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Looking for a flutter mode/wrapper  that provides caching to the Google geocaching lookup service so that I only need to lookup the location of a photo once.  Deliver in with a basic flutter demo app with your model in an easy to import file.

Inputs:  A photo's EXIF GPSInfo Tags:
#exiv2 -pv . test_photo.jps | grep GPSInfo
0x0000 GPSInfo      GPSVersionID                Byte        4  2 2 0 0
0x0001 GPSInfo      GPSLatitudeRef              Ascii       2  N
0x0002 GPSInfo      GPSLatitude                 Rational    3  30/1 15/1 5100/100
0x0003 GPSInfo      GPSLongitudeRef             Ascii       2  W
0x0004 GPSInfo      GPSLongitude                Rational    3  97/1 39/1 2554/100
0x0005 GPSInfo      GPSAltitudeRef              Byte        1  0
0x0006 GPSInfo      GPSAltitude                 Rational    1  13186/100

The eventual application will be a photo-album with < 100 photos.  I would like to make to make the $$ Google API call only once and cache the data using a package like https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_cache_manager.

* Convert to lat/lon format needed for Google reverse geolocation lookup via:
https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro#GeocodingRequests.  No EXIF library needed - I have that just start with values for each LatLong etc..


* Configurable key parameter init or something (bonus points if you have insights how to best protect API key's in Flutter.  ) 
* Provide a cache clear function 
* Cache only successful lookups ;-)
* Whole response, but I will likely only use the "formatted_address": "Austin, TX 78742, USA".  Really I only need the city and state (or globally friendly equivalent.)
* Provide a configurable number of entries, default to 10,.  (i.e. I might just cache all 100 photos)) 
* Provide a configurable age for Geocode entries, default to 90 days. (I may have other cached things so not a global setting for the cache tech.)
* Leverage an existing flutter cache package.
* Basic debug logging (you can just use print, but I am using the logger libary)

String photoLocation = cachingGeoCodeFancyThing(
      GPSLatitudeRef: W,
         GPSLatitude: (the rational number...)
     GPSLongitudeRef: N
        GPSLongitude: (the rational number..)

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Permalink: https://flutterjobs.com/jobs/127-flutter-geocode-lookup-with-cache-upwork
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