
- Personal Growth: Appealing personal & professional development opportunities.
- Work-Life-Balance: Flexible Working Hours, Home Office, Part Time or Sabbatical to keep you balanced
- Innovation: Let your ideas flow and share them in our Inject sessions, digital expert academy, hackathons or internal/ external meetups.
- Benefits: Job Ticket, Company Pension Scheme, Great Office Locations, Employee Discounts, Monthly Massage, Gym Membership (John Reed) & a lot of great diconium events.
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Mobile Developer (iOS/ Andoid/Flutter)
How would you feel about working on something that has an impact on millions of lives? We at Signant Health are all here to work for a significant purpose: Making the world healthier! What we do, matters.
Our TrialMax software platform is the market-leading eCOA (Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments) solution for clinical trials. Patients, clinicians and caregivers around the world use this platform on daily basis to report outcomes in clinical trials by using mobile devices and personal computers. The regulated nature of our business is challenging, but you will soon learn this exciting new world with the help of our domain experts.
Our business is growing and we are now looking for a
Mobile Developer
to join us in developing business-critical data collection applications and to learn new technologies, like Flutter, at the same time. You have already been working with mobile development (Android and/or iOS) and are now looking for the next step, an opportunity to learn something new and to be a part of something that can change lives.
What we expect:
- Experience: You have experience of mobile development, iOS / Android, senior, junior, somewhere in between, tell us more about it
- Lifelong learning: We’re looking for software engineers who love to learn new technologies as they become relevant to the job at hand
- Problem-solving skills: You are keen in first understanding the real problem well and then finding a robust solution that serves well in long run
- Passion: You feel ownership over everything you ship. You have high coding standards, test thoroughly (automated unit and integration tests), and care about the user.
- Communication: You have good communication skills in English, both verbal and written. You enjoy working in a Scrum team and likely some experience with pair programming.
Always a plus:
- A showcase or portfolio of open source code we can review (please include in CV)
- Experience with JavaScript / Java (helps if you can deal occasionally with back-end but not a must-have)
- Experience of low-level gadget integrations for example using Bluetooth
- CI / Test Automation experience
What we will offer:
- Opportunity to work in an industry that saves lives
- Great learning opportunities
- R&D career in a leading and fast growing eCOA company
- International working environment
- Competitive salary and benefits
- Bonus plan
- Great colleagues
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App Developer - Birkerød
You Will Preferably Have
- More than 2 years of experience with app development.
- Experience with React Native and TypeScript.
- Experience in working with NoSQL databases.
- Abilities to built perfect app interfaces from detailed designs.
- A passion for music and the start-up working environment.
You Will Get To
- Build the front end of our Flutter app based on amazing UI designs.
- Integrate cool new features in the app for concert goers.
- Integrate worldwide concert data from ticket offices and music media.
- Work with an awesome team that has over 10 years of experience in both the music industry and product development.
We are based in Aarhus and Copenhagen. If you want to join the Tribute start-up adventure and the chemistry is right, we would love to bring you on board.
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React Native Developer (w/m/d) in Dresden
Als React Native Entwickler übernimmst du in unserem Team zukünftig die Verantwortung für die Entwicklung und Optimierung komplexer Apps – alleine oder auch im Team.
Wir entwickeln plattformübergreifende Apps und Service-Apps für Endkunden. Durch unsere jahrelange Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von Corporate Websites und zunehmend Progressive-Web-Apps nutzen wir React Native für Apps auf allen aktuellen Plattformen.
Zur Verstärkung unseres Entwicklerteams in Dresden suchen wir ab sofort einen versierten React Native Developer (w/m/d) in Vollzeit.
Dein Neuer Job
Zu deinen täglichen Aufgaben bei uns in der Agentur gehören:
Erst- und Weiterentwicklung von React Native Apps
Entwicklung von einfachen und komplexen App-Views auf Basis der Frameworks React und React Native und zugehöriger Technologien (v. a. ES2015/ES6)
Umsetzung von adaptiven Designs mit Flex-Layouts
Dokumentation von entwickelten Applikationen und Softwarelösungen
Integration von Nativen Komponenten (iOS: Objective-C, Swift - Android: Java und Kotlin)
Zusätzliche Sicherung der Codequalität durch ständige Reviews via Atlassian Bitbucket und Wissenstransfer innerhalb der Teams
Agiles Arbeiten in kleinen Teams nach der Vision des agilen Manifests via Atlassian JIRA
Dokumentation von entwickelten Applikationen und Softwarelösungen via Atlassian Confluence
Das Bringst Du Mit
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Erfahrungen in der Sicherung von Code- und Projektqualität (z. B. Code-Reviews, Automatisierte Tests)
Grundkenntnisse in benötigten Build-Prozessen der App-Systeme
Eigenverantwortliche und strukturierte Arbeitsweise innerhalb von Sprints, in kleinen Teams und agilen Strukturen
Offenheit für neue Technologien, Prozesse und Tools
die Arbeit mit nativen Technologien für iOS und Android sollte dir nicht fremd sein
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Flutter Developer (m/f/d) for our Operations App Team
We want to hire Flutter Developers (m/f/d) who are passionate and experienced to build excellent and reliable solutions.
That Means We Will
MOIA is an innovative mobility company that will change people’s lives by re-imagining urban mobility. MOIA will create services that enable more people to move more freely and securely, ultimately making cities better places to live. We will free up the movement of people and goods within cities whilst making mobility accessible to everyone.
- Make city traffic clean, safe and silent
- Create more time and space for people
- Bring affordable and convenient mobility to everybody
We would be delighted if you were to accompany us on this exciting and challenging journey. We are not only looking for candidates to fill our job vacancies; we want you as a crucial part of our team. Our core competence is passion.
MOIA is for the people.
That's Why We Need Great People Who Are
- bright minds, but humble
- chatty, but also know when to be calm and just say what’s really needed
- mindful about their team, but know how to bring their own point across as well
- questioning the status quo, but keeping focus
- striving for improvement of others and themselves
- pushing for progress without leaving the team behind.
We believe in Flutter’s potential to be a reliable technology for mobile applications while increasing productivity.
So When You Are Around In Native Mobile Development For Some Time And Dash Is Not Just a Punctuation Character For You, But The Companion Of Your Latest Tech Endeavors, Then Check These Things As Well, You
- know your Git and pubspec
- speak English & Dart, as well as Swift and/or Kotlin
- have a degree in Computer Science and a minimum of 3 years of programming experience
- don’t fear platform channels
- like to interact with fellow Developers, Product Owners, Designers and other Stakeholders
- call the Android and/or iOS SDK your home, but strive for Flutter
- like to share your knowledge (mobile tech meetups or conferences anyone?)
- care about a well maintained, scalable and tested codebase
- have a certain eye for product- and UI-quality as well
What You Will Do
Our Operations domain has the goal to build the most efficient and environmentally friendly fleet operations in the world.
You will work in a bottom-up managed, autonomous, cross-functional team, that will continuously test new ideas and evaluate their potential.
- You and your team will work like a startup and take ownership of the whole development cycle - from ideation over design to implementation, quality assurance and maintenance.
- Build solutions that integrate deeply with our own fleet of vehicles.
- Our Operations app is going to be used by thousands of drivers and service staff in a stressful and hectic environment where every second counts. Therefore they need to be rock stable, always up to date and safe and intuitive to use in every situation.
- The software you will be working on is an integral part of our ridesharing solutions and defines our quality of service.
What We Offer You
We are a new company and a fast-growing team. We see things from a people perspective, observing, learning and responding to their social needs. We are always curious to find better ways to do things and so we question everything. We are driven by the possibilities better urban mobility solutions can unlock. We work with different people, disciplines and companies to make great things happen. MOIA offers a unique opportunity as it combines the best of the startup and corporate worlds. We are an innovative new business based in top locations such as Berlin and Hamburg, but are also backed by a large corporate parent providing funding, resources, know-how and commitment.
What We Offer In Detail
- Competitive salary and bonus
- Mobility budget and Job Ticket (public transport)
- Subsidisation of a fitness club membership
- 30 days holiday
- Company phone (+ SIM card)
- Up to date work hardware
- Relocation support
Our work is dedicated to transforming the lives of billions – you will be part of this vision.
So, grab your Hummingbird and let’s make these canvases fly.
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Mobile Lead Developer - Flutter & Dart
I am recruiting for a Mobile Lead Developer to be based in Central London. Candidates MUST have experience of FLUTTER & DART. You will have a number of years of development experience in mobile development, specifically in the areas of cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices. A working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies is also essential. Knowledge of Application Deployment to Google play store & Apple app store is also required. You will be able to prepare build release documents and have the ability to work and deliver under triple constraint (time, scope and resources). A good understanding of mobile development eco system and also cross platform mobile applications for Android & iOS phones & tablet devices. Please apply ASAP to discuss further.
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Flutter Developer
As a member of the Coalition for a Friendly Recruitment, we guarantee a transparent recruitment process and a friendly atmosphere!
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Flutter Developer
Permanent role based in Central London
Small but growing fintech startup
Must have:
· Experience with the Flutter UI software development kit
· Strong knowledge of OO programming
· 3 years’ experience of development of complex mobile apps for iOS and Android
· Experience of cross-platform technologies
· JavaScript development
· Google Cloud (GCP) experience
· Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases
· Knowledge of design patterns
· Experience of end to end secure SDLC including TDD
· Standard Git/ Gitlab workflow experience
Nice to have:
· Node.js
· Firebase, Google Cloud Functions
· Typescript
· Appreciation of security models and architecture
· Experience of API orchestration and rules engine coding
· Banking solutions or small business financing experience
· CI/ CD delivery
· Objective C and/or Java skills
· Backend development
· Any experience of recent platform innovations used in modern native apps such as material design
Personal Attributes:
· Strong logical approach and willingness to take the lead on solving complex problems
· Strong innovative skills and a passion for coding
· Can do attitude, motivated, hungry to develop, technically savvy, focused on delivery
· Polished communication and interpersonal skills
· An ability to work with little supervision
BSC or MSC in Computer Science or equivalent experience
Main responsibilities of this role will include:
· Participation, as a Senior Developer, in a Scrum team
· Providing technical leadership including overall architecture within Scrum team
· Designing, developing and implementing new software functionality
· Finding & fixing defects which are found with existing software
· Identifying and implementing appropriate unit testing
· Writing technical documentation for software developed
· Providing input into user interface design
· Working with the product team to deliver the business objectives
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Flutter Developer
VNTRS is growing - check out our career page for more job openings.
VNTRS is a Stockholm based consultant/investment company that helps entrepreneurs and large corporations to build innovative digital products and services of tomorrow. We have a beloved business model where we, instead of only accept cash as payment, also can reinvest parts of our fee for equity that all VNTRS employees take part of.
We are now looking for an experienced software developer with a great passion for Flutter and,start-ups and entrepreneurial companies. Do you want to take lead in our ambition to build a great Flutter team and expand our business in both Sweden and internationally? Do you have great development skills and would like to work with inspiring people? Then you will love working with us at VNTRS!
Is this you?
A VNTRS employee comes in different flavours and nothing is set in stone. However, for this role we are looking for a highly skilled and ambitious developer that can lead, evaluate and inspire your fellow mobile developer colleagues. As you will play a key role when scoping new projects you also need to like to be directly involved with customers, take on great responsibilities and not be afraid to challenge assumptions to make sure that the projects you will be involved with always have the end customer in mind. Is this you? Then you’ll have a fun journey ahead!
About The Job
In your role, depending on assignment, you will be the lead Flutter developerworking alongside our other experienced tech teams including frontend, backend and UX/UI developers as well as market/strategy and investment network professionals. Together we help companies in every aspect of their journey.
As a VNTRS Flutter developeryou will not only be a great and inspiring hands-on developer. You will also lead the way for other developers that wants to gain Flutter experienceand work tightly with management to make sure that the VNTRS mobile development team have all the skills needed for our fast expansion. In projects you will also play a key role when it comes to scoping and time evaluation.
Must-have Requirements
- 2-5 years development experience using Native/Frontend/Backend languages
- Great passion and interest in Flutter
- Business and end customer insight
- Fluent inSwedish and English
- People person that can lead and inspire
Nice-to-have Requirements
- An eye for design
- Hybrid development experience, preferably in React Native
- Project management skills
- Hands on start-up experience
- Knowledge of iOS and Android design guidelines
- You can take on projects outside Sweden
Our values build on quality, speed and passion. You will be part of a tightly knitted team that is passionate about building the products of tomorrow together. We encourage an entrepreneurial mindset and we have fun together. At VNTRS we share the success among all co-workers through ownership in our investment fund with tech startups.
- Ownership in our investment fund with tech startups
All employees get a monthly equity bonus used to invest in VNTRS investment fund with tech startups. In just 2 years we have increased the value in our portfolio with 39%!
- Challenging Responsibilities
Real responsibility from day one. Together we create your personal development plan, based on your career goals, and give the senior support guidance you need to achieve it.
- Great work-life balance
Every Friday we all gather for a social lunch on the house and end the week with a common after work at the office.At VNTRS we really believe in having fun at work and encourage a healthy work-life balance.
- Generous Benefits
Yearly travel conference, a lot fun eventsand beneficialhealth benefit.
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Android/Flutter Developer
Android Developer, 3-6 months Brussels, Belgium
My client is looking for an experienced Android Flutter developer to start ASAP in Brussels on an ongoing project.
- The role will be looking at replicating and renovating an existing application.
- Rolling out a renewed version with continuous extensions
- Providing a stable and growing application, suitable for customer use.
- Autonomous mindset
- Experience with Android Development process
- Hands-on experience with Google Flutter
- Language - Dutch preferred or English or French
- LOCATION: Brussels
- DURATION: 3 + Months Rolling
- Start Date: ASAP
If you wish to be considered for the position available, please e-mail an up to date CV with a contact number or alternatively call on (see below). Please feel free to pass this advert on to other suitable candidates.
Vivid Resourcing are committed to equality of opportunity for all applications from individuals are encouraged regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships or any other characteristic protected by law.
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Flutter Developer
Great opportunity for a Flutter Developer to join a rapidly growing agency that are projected to double their turnover in the next 12 months located in the heart of Norwich.
If you have previous experience of building an App in Flutter and working in Dart framework, then this is the ideal opportunity for you.
Requirements and skills:
- JavaScript
- Ideally experience with the cross platform technology Flutter
- Previous experience building Native Apps
- Experience working within a start-up environment is preferred
- React Native experience
- Experience working in Dart framework
- Very familiar with Google products
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Développeur Front-end et nouvelles technologies (React, Flutter...)
Description de l'offre Vous rejoindrez une petite équipe technique et vous interviendrez sur l'ensemble des projets.
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Senior Android Developer
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Flutter Developer with strong iOS
You are a good match if you:
• Have “Fluttered” some code including widget creation, state management and 3rd party library integration
• Have 4-5 years of experience with: Swift, RxSwift
• Have good knowledge of design patterns (MVC/MVP) and eager to propose other approaches
• Are willing to follow and develop new skills and technology experience related to multi-platform solutions.
• Have strong communication skills in English
You will be responsible for:
• Working closely with the UX and visual design team to develop the application experience
• Collaborating with the backend team to define and build the APIs that back the views within the application
• Co-operating with amazing team members (managers, developers, analysts and testers)
• Identifying bugs and new features within new releases of the iOS operating system and devices
• Participating in regular SCRUM team meetings to estimate work: review and plan current and next sprints
• Ensuring collaboration with senior management to help generate task breakdowns, and accurate schedules
You get extra points for:
• Hands-on experience with the enemy ;) platforms like Android, Web…
• Knowledge of CI (Jenkins), Quick/Nimble (unit testing), iOS-snapshot-test-case (UI testing framework from Uber)
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Flutter Developer with strong iOS
Required skills : Experienced
You are a good match if you :
You will be responsible for :
You get extra points for :
Your benefits :
Flexible hours and home office
Language support
Sports and medical package
And on top of these : Me&You, no Mr&Mrs
X-mas party and picnic
We stick together. It's pretty amazing to see how smoothly new intivers find themselves within our culture. We love to see that.
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Développeur Mobile Flutter
Le poste et les tâches
Votre rôle
Vous êtes passionné par le développement de systèmes d'information?? Attiré par les solutions mobiles??
Sous la responsabilité d'un chef de projet, vous concevez et réalisez une application mobile Android et iOS d'aide à la vente autour des services numériques de Viveris.
En relation avec les équipes commerciales et techniques de Viveris, vous serez amené à :
- Participer à des ateliers de conception ;
- Concevoir et maquetter l'application mobile ;
- Participer à la réalisation des spécifications ;
- Développer l'application ;
- Tester l'application produite.
Cette application sera déployée en interne.
Le poste et les tâches
Profil recherché
Étudiant en dernière année d'une formation Bac + 4/5, ingénieur ou universitaire, dominante informatique.
Vous maitrisez et/ou avez une appétence les de technologies suivantes :
- Dart
- C# .Net
- Adobe XD (maquettage)
- Microsoft Azure
Nous cherchons un étudiant passionné, technophile, curieux et créatifà qui nous offrons un cadre de travail de qualité et une formation solide.
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App-Entwickler Android / Flutter (m/w/d)
Deine Aufgaben
Wir wollen unserem Anspruch an Qualität und Innovation gerecht werden. Als App-Entwickler im Bereich easysquare unterstützt Du uns dabei am Standort Berlin oder Kassel wie folgt :
Dein Profil
Du bist motiviert , liebst kreative Teamarbeit und auf Dich treffen folgende Eigenschaften zu :
Java, Android SDK / Studio / Design Guidelines, Gradle)
Deine Perspektiven
Gestalte Deinen Arbeitsplatz verantwortungsbewusst und übernehme herausfordernde und abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben. Es erwarten Dich :
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Flutter developer to Combat Climate Change!
You will be working as part of the global team responsible for building complete technology solutions that form the core of ACT - collaborative marketplace for sustainable grocery shopping.
The role will require an obsessive focus on beautiful customer experiences, ownership and technical leadership developing mobile applications.
You will have the opportunity to make a big impact on our product development and work on the full development cycle including design, development, testing, and deployment.
B.S. or M.S. Computer Science or 2+ years of relevant experience
2+ years of object-oriented software development experience
Nice to have published one or more mobile apps in Google Play or App Store
Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies
Solid understanding of the full mobile development lifecycle, including automated testing and building
Experience working in an agile development process
Proficiency in using version control and continuous integration, with tools such as Git and Jenkins
Experience working with modern, strongly-typed programming languages such as Dart, Go, Kotlin, Rust, TypeScript, etc.
Your personal characteristics:
Can demonstrate teamwork and good establish effective working relations with other people of diverse background
Can demonstrate resourcefulness and creativity in problem-solving
Smart, skilled and independent
Diligent, motivated and honest
Well organized and self-driven
Excellent attention to detail
Available at least 10 hours per week
Ready to train new members of the tech-team
Fluent in English
Our offer
Working with a passionate tech team lead by our tech-lead, experienced with enterprise systems in the millions of users
Remuneration in the form of equity (share options) and a salary when the app is well in the market
Flexible working hours and location
Participating in a world-changing project with huge potential for environmental impact and return on investment
The world needs you!
Please send your CV, a link to your portfolio and a few words about yourself, why do you want to work with ACT, and your relevant previous experience. We are looking forward to your application!
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Flutter Developer
Rydoo is a fast-growing SaaS company that is providing the next generation of travel and expense management solutions for businesses across the globe.We are on a mission to make it easier and delightful to book trips and manage expenses as a business traveler.
We’ve gathered a team of 300+ talented individuals who work across our 11 offices or remotely.
Come and join us on the journey of transforming business travel and expense management.
Job Description
We are looking for a passionate mobile developer with Flutter experience to help us build the next generation of expense and travel management tools.
If you’re eager to develop software in an agile environment with a focus on the end user, problem-solving and engineering excellence – this is the place for you!
You will help us craft a world-class mobile app that empowers 500k+ users around the world.
This is an amazing opportunity to push the limits of Flutter and make a contribution to the community.
– Experience in building flutter apps.
– Native iOS and/or Android experience is a plus.
– Knowledge of unit testing.
– Familiarity with SOLID principles and clean architecture.
– Experience consuming REST API’s.
– Nice to have: Xamarin, .NET Core, C#.
– Experience to work in an agile environment.
– Fluent in English (written and spoken).
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Senior Flutter Developer
Job DescriptionThis company is the leading end-to-end crew and fleet management support service for all personnel, operational, commercial, and financial maritime management requirements. An intelligent and comprehensive database for vessels and crew, this company makes crew managerand#39s lives easier by assigning and directing crew to vessels, whilst managing contracts, certifications, and timesheets. It is the only service that manages regulatory compliance liabilities for vessels, employees and third parties. They are looking for a developer to help take the software forward as a part of a team. As a core part of the role, you will be expected to take lead in developing an App using Flutter. As Flutter is a relatively new language, similar experience using React Native/Swift/Vue will be considered. This is an incredible opportunity for someone who is hard working, dedicated, enthusiastic and looking for a challenge, to get in with a new company and help shape its future.
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Flutter Developer for the Soundtrap hub
Soundtrap is a collaborative, browser- and cloud-based recording studio. As of November 2017, we are a part of the Spotify family. Our mission is to enable music and podcast creation for everyone, no matter where in the world you are or what device you are using.
We’re a unit within Spotify, small enough to move fast and make our own decisions, but with all the technical resources that we need from the larger company.
Since our launch in 2013, we have attracted millions of users. With us, anyone can make their recordings online, either as an independent creator or in collaboration with friends, band members or classmates.
What You’ll Do
We’re looking for a full-stack developer with an interest or experience in Flutter to join Soundtrap’s Mobile team.
The app re-imagines the mobile experience on Soundtrap, enabling artists to capture ideas and collaborate to create music at the earliest stages.
You will be working within the core team and with users on the initially design, development and launch of the MVP, moving on to testing, iterating and scaling the app to new and existing Soundtrap users worldwide.
- You will mainly work with Flutter on the new mobile application to architect, build and scale the application.
- You will also work, to a lesser extent, with the server-side API (Java) for the mobile app.
- You will be working in a fast-paced agile environment where you will have a lot of autonomy and ability to shape the future direction of Soundtrap’s mobile app.
- You will work in a friendly, informal environment that supports your individual growth.
Who You Are
- 3+ years of software experience in web/mobile application development.
- You have experience or a keen interest in Flutter.
- You have experience in server-side web application programming.
- You have a good, critical eye for details and are obsessed with every pixel, animation and creating a great UX/UI.
- You are able to write clear, modular, maintainable code that will perform on many platforms and devices.
- You’re passionate about the quality of the software you design and deliver.
Bonus points
- You have experience implementing web applications in Java.
- You have experience in developing mobile applications natively for either Android or iOS, especially if the applications involve audio.
- You have done audio programming.
- Work in open source is a plus so that we can check out some of your contributions and get an idea on how you collaborate.
- Interest in music! Perhaps you play an instrument or just love listening to music non-stop.
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Flutter Developer (M/F)
Votre fonction
En tant que Flutter Mobile Developer, vous êtes directement rattaché à la direction de la société et êtes chargé de maintenir et d'optimiser l'application mobile de notre client.
- Vous participez à l'amélioration continue de l'application mobile de notre client en travaillant sur l'analyse et le développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités;
- Vous êtes garant du bon fonctionnement de l'application mobile et veillez à l'excellence de la qualité du code de l'application;
- Vous êtes force de proposition et amenez des pistes concrètes d'amélioration au niveau technique et business;
- Vous veillez à une expérience utilisateur optimale et vous inspirez des best practices UX.
Votre Profil
- Vous êtes au minimum titulaire d'un Bachelier en informatique ;
- Vous possédez au moins 5 années d'expérience dans le développement d’applications mobiles iOS et Android;
- Vous avez idéalement une première expérience Flutter (Dart);
- Vous êtes passionné d'IOT et d'informatique et vous vous tenez régulièrement informé des best practices et des dernières stacks du secteur;
- Vous avez l'habitude de travailler sous l'impulsion d'une méthodologie Agile (idéalement Scrum);
- Vous êtes un excellent communicateur et nouez facilement contact avec vos collègues;
- Vous êtes flexible, autonome et avez envie de vous investir dans une structure en plein expansion et porteuse de grandes ambitions;
- Vous êtes disposé à travailler en temps plein en région liégeoise (relocation possible).
Notre client vous propose un CDI sous statut employé.
En plus d'un package complet et attractif, vous aurez l'opportunité de rejoindre une structure à taille humaine, jeune, dynamique et pleine d'ambition!
NB: la piste freelance n'est pas envisagée par notre client.
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Stage : Planning poker 2.0 avec Flutter
On recherche un stagiaire pour mettre en place un Planning poker 2.0 avec Flutter.
Stage basé à Lyon.
Le but de ce stage est d'explorer les possibilités et limites du nouveau framework de développement d’application mobile, desktop et web de Google : Flutter. Pour cela, le stagiaire développera une application capable de proposer aux utilisateurs d’effectuer un planning poker synchronisé à distance avec plusieurs autres participants. Les OS cible seront dans un premier temps iOS et Android. Toujours dans une logique d'exploration, l'application sera ensuite portée en application de bureau sur Windows et Linux.
Plusieurs protocoles devront être mis en place : bluetooth low energy, mqtt, wifi.
Le Profil Que Nous Cherchons
Idéalement étudiant(e) en fin de cursus en recherche d’un stage de pré-embauche
À l'aise avec Android Studio ou VSCode
Des connaissances en développement natif (iOS et Android)
Connaître les bases de développement d’une API web.
Un intérêt pour les principes scrum / agile
Une bonne capacité à documenter
Être curieux(euse) et orienté(e) solutions, débrouillard(e)
Witekio C’est Aussi
Cette opportunité de développer le planning poker 2.0 avec Flutter te plait et tu veux en savoir plus.
Des espaces détentes, des bureaux bien situés, café/thé illimités
Des doubles écrans & le choix de ton OS
Une entreprise Handi-Accueillante, avec des aménagements possibles
Un modèle basé sur la proximité, l’écoute, l’épanouissement et le développement des compétences
Un management transparent, bienveillant et des moments de partages pour faire vivre notre culture d’entreprise
Tu adhères ? Contacte-nous !
Envoie-nous ta candidature à click apply
A propos de Witekio
Witekio est expert du logiciel embarqué / IoT, avec une approche système globale, intégrant différentes couches logicielles des systèmes intelligents, du hardware jusqu’au cloud. Nous sommes persuadés qu’un code optimisé associé à une architecture efficace est la colonne vertébrale de tout système embarqué ou connecté.
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Full Stack Developer - Java, Vaadin, Flutter
Full Stack Developer with solid Java and Vaadin or Flutter experience sought by an exciting FinTech scaleup in London. With sizable backing from other large financial enterprises, my client has quickly carved out a niche for themselves in the fast-paced market place that is FinTech creating a groundbreaking platform which allows financial enterprises to connect effortlessly to Banks by a single API. The company is scaling quickly and Hurren & Hope have been called into action to source a number of individuals to join this exciting startup.
The successful individual will work closely with the wider teams to build new customer-facing web and mobile applications whilst creating API's for new and existing clients. So what do you need to be successful? The platform is built on Java so you will need to display strong Java and Spring Boot experience building large scale platforms and API connections alongside core frontend experience using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Candidates with experience with strong Vaddin and Flutter experience will be strongly encouraged to apply as all of the web interfaces are built using Vaadin and all mobile applications are developed with Flutter. Anyone that can also show Android Java or Kotlin will be put straight to the top of the pile.
Candidates can look forward to working for a well-funded and rapidly growing company which presents fantastic career opportunities in the future. Combine this with a competitive starting salary and benefits package this is a very exciting proposition. If you are interested to find out more, please get in touch with your CV.
Did we mention you can earn coins to spend on luxury holidays and the latest Apple products by simply referring great people to us? Well... check out Karmacoin on our website now!
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Cross Platform App Developer
Role: Cross Platform App Developer
Location: Leicester
Salary: £50,000 - £55,000 + Share options
Skills: Cross Platform Development, Android SDK, Xamarin, Cordova, Ionic, Flutter, Native script
It's an exciting time for a unique business based in the Leicester area, if you are passionate about joining an innovative IoT start up on their journey of growth and transformation then continue to read on!
We are looking to recruit a Cross Platform App Developer to play a key part in the progression and development of exciting IoT and Smart tech applications on both mobile, browser and other devices.
They are the only company in their space that do what they do within IoT and are looking for bright, committed and above all innovative individual to help them create their future environment in line with the company vision.
The Role
- You will develop cross platform applications incorporating analytics, real time positioning and alerting
- Create Mobile App's with integration to 3rd party devices deployed over private and public App Stores
- Design and build an advanced mobile application
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
Experience Required
- Experience in Android SDK, Xamarin, Cordova, Ionic, Flutter, Native script or similar
- Experienced in integration to 3rd party devices using BLE
- Experience with integration to NFC
- Experience working with remote data using REST and JSON
- Experience with third-party libraries and APIs.
- Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycles
- Incorporation of IoT protocols would be useful
The Benefits
- Competitive base salary
- Pension
- Invitation to join share option scheme
- Progressive environment
- Annual end of year trip
If you are passionate about innovation and all things IoT, then this is a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills and gain valuable experience. We look forward to receiving your application!
Coburg Banks IT specialise in recruiting in a variety of areas including: Development, IT Support, Programme and Project Management, Business Analysts and Testing as well as mid to senior level IT appointments. We would welcome the opportunity of helping you in your career, so please send a copy of your CV to us
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Flutter Engineer
Stream is seeking a talented Flutter Developer to join our development team. This is a full-time position in our beautiful and spacious Amsterdam office. Daily activities will include building and maintaining open-source libraries to integrate with Stream's APIs.
Most of your day will be dedicated to software design, research and coding. You will work on different operating systems including iOS and Android. The majority of your work will be released as open-source and used by hundreds of our customers and consumed by millions of their users.
- Exceptional understanding of Dart
- A strong understanding of Flutter, iOS, and Android
- Experience integrating RESTful APIs
- Have the ability to clearly express yourself and think through complex problems
- Strong portfolio of past work history, specifically pertaining to Flutter development
Nice To Have
- JavaScript & React Native
- Several contributions to open-source projects, specifically - Flutter/iOS/Android
- Located near Amsterdam or ability to travel occasionally
- Competitive salary (listed salary indications are applicable to employment in the Netherlands)
- Equity in Stream
- Office location in the heart of Amsterdam
- Travel opportunities to our Boulder, Colorado office
- Healthy team lunches
- Excellent espresso (and pour over) coffee, as well as tea
- Be surrounded daily by a team of exceptional engineers
- Support to attend and/or present at industry-related conferences and - meetups
- Encouragement to work on OSS projects
- Transportation reimbursement
About Stream
Stream is an API for building, scaling and personalizing feeds and chat. Stream was founded in the Netherlands before joining the Techstars accelerator. After Techstars, Stream raised more than $4.75M and is now located in both Amsterdam and Boulder, Colorado.
Below Is a Short List Of The Technology That Our Stack Is Currently Built On
We use a wide variety of proven technologies to offer highly optimized and available features to our customers. Over the years we have experimented with different programming languages, frameworks, databases, and libraries.
- Go, Node
- Django, Celery
- Cassandra, Postgres, RabbitMQ
- AWS, Puppet, CloudFormation, Vagrant
- Redis, Memcached
- RocksDB
- Raft
Stream has a casual social culture, our team is very diverse in age, nationality and we all have different backgrounds. Our Amsterdam team is very focused, you will see us heads-down coding or drawing complex charts on whiteboards until we pop up to have a chat or play merciless games of ping-pong.
When it comes to software engineering, our culture is oriented towards ownership and quality: our goal is to deliver stable software that focuses on solving only the right problems. While driven by ambitious visions we execute with great pragmatism.
Our Amsterdam office is located in the TQ tech space in the heart of the city. It is a fantastic building with all the amenities you'd expect. There is a cafe, a shared lunch area and a sports room with table tennis and badminton.
The Hiring Process
- First contact: We’ll tell you more about the company, the work that we do, and why we think Stream is a great place to work. This is a great time for you to ask us questions. We will also have some basic technical and practical questions to make sure we have a first match.
- Tech interview: We’ll put you in the same room with our CTO and another team member for in-depth technical conversations. We are going to challenge your practical abilities in areas like problem-solving, web applications, database design and software design in general. You will not have to write code at this time.
- In-person interviews: If it looks like a good fit from both sides, we’ll bring you in to meet the rest of the team.
- The offer: We are only a signature away from your first day at Stream!
If you think you have what it takes to write next-generation code with our awesome team of engineers, apply now.
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(Senior) Mobile Flutter Developer
Circ is revolutionizing urban mobility. We are changing how people move around cities by developing and deploying a smart, fun and environmentally-friendly transportation system. Headquartered in Berlin, but with mostly-autonomous local teams distributed across major European cities, we are starting by launching a fleet of next-generation electric kick-scooters. And this is only the beginning. Circ is one of the fastest-growing global tech start-ups, with the bold ambition of improving people’s lives through safe, convenient, affordable and comfortable mobility. Come join our team, be part of this exciting journey, help to build a more sustainable future!
We are at the early stages of rolling out Flutter for a substantial part of our mobile development. This is an amazing opportunity to be spearheading this new technology, in the context of a green-field development project.
- Develop high quality and maintainable code with unit tests and documentation, maintenance of existing features, and bug fixing
- Be active in code reviews and discussions to learn, share knowledge, and improve code quality
- Own features from initial technical concepts to production code
- Partner cross-functionality with fellow engineers to ensure consistency is maintained across platforms
- 3+ years of professional experience in developing native mobile applications (iOS or Android)
- At least basic experience in Dart; production experience is a significant plus
- Excited to deep dive and follow all relevant Flutter developments, given the early stage of the framework
- Knowledge of Flutter specific architectures and patterns, including the BLoC pattern
- Knowledge of reactive programming/streams, ideally RxDart
- You are a team player: You comfortably collaborate with designers, developers, and other team members to clarify requirements, implement solutions, and ensure all requirements are met
- Ability to communicate complicated technical problems to both technical and business audiences
- You deliver clean code that is easy to understand and has its own automated tests
- Have strong Computer Science foundation
- Familiarity with Agile development including daily scrum and weekly iteration reviews and planning
- Dedicated to learning and improving mobile development skills
- A hell yes attitude towards tackling challenges
Nice to have:
- Cool graphics & animation abilities - you love beautiful, fluid design
- Experience testing Flutter applications
- Experience working with Platform Channels
- Location-based mobile development experience
What We Offer:
- The opportunity to revolutionize urban mobility and change cities for all of us
- Professional and personal growth building one of the fastest-growing startup of 2019 with a very experienced team of entrepreneurs
- A rapid environment where autonomy, fast decision making and learning by trying is key
- Working together in a team of the best in their fields from top companies around the world
Ready to undertake your next big thing? Awesome! We look forward to talking with you.
Your application and personal data will be collected by LMTS Germany GmbH.
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Middle/Senior Cross platform mobile developer
We develop a mobile application, based on a cross platform framework (Flutter, React Native) for use with Apple iOS and Android devices, which will comunicate with a wearable healthcare device over clud and visualizes parameters.
Our team is involved in design, development and testing, and will follow all the related processes.
Develop and update Android / iOS cross platform application.
Responsible for design and implementation of new features : prototyping, design, implementation, code review, supporting QA team during testing phase
Participate in Code review process
We Offer
Exciting Projects : Come take your place at the forefront of digital transformation! With clients across all industries and sectors, we offer an opportunity to work on market-
defining products using the latest technologies.
Collaborative Environment : Expand your skills by collaborating with a diverse team of highly talented people in an open, laidback environment or even abroad in one of our global centers or client facilities!
Work-Life Balance : GlobalLogic prioritizes work-life balance, which is why we offer flexible work schedules.
Professional Development : Our dedicated Learning & Development team regularly organizes certification and technical / soft skill trainings to help you realize your professional goals.
Excellent Benefits : We provide our consultants with competitive compensation and benefits
Fun Perks : We want you to love where you work, which is why we host sports classes, cultural, social and teambuilding activities such as sports competitions and end-
of-year corporate parties. Our vibrant offices also include dedicated GL Zones and rooftop decks where you can drink coffee or tea with your colleagues over a game of table football or darts!
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Flutter Developer
Mobile Developer – Flutter, Freelance, Berlin
My client is developing a cutting-edge mobile app which will be of great benefit to the social care industry.
They are therefore looking for a mobile developer with strong commercial experience in Flutter to join them on a freelance basis 3, 6 or 9 month project.
The successful Flutter Developer will be: -
• Reviewing code quality
• Developing new features
• Migrating Flutter to Flutter-web
The role if preferable to be onsite in Berlin but for a capable developer they are happy to discuss remote options.
If you could be interested in this freelance Flutter Developer opportunity please send your CV [email protected] or call +49800 664 4810 and ask to speak to Peter for more information.
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iOS Developer (Flutter)
A vibrant client of mine are on the lookout for a Contract Flutter Developer to work remotely with their highly experienced development team across the globe. You’ll be working alongside the core team, comprised of a number of highly experienced and highly rated industry experts.
As a Contract Flutter Developer you will enjoy reworking the Front-End application as well as integrating the application within an iOS stack. You will have a high interest in Blockchain, and working knowledge and experience using Flutter is essential.
As a Contract Flutter Developer you will be expected to adopt the company’s ethos and bring a real drive and passion for quality that will help shape the companies’ tech stack. As a remote Contract Flutter Developer you will be expected to work independently and to a high standard.
The core mobile stack this client use includes:
- •Flutter
•iOS, Objective-C & Swift
•Electron deployment
•Test-driven development
Alongside this, as a Contract React Native Developer, you will have experience in the following:
- •Clean code architecture
•Cross-platform application development
•Interest in Blockchain
If you’re looking to implement your knowledge and expertise with iOS & Flutter in a fully remote position, then this is the time to apply! With initial video interviews being set up from tomorrow (23rd October) please contact Jess Jarrold at the X4 Group for more information on 0207 812 7700 or send your CV to [email protected].
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Flutter App developer Intern
Flutter App developer Intern - Remote Niyah We are offering a chance to join an early-stage startup for a hands-on internship, working directly with the founders in a flat structure. Were in the early stages of building our fintech startup and so you can expect to be exposed to a variety of tasks: we can give you as much opportunity and responsibility as youre ready for. Actively contribute through participation in the agile development of project timelines, implementation design specifications, system flow diagrams, documentation, testing, and ongoing support of systems As a Flutter App developer Intern, you will get to work with a super smart bunch of people who are doing state of the art development work. You will experience Niyah and what defines our culture while honing the skills which separate our development team from others. You will receive mentorship, and gain insight into our values-driven process. Our goal is both to support your growth and development while empowering you for a successful start to your career. You would be a good fit for Niyah if you are: Already knowledgeable and have programming efficiency in HTML and JavaScript and Flutter or eager to learn about new technologies Bonus point if you are familiar with modern web applications, HTTPS and REST APIs Fast learner able to adapt quickly Eager to learn about new technologies and build high-quality software, with great attention to detail Enthusiastic about teamwork Strong communication skills, verbal and written Whats in it for you Opportunity for personal growth in a fast-moving startup. Youll learn as much in a month at Niyah as you would in a year at a large company Working directly with the founders in a very flat structure We are one team, working together. Everyones opinion is valued A diverse team that blends several nationalities and combines deep tech expertise with business profiles What it takes to succeed Passion for product and high-quality software and eagerness to learn about new technologies Understanding the value of strong testing Ability to work in small teams Ambition to disrupt a stale industry (Banking) More..
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Desarrollador Junior Mobile con Flutter
Somos UniversalDoctor la empresa de salud digital global. Hacemos proyectos de eHealth con impacto en la salud global de los ciudadanos. Trabajamos con instituciones internacionales como la OMS y centros de salud a lo largo del globo.
Buscamos una persona dinámica con ganas de formar parte de un proyecto europeo centrado en el manejo y prevención de enfermedades crónicas. La persona en cuestión se encargará de programar el la app móvil para iOS y Android con la tecnología Flutter.
Qué estamos buscando:
• Al menos 1-2 años de experiencia con desarrollo móvil (Android o iOS).
• Experiencia interactuando con API REST.
• Conocimiento de las buenas prácticas de ingeniería de software dentro del ciclo de vida del desarrollo, incluido principios de clean code, code review, gestión de repositorios y sus flujos de trabajo, integración continua, procesos de compilación, testing, etc.
• Experiencia con Git y Android Studio.
• Experiencia de trabajo con un sistema de diseño de interfaz de usuario.
• Capacidad para aportar soluciones y trabajo proactivo.
¿Qué ofrecemos a cambio?
• Un equipo divertido, creativo, colaborador y multicultural.
• Participar en un proyecto europeo enmarcada dentro de los Horizon 2020.
• Soporte de equipo senior que ayudará en la formación con Flutter.
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Flutter Developer
Join the Supernova team and be a part of the design-to-code revolution. Are you at the top of the Flutter game? We need your help to build a new product at the absolute cutting edge - we will push your skills to the max. It’s a chance to change the way our industry works - literally.
You will fit right in if you are:
Passionate about building solid software that will sit at the heart of our product.
Excited by the rapidly-evolving world of a fast-growing startup/scaleup business.
Self-motivating and self-driven - you don’t wait for others to tell you what you should do next.
A learner - never satisfied with just carrying on, always trying to improve your craft.
A sharer - always ready to mentor others and share your expertise.
A communicator - you’re fluent in English, and excited to be working on a diverse and highly international team. You are comfortable speaking up and don’t keep things to yourself - good or bad.
A collaborator - You’re respectful of others and a trusted teammate. You listen as well as talk. If there is a dispute, you seek consensus rather than victory, and the good of the team over personal gain.
You have:
Solid experience building Flutter apps with Dart
Experience building complex UI with interactivity and more than just simple forms and feeds
Major plus if you also have:
Experience working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform
Experience working with with Firebase / Firestore
A solid understanding of REST APIs - and experience implementing your own REST endpoints as needed in Node.js with Typescript
Experience building complex web apps with other technologies like React)
(Also bonus: Experience with Flutter Web - we know, it’s really new)
We offer:
A spot with our friendly team in our awesome new office, in the brand-new WeWork Prague
Career growth opportunities - we are one of the hottest venture-backed startups in Europe - growth with us
Visibility - we’re working with exciting new technologies and world-class partners - we’ll support you as a tech leader and conference speaker if you wish
Hardware - the latest MacBook Pro
With your CV/resume, be sure to highlight how long you’ve worked with Flutter specifically and what kind of project(s).
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Mobile Developer – Flutter
My client is developing a cutting-edge mobile app which will be of great benefit to the social care industry. They are therefore looking for a mobile developer with strong commercial experience in Flutter to join them on a freelance basis 3, 6 or 9 month project.
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Mobile-developer Flutter
Откликнуться Mobile-developer Flutter GXB Russia Уровень зарплаты от По договоренности Красноярский край Йошкар-Ола GXB Development is looking for a strong mobile developer to change the world for the better
We are creating a startup in the teamwork and distance learning fields
Write us, call to us or just come to our office - we will tell you more! We offer: - an interesting and complex product focused on the foreign market; - startup atmosphere and scope for professional growth; - the ability to "do it right"; - official employment and competitive “white” salary; - for local developers office in the center of Yoshkar-Ola, tea, coffee, cookies, fruits - everything is as it should be; Requirements: - experience in mobile development more than 3 years; - experience in working with Flutter, knowledge of the Dart language or ability to learn it as soon as possible; - knowledge of other programming languages, in particular Kotlin, JS; - creating adaptive interface for different resolutions of smartphones and tablets, the implementation of animations and optimization of rendering speed; - the ability to work in a team, the desire to constantly improve your knowledge and skills, proactivity and willingness to propose ideas for improving the project; - good knowledge of OOP; - knowledge of design patterns, understanding of the principles of SOLID and the ability to write automated tests are welcome; - English at the level of fluent reading, the ability to speak fluently will be a great
Additional instructions: Respond to the ad and attach a cover letter with code examples and a short story about the latest projects or the most interesting task that you had to solve. Просмотр контактных данных вакансий доступен только после входа на сайт.Вы можете войти на сайт или зарегистрировать новый аккаунт на этой странице. Дата публикации вакансии 20 октября 2019
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Flutter Developer
Actualmente buscamos incorporar un Flutter Developer, Salario competitivo y progresivo según valía (28-35k).
· Experiencia desarrollando en Flutter o React Native
· Experiencia previa de al menos 2 años en desarrollo de Android o iOS
· Motivación y ganas de seguir aprendiendo y creciendo profesionalmente
· Trabajo en equipo
· Inglés nivel medio
· Grado en ingeniería del software, informática, telecomunicaciones o similar
· Experiencia en Flutter de más de 6 meses
· Experiencia de más de 3 años en Android o iOS
· Experiencia en control de versiones
· Experiencia en implementación de arquitecturas y patrones de diseño
· Experiencia en integración de servicios cloud tipo Amazon Web Services o Firebase
· Estar al día de las nuevas tendencias tecnológicas relacionadas con el puesto
· Conocer Flutter como el/la que más!
· Experiencia en otras tecnologías (Web, Bases de datos)
· Experiencia en otros lenguajes de programación
· Pasión por el deporte
· Desarrollar aplicaciones móviles en Flutter, escribiendo código limpio y eficiente
· Estructurar el código siguiendo arquitecturas y patrones de diseño
· Trabajar en equipo con los diseñadores y el resto de desarrolladores
· Mejora continua del producto
· Incorporarte a un equipo joven en constante crecimiento
· Ambiente de trabajo dinámico y divertido
· Oficinas nuevas en continua mejora (tenemos sillas gaming!)
· Horario de trabajo flexible
· Eventos para conocer al equipo (karts, comidas, etc); reuniones grupales, workshops..
· Ecosistema y ambiente startup
· Salario competitivo y progresivo según valía (28-35k)
Darogaway sigue en constante crecimiento, trabajando y empujando una verdadera revolución en la forma de entender y utilizar la tecnología. Somos partner oficial del equipo de producción que está desarrollando y construyendo OWQLO desde EE.UU.
OWQLO es una plataforma que conectará activos, propiedades, eventos, competiciones, fans, jugadores, y resto de actores del deporte no profesional, bajo un modelo de respeto y seguridad en el que se antepone la privacidad a la monetización, ofreciendo espacios seguros, construidos sobre la base de la familia, la amistad, el deporte, la educación...
OWQLO cuenta con clientes de talla mundial tales como DV7 SOCCER ACADEMY, el proyecto internacional de academias de fútbol de David Villa, así como los torneos de prestigio de Oviedo Cup e ITE DV7 Football.
Footuro by OWQLO ha sido la aplicación oficial de estos dos torneos en 2019, alcanzando los primeros puestos en las tiendas de aplicaciones de Android e iOS (más información en https://footuro.io o descargando la aplicación en tu dispositivo móvil).
Próximamente incorporará grandes clientes de Estados Unidos, Europa, África y Latinoamérica.
Esto es sólo el comienzo. Somos muy conscientes de las dificultades de todo tipo a las que nos enfrentaremos, y queremos incorporar los mejores recursos humanos, comprometidos en transformar el mundo desde el deporte, la educación, la política, la música, el voluntariado..., todos los activos transversales que nos caracterizan como seres humanos comprometidos con el bienestar.
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Développement Application Flutter de gestion d'évènements et AR
Participer à la création d'une application de gestion d'évènements :
Cette application mobile devra être customisable par un administrateur en termes de design et de template de présentation.
De plus elle devra permettre la récupération de KPI précis sur son utilisation.
L'entité Mobile Business Applications (MBA), au sein d'Orange Business Services, est une unité dédiée aux technologies mobiles et à la réalité virtuelle / augmentée.
Le stagiaire intégrera une équipe dynamique et sera encadré par un ingénieur expérimenté et interagira avec l'ensemble des parties prenantes du sujet (experts Flutter, Unity, 3D )
Le stage se déroulera en plusieurs phases :
about you
Vous préparez un Bac +5 (Master ou Ingénieur) dans le domaine du développement, et vous avez une passion pour les technologies mobiles et la réalité augmentée ?
Ce stage est fait pour vous.
Curieux et ingénieux vous aimez trouver des solutions et avez une appétence particulière pour l'expérience utilisateur.
Vous aimez la veille et êtes sensible à l'innovation.
Bonnes connaissances des environnements suivants : iOS, Android, C# ou JavaScript.
Connaissance Flutter, Unity 3D, ARkit appréciée mais pas obligatoire.
Avoir des facultés d'adaptation et d'excellentes qualités relationnelle et rédactionnelle pour intégrer une équipe jeune et soudée dans une ambiance des plus sympathiques.
Digital & Data
Partenaire de la transformation digitale des entreprises, Orange Digital&Data est l'entité d'Orange Business Services spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de services applicatifs et l'intégration de systèmes.
Implantés dans plusieurs grandes villes françaises comme Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille et Toulouse nous accompagnons au quotidien près de 20 000 entreprises tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets, dans les domaines clés de l'expérience digitale, de la Data Analytics et l’Intelligence Métier.
Pour la 4ème année consécutive, Orange reçoit la certification Top Employer Global 2019. Cette certification consacre les meilleures politiques et pratiques en termes de programmes de ressources humaines.
L’innovation est essentielle à votre métier, construisons la ensemble !
Level : Master 1
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Tech Lead Mobile Applications (m/f/d)
What it’s all about
Our cross-functional mobile app team is looking for a Technical Lead, who supports them building great mobile experiences for our customers.
You like to work closely with Product Owners, UX engineers and other developers to improve our existing apps and build new ones using a state-of-the-art technology stack? Then this position is right for you! Many interesting technical challenges are waiting for you.
What your tasks will be
- You design and build high-quality code for mobile applications using Flutter
- You guide the team in the development process and help them build scalable and maintainable solutions
- You collaborate closely with the business stakeholders, product owners and the developers to refine the requirements
- You help to estimate the feasibility, complexity and timeline for new features
What you should bring to the job
- You have in depth experience in app development for iOS and/or Android.
- Ideally you have built mobile apps using Flutter or a similar technology before.
- You are an experienced JavaScript developer with solid knowledge in design patterns, debugging, testing and continuous integration. Experiences with a typed JavaScript version are nice to have.
- You love to build new products and want to be part of an agile, cross-functional team. You’re seeing problems as challenges, which need to be solved.
- You like to share your knowledge with other developers and like to work closely with product owners and UX to build great products.
- You know the iOS and/or Android APIs and are familiar with the different app stores and their release processes.
- Ideally you have already worked with Docker and Kubernetes before
What you can expect
An exciting job with great prospects and responsibilities. If you're looking for daily challenges and want to make a difference, you've come to the right place. Our aim is to continuously improve Internetstores and our online shops to create the perfect shopping experience for all our customers. Of course, this doesn’t come at the expense of having fun and enjoying the occasional refreshing drink after work to celebrate our successes! With flexible working hours, 30 days of holiday and home office days, ensuring all our employees have a great work-life balance is massively important to us. In addition to attractive product and public transport discounts, we’ll also give you great deals on a wide range of sports activities.
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Développeur Mobile Flutter
Partenaire de la transformation digitale des entreprises, Digital&Data est l'entité d'Orange Business Services spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de services applicatifs et l'intégration de systèmes.
Implantés dans plusieurs grandes villes françaises comme Paris, Rennes, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille et Toulouse... nous accompagnons au quotidien près de 20 000 entreprises tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets, dans les domaines clés de l'expérience digitale, de la Data Analytics et l'Intelligence Métier.
Pour la 4e année consécutive, Orange reçoit la certification « Top Employer Global » 2019. Cette certification consacre les meilleures politiques et pratiques en termes de programmes de ressources humaines.
L'innovation est essentielle à votre métier, construisons la ensemble !
Pour accompagner son équipe Digital Expérience, Digital&Data recherche un stagiaire en fin d'études pour son équipe de Bordeaux (Pessac).
Au sein d'une équipe de 25 personnes vous aborderez des sujets variés tournants autour d'Android et Ios.
L'objectif du stage est d'étudier le portage d'une application mobile iOS et Android vers la technologie Flutter.
Vous étudierez les impacts du portage de l'application existante et vous définirez les recommandations nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre :
- Architecture à utiliser.
- Choix des plugin à utiliser.
- Procédures de tests.
L'étude s'accompagne également de Proof Of Concepts qui permettront de valider les choix proposés.
La complexité de l'application actuelle (taille de l'application, utilisation de ressources natives comme la cartographie ou le Bluetooth) font de ce stage un réel challenge.
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Flutter App developer Intern
Flutter App developer Intern - Remote Niyah We are offering a chance to join an early-stage startup for a hands-on internship, working directly with the founders in a flat structure. We're in the early stages of building our fintech startup and so you can expect to be exposed to a variety of tasks: we can give you as much opportunity and responsibility as you're ready for. Actively contribute through participation in the agile development of project timelines, implementation design specifications, system flow diagrams, documentation, testing, and ongoing support of systems As a Flutter App developer Intern, you will get to work with a super smart bunch of people who are doing state of the art development work. You will experience Niyah and what defines our culture while honing the skills which separate our development team from others. You will receive mentorship, and gain insight into our values-driven process. Our goal is both to support your growth and development while empowering you for a successful start to your career. You would be a good fit for Niyah if you are: Already knowledgeable and have programming efficiency in HTML and JavaScript and Flutter or eager to learn about new technologies Bonus point if you are familiar with modern web applications, HTTPS and REST APIs Fast learner able to adapt quickly Eager to learn about new technologies and build high-quality software, with great attention to detail Enthusiastic about teamwork Strong communication skills, verbal and written What's in it for you Opportunity for personal growth in a fast-moving startup. You'll learn as much in a month at Niyah as you would in a year at a large company Working directly with the founders in a very flat structure We are one team, working together. Everyone's opinion is valued A diverse team that blends several nationalities and combines deep tech expertise with business profiles What it takes to succeed Passion for product and high-quality software and eagerness to learn about new technologies Understanding the value of strong testing Ability to work in small teams Ambition to disrupt a stale industry (Banking)
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Flutter App Developer
Rockstar candidates will have:
more than 2 years of experience with app development.
abilities to built perfect app interfaces from detailed designs
experience in working with NoSQL databases.
experience in working with API
a passion for music and the start-up working environment.
* We are developing our app as cross-platform using Flutter from Google, and Google Firestore as our database. It is not a requirement that you have experience with these, as it is fairly easy to learn if you have experience as an app developer.
You will get to:
Built the front end of our Flutter app based on amazing UI designs
Integrate cool new features in the app for concert goers.
Integrate worldwide concert data from ticket offices and music media.
Work with an awesome team that has over 10 years of experience in both the music industry and product development.
Furthermore, you will be able to go to a lot of concerts and festivals and meet interesting people from the music industry.
We are based in Aarhus and Copenhagen. If you want to join the Tribute start-up adventure and the chemistry is right, we would love to bring you on board.
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Flutter Developer (IOS or Android)
Roc Search - Flutter Developer - IOS or Android - 3 Month Rolling Contract - Mobile App Startup - London / Remote Split - £££ daily rate
Roc Search are working with a funded, exciting new Mobile App Startup client, helping them recruit a Developer with personal or commercial experience with Flutter.
You will work alongside one other perm Lead developer and alongisde another Flutter Developer. The people behind this app have a huge background of successful startup's and mobile app dev agencies under their belt so expect this to be the '' next best thing'' in it's field.
You will be able to work 3 days per week remotely, with 2 days per week based in their offices in Central London.
Experience required:
IOS or Android Development background
Flutter (personal or commercial experience)
Exp on apps with Audio functionality
Exp on apps with Payments functionality
Please apply with your up to date CV.
Please contact Michael Nourse at Roc Search for more info on 0207 118 5500 [email protected]
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Flutter Developer
Flutter / Flutter Developer / Android / mobile / mobile developer
Flutter Developer (Remote Contract)
I am working with an exciting startup, that are looking a mobile developer with experience with flutter to help deliver an flagship flutter product.
- 4+ Years’ experience developing mobile
- Experience with flutter (must be commercial)
- Git and GitHub experience
Further Details:
- Day Rate: Up to about £425 a day
- Location: Based in Zone 1 (1 day a week) however 4 days working remotely
If you like the sound of the above role, please contact [email protected]
Flutter / Flutter Developer / Android / mobile / mobile developer
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Flutter developer
About Ally
Ally is a tech startup in Stockholm digitalizing and simplifying the doctor visit by offering house calls on demand. Our vision is to create a service that combines convenience and accessibility with quality care and medical integrity.
We strive to make a positive impact in the world and help people stay healthy. We believe in doing well by doing good and creating a win-
win-win for patients, doctors and society. Our culture is characterized by high level of team work, commitment to excellence, and having fun.
We support each other and give room for creativity and imagination.
About you
We are looking for a passionate Flutter developer who wants to help transform the healthcare industry with new tech and great design! You will be responsible to further develop our Flutter application.
IOS development skills are a plus.
Are you curious? Do you like to contribute to other teams and to help write backend code? Are you a generalist with a passion for technology?
Then you might be the developer we are looking for!
What you get
You will come in at an early stage and your role will be crucial. As a developer you will :
Perks and benefits
We embrace flexible working and individual productivity rhythms. As one of our first and very important employees, we also offer equity!
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(Senior) Mobile Engineer for a new Oetker Digital Venture
At our Venture, you build great applications and have the opportunity to shape the way we approach engineering.
Join our growing team as (Senior) Mobile Engineer .
Your Future
- You develop state-of-the-art iOS and Android apps, and optimize them in collaboration with our UX experts to maximise user experience and performance
- Collaborate in small agile delivery teams with our product management, user interface design, user experience research and analytics colleagues
- You shape high-quality software within agile and test-driven processes as one of your main responsibilities
- Contributing to great architectures and building the base of easily-extendable and well-maintainable applications is something you enjoy and take pride in
- As a highly collaborative, team-oriented person you want to work in an ambitious and creative team
- You are not afraid to try new things and are willing to learn from others as well as sharing your own expertise
Your Strengths
- Several years of experience in one or more of iOS, Android and cross-platform mobile development
- You are a pragmatic engineer with a knack for problem solving, who has proven skills in creating innovative apps with elegant user interfaces
- You have got a solid understanding of one or more of Swift, Kotlin and Flutter, as well as object-oriented paradigms for both. If you know when and when not to use other approaches such as reactive programming, that's even better
- You have a preference for working test-first to produce clean code, with good knowledge of design patterns, continuous integration and also a practical understanding of lean and agile practices
- You are interested in diving into different disciplines to broaden your knowledge in other fields of expertise
- Strong communication skills in English. German is a plus
- Experience of frontend and/or backend technologies is a bonus, as is a knowledge of tools like Docker, AWS, and continuous deployment
- Mobile: iOS - Swift, Android - Kotlin, Flutter
- Frontend: React, Node.js, Vue.js
- Backend: .Net Core, ASP.Net Core, PHP
- Infrastructure: Docker, AWS
Our Promise
At our Berlin office, you will pursue greenfield, customer-centric projects with impact on the Oetker Group both domestically and internationally. We invite you to voice your ideas and explore new paths, in an open-minded, motivated, team-oriented environment.
Interested? Become part of our team and shape the future of the Oetker Group!
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Flutter Engineer
My client is one of the unicorns of the Berlin market and are expanding at an unprecedented rate, what they offer is truly unparalleled and you will be working on some of the most groundbreaking innovations.
They have one of the best benefits package on the market and you will have the chance to work with some of the most talented minds in the industry, They pride themselves on working with the latest technologies and they have a very social working environment
- Architect, build, iterate and manage SDK's;
- Integrate existing and new functionality into our cross-platform wrappers;
- Develop and maintain our SDK example apps for iOS and Android;
- Plan and develop new wrappers, for example for the Flutter framework;
- Mobile: iOS - Swift, Android - Kotlin, Flutter
- React Native
- Infrastructure: Docker, AWS
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Flutter Dev Student Trainee (m/f/d)
About Campusjaeger GmbH
As a recruiter, Campusjaeger connects students and graduates with interesting employers from all over Germany. Apply now for free in only a few steps via Campusjaeger for this and many further exciting jobs.
Job description:
About us
As a startup dedicated to public transport, our vision is to make buying tickets as easy as possible for passengers. This is why we are developing a function that automatically detects the beginning and end of a journey on public transport. Based on the recognition, it is possible to provide the passenger with the cheapest ticket.The problems we are trying to solve are both interesting and challenging: developing a reliable ride detection based on smartphone sensors for an automatic ticketing system while building a cost-efficient solution that attracts public transport providers.We value diversity, fostering creativity and active collaboration within the team. We know that a happy work environment provides opportunities for all. We believe that together we can build a great solution which has a big impact on passengers of public transport.
Minimum qualifications
- Software development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages
- Currently enrolled for engineering, computer science or equivalent practical experience
- Experience in working with Xamarin or React Native Flutter development
- Experience building applications for iOS and Android
- Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed
Preferred qualifications
- Experience with testing in the mobile space
- Experience with Flutter
- Experience with API development
- Plus: Experience in Amazon Web Services and CI-Tools
- Work with our development team to build a new cross-platform (Flutter) prototype
- Realize yourself in the design of the prototype and the product
- Ensure that our mobile applications are delivered with the highest quality
- Development of front and backend concepts
- Complete support of app development process: from development start and optimization to testing with external test users
What we offer
- Flat hierarchies
- Attractive remuneration
- Team events
- Varied tasks and challenges
- Flexible working hours (work when your timetable allows)
- Plants and couch in the office
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Flutter Developer
Flutter Developer We're looking for a freelance Flutter Developer to work with start-based in Central London. Description You'll be contributing to their iOS and Android app, the new code is being written in Flutter but the existing code has been written in Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android. You'll be the most Senior Mobile Developer in the team and will work closely with Product, Design etc Mobile Engineers with some of the below experience should apply: - Commercial or personal experience with Flutter - Hands-on experience with either Swift or Kotlin - Bluetooth experience is essential - Experience working on a location based app would be advantageous Interested Flutter Developers should apply with an up to date CV or email tom[dot]shannon[at]knowit[dot]co[dot]uk
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Flutter / Dart Developer
RevenYOU is looking for a Flutter / Dart Developer who wants to work for a well-financed Dutch startup.
Location: Haarlem (15 minutes by train from Amsterdam)
Level: Junior / Medior / Senior
Level of education: Bachelor degree
Language: Dutch / English
According to Emerce.nl, RevenYOU is ‘’one of the top seven fintech companies to look out for this year’’ and dutch media company Sprout called us ‘’the google of the stock exchange’’. None of this changes the fact that we are a young and fun company with a shared goal: make RevenYOU a success!
What will you be doing?
As a Flutter / Dart Developer for RevenYOU, you will be responsible for the mobile app development of our product. You will be working on the Android and IOS app using Flutter / Dart (in for example Android Studio or Visual Studio Code) according to the Scrum methodology.
You must be fully aware of the latest mobile app developments, possibilities and, trends willing to be working with it in, for instance, beta versions. You are responsible for creating and sharing your mobile vision within the rest of the RevenYOU organization. We choose to use a cross-platform solution for the RevenYOU mobile division, we expect your help in furthering this principle.
Who are we?
RevenYOU is a financial start-up without the creativity killing formalities. Join our ambitious team members on a mission to make the world of investing, cryptocurrency, and the asset market more accessible for everyone. To achieve this goal we started development of an easy to use investment app. The RevenYOU app makes investing accessible to everyone, regardless of experience through its innovative open trading platform based on automatic trading strategies and machine learning. Invest like a pro, even if you aren’t one!
What do we offer?
We offer an excellent salary based on your work experience. Freelance is also a possibility but we prefer a full-time employee who will join us in our office in Haarlem, Netherlands. Haarlem is just 10 minutes by train from Amsterdam. As a start-up, we offer plenty of opportunity for personal growth and a pleasant workplace with an open, and fun international team! You will have enough space to learn and discover new things and have lots of independence, responsibility and, room for initiative.
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Dart / Flutter Developer - Shop Applications
We are currently looking for a skilled Dart / Flutter Developer to support us building the fastest & most intuitive shopping app using a brand new tech stack!
The Shop Applications Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. They constantly challenge themselves to raise the bar of what is “state of the art” in customer-facing products.
Challenges the team will be working on in the next 12 months:
- Improving the customer experience by continuously implementing new features, optimizing user flow, and increasing technical performance
- Optimizing the eCommerce performance based on A/B Tests and KPI goals
What you will do
- Implement new features in our App version using Dart and Flutter to reach the highest performance standards
- Work closely together with other experienced developers, product managers, QA, and designers to ship new components and features
- Be a mentor to more junior team members and always act as a good example regarding coding standards and code reviews
- Work on the implementation of high-leverage features to optimize UX and conversion rates
- Draft architectural decisions together with our Tech Lead and explore new technologies
- Have a direct impact on team processes by regular agile retrospectives
Who you are
- You have 3+ years of experience in building complex customer-facing applications
- You are very proficient in App development and had first touch points coding in Dart, alternatively experienced in related technologies (e.g. Typescript, C#, Swift and/or Objective C)
- You have a deep understanding of the basics and worked in a fast-changing environment before
- You have a very good understanding of Typescript and React
- You write well-structured, efficient and maintainable code and actively keep the quality of the code base in check
- You have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
- You are used to working in an English speaking environment
Nice to have:
- Touchpoints with Typescript / Native Development ( Swift / Objective C )
- Previous work experience in the AWS ecosystem
We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :)
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Mobile software Engineer
Join the leader in business communications and help us design the future. At Dolby, science meets art, and high tech means more than computer code. In the Communications Business Group, we are passionate about delivering spectacular experiences in the office and in the conference room just as much as in the movie theater. To do that, we need the absolute best talent to accelerate the market adoption of our communications API platform. We’re big enough to give you all the resources you need, and small enough so you can make a real difference and earn recognition for your work.
- Design and develop of reliable and efficient software modules in a timely manner
- Understanding the product requirements and derive detailed specifications from product requirements
- Participate and contribute in software design and code reviews
- Write and execute the unit test cases
- Maintain and extend the existing software modules
- Analyze the customer escalations and provide effective solutions
- Develop efficient and innovative solutions to the technical problems
Qualifications and personal skills
- A talented software engineer with a degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or with equivalent experiences
- Must have experience in hybrid native development (React Native, Cordova or Flutter)
- Must have good verbal and written communication skills
- Must have knowledge of gradle’s mechanisms and the build system operational management for Android
- Must have knowledge of Carthage / Cocoapod mechanisms and the build system for iOS
- Must have good skills testing and continuous integration
- Nice to have some experience of Native development (iOS: Swift, Android: Java)
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Flutter Mobile Software Engineer (m/w/d) in PropTech
Does the premise of solving large scale business problems with technology excite you? Are you interested in the challenges of digitizing and automating processes in the traditional real-estate industry? Do you want to be part of the ground-up software development at a EUR 700 million-a-year business, and make a massive impact in transforming the industry itself? Then we need to talk!
At Engel & Völkers Technology, we are reimagining our own industry. An industry that we have excelled in for over 40 years and has transformed Engel & Völkers into one of the world’s leading service companies specialised in the brokerage of premium residential property, commercial real estate, yachts and aircraft. Despite our successes, we see the need to be on the leading edge of innovation and always be pushing the boundaries of the industry. As a software engineer, you will be involved in developing property-tech that will revamp an entire industry. You will own the full software development lifecycle of your products and work on complex problems with startup agility at enterprise scale with global impact.
Our development ecosystem:
- Languages: Java, Golang, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Elixir, Objective-C, Swift, Dart/Flutter
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, OracleDB, Redis
- CI/CD Toolchain: Jenkins, Saltstack, Artifactory
- Project Management: JIRA, Confluence
- We believe in using the best tool for the job, you make your case
Your responsibilities:
- Plan, design and implement end-to-end solutions for products with your team and product owners
- Develop mobile solutions over all layers of the stack for our new B2B, B2C and internal applications
- Participate actively in technical discussions and presentations with fellow engineers and iterate on technologies and practices
- Be a solid team player as part of an agile, autonomous team and contribute to the development of fellow engineers
Your profile:
- Experience designing and delivering mobile applications meeting industry standards and complying to internal SLAs
- Extensive knowledge of software engineering best practices covering the full software development lifecycle
- Several years of proven software development experience
- Deep understanding of Dart and Flutter as well as Swift or Kotlin
- Experience with at least one native mobile platform Android or iOS
- Understands the importance of a well organized codebase and documentation
- Capable of implementing unit, integration, end-to-end and load testing of developed applications
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer or Electrical Engineering, Business Informatics or equivalency in relevant work experience
- Experience in the real estate industry, ideally in PropTech
- Experience with DevOps and Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Experience working with Redux for Flutter
- Experience working with socket-based communication protocols such as gRPC or Websockets
- Public GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket account with demonstrable coding projects
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Dart / Flutter Developer - Shop Applications
Job description
We are currently looking for a skilled Dart / Flutter Developer to support us building the fastest & most intuitive shopping app using a brand new tech stack!
The Shop Applications Team constantly improves the App, Mobile Website and Desktop Website. These big-scale products are each visited by several million people every month. The team’s focus is to provide the most inspiring, convenient, intuitive, and easy-to-use shopping experience for our customers. They constantly challenge themselves to raise the bar of what is “state of the art” in customer-facing products.
Challenges the team will be working on in the next 12 months:
- Improving the customer experience by continuously implementing new features, optimizing user flow, and increasing technical performance
- Optimizing the eCommerce performance based on A/B Tests and KPI goals
What you will do
- Implement new features in our App version using Dart and Flutter to reach the highest performance standards
- Work closely together with other experienced developers, product managers, QA, and designers to ship new components and features
- Be a mentor to more junior team members and always act as a good example regarding coding standards and code reviews
- Work on the implementation of high-leverage features to optimize UX and conversion rates
- Draft architectural decisions together with our Tech Lead and explore new technologies
- Have a direct impact on team processes by regular agile retrospectives
Who you are
- You have 3+ years of experience in building complex customer-facing applications
- You are very proficient in App development and had first touch points coding in Dart, alternatively experienced in related technologies (e.g. Typescript, C#, Swift and/or Objective C)
- You have a deep understanding of the basics and worked in a fast-changing environment before
- You have a very good understanding of Typescript and React
- You write well-structured, efficient and maintainable code and actively keep the quality of the code base in check
- You have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
- You are used to working in an English speaking environment
Nice to have:
- Touchpoints with Typescript / Native Development ( Swift / Objective C )
- Previous work experience in the AWS ecosystem
We are looking forward to receiving your application – preferably via our online application portal! Thus, we can ensure a faster process and for you it is very easy to upload your application documents. :)
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Student Trainee (m/f/d): Flutter Development
As a startup dedicated to public transport, our vision is to make buying tickets as easy as possible for passengers. This is why we are developing a function that automatically detects the beginning and end of a journey on public transport. Based on the recognition, it is possible to provide the passenger with the cheapest ticket.
The problems we are trying to solve are both interesting and challenging: developing a reliable ride detection based on smartphone sensors for an automatic ticketing system while building a cost-efficient solution that attracts public transport providers.
We value diversity, fostering creativity and active collaboration within the team. We know that a happy work environment provides opportunities for all. We believe that together we can build a great solution which has a big impact on passengers of public transport.
Minimum qualifications
- Software development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages
- Currently enrolled for engineering, computer science or equivalent practical experience
- Communication skills in verbal and written English
- Experience working Flutter development
- Experience building applications for iOS and Android
- Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed
Preferred qualifications
- Experience with testing in the mobile space
- Experience with one or more technologies including but not limited to: Go, Java, node.js
- Experience with API development
- Plus: Experience in Amazon Web Services and CI-Tools
- Work with our development team to build a new cross-platform (Flutter) prototype
- Realize yourself in the design of the prototype and the product
- Ensure that our mobile applications are delivered with the highest quality
- Development of front and backend concepts
- Complete support of app development process: from development start and optimization to testing with external test users
We are looking for a smart, enthusiastic, and creative engineer with a solid background in solving hard problems that span the software development and systems engineering.
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